Here is one guys Reply
Two good articles Here and Here. These are the subject matter he's talking about.
It's funny, I was well on my way to homesteading just as both articles advised but didn't know what it was called at the time, just knew where I was going. I only wanted healthy food without chemicals. Start with a simple garden and learn the rest.
And that's when I had my first "lesson" with our corporate judicial system and bureacracy. Lost everything when I ignorantly was tricked into going to court. No injured party, no legal penalty for me, except for wasting my money, fraudulent foreclosure, extortion, divorce, destroying my credit and business of over thirty years, and a total loss of everything I had invested, plus all my lifelong assets, which added up to almost $1M. It snowballed from there. I walked away with nothing! I did save all the documented evidence for later. I just need to eventually prosecute everyone that participated in the fraud when the time is right and my education is complete.
Never mind the negative aspects. This painful "lesson" is how I accidentally ended up here. Most expensive lesson I've learned! They took advantage of the wrong guy! The adventures in court allowed this assertive yet nieve individual to start asking uncomfortable questions. Their games allowed me to ask questions they'd rather not let any of us know the answers to. Learned about the deception of politics which I never payed attention to before. I am much richer for it today!
With every negative, we need to pay attention and squint real hard to see the positive right in front of us.
It's amazing how much we don't know. But thanks to you and everyone here I am a little better off than when I was ignorant. Like the articles suggested, we learn best from OUR mistakes. I'm still on the homesteading goal with a bit more emphasis on self sustainability but now primarily for pure political reasons. My expensive lesson taught me the importance of sovereignty. I need to cut all the invisible strings and learn how to walk around all the landmines they have waiting for us, before I return the favor and prosecute the criminals involved.
I had previously self-built a passive solar home that detractors insisted was foolish. Some later apologized when fuel prices skyrocketed, because it worked. I was ahead of my time, because I did it MY way instead of the common opinion of the experts. I can't wait to do it again. I can improve upon my first version. I'm now interested in bartering a solar design and construction in exchange for land and maybe co-op farming or caring for horses or livestock, which I know nothing about.
Thanks for all your help,
Anyone want to contribute their two cents worth?
some of us are drowning and don't have time to read other peoples horror stories, we are living our own and is why we are drowning. Is there any remedy in the two stories? Then I would be anxious to read.
If I stop and undo everything about me none of that will save my Dad from being murdered on psycho drugs and will be dead by then. The estate finished off, the property sold that holds evidence for Mom's murder (that we can't get to and the police should be gathering) and she won't have justice.
What good would it do me to be sitting in a "protected" space at that point?????? I would rather die.
What we need is criminal indictments on the nephilim running the government.
It might be simpler to go the pure trust route ; got bounced all over the place at the recorders office trying to file ; counter trolls called the cops . Good luck .
Yes, Joseph is correct. A pure trust will absolutely protect your assets and allow you to take these tyrants to task with you under a Forma Pauperis status to where you can now make them pay for your assistance of counsel, investigators, translators, expert witnesses, psych evaluations, etc.
If only a small percentage of we the people take such an approach, it would damage their parade to a point of imploding.
Do have any cases that have won I can look at? Rosanna
Rosanna , the only one I know of is Hagan Smith ( you tube ) . He now lives in Fla. I'm not doing hardly any sovereignty stuff right now because of other problems and the last phone # I .had is ng.
Wind turbines are an excellent source for energy. The only problem is, they only work when the wind is blowing. I have solved that problem. It involves abandoning turbines. Everything is done with turbines today because it keeps the rich in control. But I figured out how you can remove yourself from the grid and never ever be without electricity again.
Tim, I like your idea about removing one-self from the grid. I went to the and donated at your request. I was wondering how to go about sending the email addresses of four of my friends to you. Count me in. I want to help with this great idea.
If I do this will it get me my Dad's (LIBERTY) so I can take him home (PROPERTY) and we can live their within a week (LIFE)? Rosanna
If we can get this in distribution, and you were the first on board, the money this could make would certainly solve many problems, would it not? My confidence in this is very very high. I have done the math and my homework.
Thanks Jon! Talk to your friends. Go to that site with them, and look over the prospect. If they sign up, send me their email addresses to, and I will credit you with their sign up. Its simple and easy and not a great deal of cash outlay.
Just so you know, the vast majority of the system design is not laid out here due to patent security. For example the system shown here is a cyclical output. In other words, electricity only comes out when the air is pushing up from the bottom, not when it is sinking to the bottom. The easy solution here would be to build an 'eight cylinder engine" with eight water towers, then time their output, just like a gasoline engine. But our science goes beyond that. The unseen device is a single tower with a continuous output.The demonstration unit which you have now funded, will be built like this, this Spring with the hopes of turn on this Summer. It will output enough electricity for about 6 / 200 amp services. If you were to build one, your neighbors could get their electricity off the grid for half price and your electricity would be free! That's so cool! That is if I can get the help I need from people like you! Thanks again Jon!