Statutes at Large!
Imagine a racket where you have a product and you get to go to the government and have them make a law that says everyone in the whole country has to buy your product.
I can't fool you people. You already know what I'm talking about. That's right; I'm talking about the INSURANCE industry fraud.
Auto insurance. Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, Home Insurance, Life, (death) Insurance, Renter's Insurance, Flight Insurance, and even, PET insurance.
As far as I can tell, when I read the Statutes at Large under RICO, it seems to me that there are several violations of these codes by these people and their insurance schemes. Let's take a look; shall we?
“...'racketeering activity' means,...(B) any act which is indictable under any of the following provisions of title 18, United States Code: Section 201 (relating to bribery), 473 (relating to counterfeiting), section 664 (relating to embezzlement from pension and welfare funds), sections 891–894 (relating to extortionate credit transactions), section 1028 (relating to fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents),... section 1344 (relating to financial institution fraud)...”
I think if there is anyone guilty of RICO charges, it's the people running the insurance game AND the people in our government colluding with them.
You know it's strange that people will fight to the death for a "wild" animal to live out it's life as GOD intended by returning it to the wild to be "free", yet these same idiots will tell you that you can't do the same thing, BE FREE!
Free to live, make mistakes, pay for your own mistakes and Live Free or Die! That's what they want for the Gibbons and the Pandas, but NOT YOU! YOU have to buy "insurance", like it or not. The "government" said so.
Now don't you wish you had THAT gig?
I like everyone having liability insurance. However the moment insurance became mandatory, the price went up. What I would like to see is the elimination of mandatory coverage as it exists today.
What I would like instead is this: A tax on Oregon gas to go into a fund to cover everyone for liability insurance. If you have Oregon plates or an Oregon drivers license, you are covered.
If you don't drive much, you don't pay much insurance. If you drive a lot, then you naturally pay more. This coverage would follow you to other states so long as the car or driver were from Oregon.
At the very least, I would like to see insurance companies banned from expensive TV advertising and instead put that money toward lowering rates.
Just my thoughts on the matter.
OK Bill,
But a question. What the hell are you doing up at this hour?
Also, I too believe "drivers", with their "license" and state "plates", should be covered by insurance. The problem is, Driving is a Profession. I don't "drive" a "motor vehicle". Neither do you, unless you are a professional "driver" of one sort or another and then should be licensed.
Click the link, THEN tell me what you think.
I have been saying this same thing all along. I don't even want this crappy Obama Care. It is horrible stuff. I don't even use this insurance much at all, because I do more natural (which this crappy insurance does not pay for) and when my husband had a problem last month and could not walk, he needed an MRI because they thought it was a pinched nerve causing his leg to go out. We could not get an MRI, he was in severe pain, but first they would need an x-ray, then physical therapy, and then they might be able to do an MRI, and by that time he would have probably had a heart attack from the pain. We could not even get in to see the doctor, as there were no appointments for emergency. We had to go to ER and then all they did was give him morphine and he was only good for 3 hours and the pain was back. We took our own knowledge into action since we could not get proper medical help on our Obama Do Not Care. Ice and heat and massage, and very slowly his leg came back, he was pretty much bed ridden for weeks and then we did one week of therapy. He was somewhat better so we decided to just try and get him healed on our own. Skip going to the doctor, they cannot help you when you need it, not with Obama Do Not Care.
If it were up to me, I don't even want this Obama Do Not Care. I use all natural stuff to keep myself healthy. I don't like the government forcing things on me. If I were to get cancer, I would never get chemo or radiation, as cancer is curable naturally and chemo and radiation just makes the cancer worse, as it kills the good cells as well as the bad and it always comes back and with a vengeance after Chemo and Radiation. This is nothing but a racket! Just like you said. People go to prison for crimes under the RICO Act, but not these insurance companies because the corrupt Federal Government has their backs.
I cannot wait until they get rid of this Obama Do Not Care and don't replace it with any other mandate to force this crap on us. Furthermore, I don't want any of their force vaccinations and flu shots, they are loaded with deadly toxins. When the government controls every aspect of your life, you will not live long.
Not recommending anyone to support Trump, but Trump is the first one to talk about opening up the States borders with good private healthcare (not government) and that way there will be a lot of competition, which will bring prices down and get people the best choices, if they so desire to have health insurance. Not forced, low prices and more benefits! That to me is a very good plan!
I understand your sentiment: but NO...I don't wish I had that "gig". I know...you were just being facetious...and I can appreciate that as well. But, It pains me deeply to see all of this going on...further more; I loathe people who use or take advantage of others... this is the ultimate betrayal of "the Public Trust" and must not go unpunished.
And to those who can't live without "Insurance" for everything under the sun: those situations are what the courts and jails were for: when we are wronged by someone who had liability in the situation...or where a (real) crime had been committed and the individual was deemed "responsible" for their malicious act...otherwise, possibly our own ignorance (e.g., building a house on sand).
What ever happened to owning up for our mistakes...now we just pay the insurance and go on (our merry way) as if nothing ever happened and no one is held responsible for it. This seems to breed more disrespect for property , etc...and a lack of self respect for owning up to our mistakes (and maybe even learning from them).
Signed: EXFed58
You are so right! Very good point!
I re-newed my auto policy-no tickets/accidents yet they charged me $60 more a yr
That stinks....your policy should go down, not up, especially with no tickets and no accidents!
On RICO a subject where a Private Attorney General may bring action in Federal court.
It is even more diabolical than you think. The Dodd-Frank bill took insurance for terrorists etc away from SEC and put it into Treasury. Think about it. The They in our we v they confrontation decides who(m) is a domestic terrorist "sovereign nationals" make the obozo list.