Second Amendment - Concealed Carry

 The Liberty Zone Website - Archuleta County, Colorado


Right to Concealed Carry

No concealed carry permit is required to carry a concealed firearm within the County of Archuleta.

Archuleta County Credit Union

Archuleta County shall create a credit union owned by the people thereof with all county taxes to be deposited through it and the proceeds and profits shall be placed in the general fund to be used for the benefit of the People of Archuleta County. The credit union shall also serve as a gold and silver exchange.

Fully Informed Jury

Any Judge or magistrate presiding over any trial shall inform the jury with the following statement prior to any court proceeding: “Our form of government is ‘For the People, by the People.’ Occasionally, governments make unjust laws without the consent of the People. The founders of this nation implemented another check on government - that is You - the Jury. The Jury has the right and the duty to not only judge the facts of the case, but also the law which the defendant is being accused of violating.  You, the Jury, have the power to nullify unjust laws, thus the term ‘Jury nullification,’ without fear of repercussion.  You, the Jury, have impunity from prosecution, and may vote your conscience, and nullify any accusation or law by simply voting ‘not guilty.’” Failure of the judge or magistrate to quote this statement to the seated jury will result in unseating the judge for jury tampering, and bar him from ever holding any other position in Archuleta County Government.

Injured Party

“In any legal action, there must be an injured party with a demonstrated ‘injury in fact, that the injury is ‘fairly traceable’ to the actions of the defendant, and that the injury will “likely be redressed by a favorable decision.”

County Judges and Magistrates shall be elected by the People

County Judges and Magistrates shall be voted into office, as required by the Colorado Constitution and the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution, rather than appointed. County Judges or Magistrates need not be a member of the BAR to hold office. Corporate sponsorship shall be considered a conflict of interest and shall not be permitted. If evidence of Corporate funds were accepted, the person running shall be tried and if found guilty, the jury shall be advised to give  a minimum verdict of 6 months incarceration and a fine of  $25,000 to $250,000 , and the election shall be void.

Oath of Office Accountability

In the event of a public servant being accused by at least two witnesses, of violation of their oath of office, the accused shall be brought before the Grand Jury, and if indicted, shall be brought forth by a prosecutor for trial for,  a) Advocating the overthrow of our constitutional form of government, and/or b) Treason. The penalties shall be determined by a competent jury.  The government official shall be suspended with pay up to 30 days following an indictment by a Grand Jury.  The trial will be by jury.

Preservation of Gun Rights

The People of Archuleta County within the State of Colorado declare that all Federal, State or Local acts, laws, orders, rules, regulations – past, present or future – which are in violation of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Colorado, are not authorized by said constitutions, and violate its true meaning and intent as published of record by the Founders and Ratifiers.  All such violations are hereby declared to be invalid within Archuleta County and all of its boundaries, and shall not be recognized by Archuleta County, within all of its boundaries within the State of Colorado, and are specifically rejected by Archuleta County and within all of its boundaries within the State of Colorado, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in Archuleta County within the State of Colorado.

Reinstatement of the Grand Jury

A Grand Jury shall be formed in Archuleta County with all the inalienable rights associated with it. It shall operate in all City, County, State and Federal jurisdictions within Archuleta County. Any District attorney or Citizen may have access to the Grand Jury. No person shall be twice put in jeopardy for the same or related offence.  It shall be formed from a random pool taken from voter registration lists with special preference to volunteers.  It shall be voluntary in nature with the participants donating their time so the cost to the county will be minimal, if any.  The number to be selected will be 24 with any 12 serving at one time and will hear criminal cases within the County of Archuleta.  A minimum vote of 9 is necessary for an indictment.  The accused may decline a hearing of the Grand Jury, but never be denied thereof.  Attorneys, Judges and law enforcement officials cannot serve on the Grand Jury. Training of the Grand Jury is mandatory and shall include published information about the Common Law based on the original intent of our Founding Fathers. A grand Jury shall serve for a period of 6 months.

Preservation of Habeas Corpus and Civil Liberties

The right of due process of law for Citizens of the United States of America, as stated in Article IV, V, VI,  VII, and XIV of the amendments of the United States Constitution, and Article II, Sections 7, 8, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 25 of the Colorado Constitution, shall be preserved, and any City, County, State or Federal Law contrary to same, shall be null and void. Encroachment of due process hereby authorizes and compels any City, County, State, or Federal District Attorney, or Law enforcement official, or militia (all able bodied males between the ages of 18 and 45) operating in Archuleta County, to intervene in opposition to the denial of Habeas Corpus in a court of law should the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), or any other rule, law, regulation, bill language, Act or executive order be attempted in the jurisdictional boundaries of Archuleta County or town of Pagosa Springs which would deny the rights of Habeas Corpus or Archuleta County Citizens Civil Liberties.

Nullification of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamacare) shall be invalid within Archuleta County and all of its boundaries, and shall not be recognized by Archuleta County, within all of its boundaries within the State of Colorado, and are specifically rejected by Archuleta County and within all of its boundaries within the State of Colorado, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in Archuleta County within the State of Colorado.

Common Law Courts

Common Law Courts, as originally intended by the Founding Fathers, shall be recognized in Archuleta County. “In suits at common law, where the value of controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury in a common law Court shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.” (Article 7 bill of rights).


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