The Christian Nature of Sovereignty
If you don’t understand the Christian nature of your sovereignty, you don’t understand America and the freedom our people have died to protect throughout history. Let me see if I can spell it out for you.
This is how I see it:
- God
- Sovereign Free People
- A Representative form of Constitutional Republican states voluntarily gathered as one nation, with the right to secede
- City government
- County government
- State government
- National government
- Taxpayers (Corporate creations/Persons). You'll notice I didn't say Tax Payers (Sovereigns)
The problem in this view for most progressives is that they think free people and Taxpayers are one in the same. Putting free people second puts the people in charge by having them bracket the rest of the entities on the list except #1, God. This is the way it should be. Whether you believe in God or not, it’s plain to see the utility of having this guy called God. He is the guy who’s watching when no one else is there. He is the Storehouse Manager of all that is Right, and all who wish to do wrong must answer to Him. We as a free people, voluntarily gathering to rule ourselves, must have this, whether we believe in Him or not. It is not necessary to believe in God to see the absolute need for an Entity with Higher powers. We need to make sure that those we put in charge of the purse strings don’t abuse the privilege.
The problem with this for most freedom loving people is that we are so far away from the way the founders intended. The reality is that governments always have a tendency to make and bend the rules to favor their continually growing and increasingly abusive existence. This is the true nature of ALL governments throughout ALL of history. This truth cannot be argued with.
Knowing that, it isn't hard to believe that our founding fathers also knew it. The fact is they did know it. They specifically designed our form of governance to be a way of protecting against that very problem. The idea was to put the people in charge of everything except God. God has to be understood to be the Supreme Law of the Land. Not the Sea, the Land. Our Land, America. After that comes, “We The People”, then the states, then the federal government after that. They are dead last on the Totem Pole. Not on top like they think they are.
Unfortunately, under the authority supposedly found in Article I, Section 8, Clause 3, the “Commerce Clause”, our Federal Government has decided that they will be allowed to tell you what to do, no matter what you think. They will make the excuse that everything you do from spewing out exhaust from your factory, to simply breathing out carbon dioxide from your mouth is having an effect on “Commerce...among the several States”. This is wrong. This kind of thinking is a road to tyranny. This places government in the place of God. If you let them force you to buy insurance in order to travel through life or just breathe air, they will force anything upon you, and you will not have the tools to resist them. If you allow yourself to be fooled into believing that they actually should care about you and can give you everything you desire to be happy and safe from cradle to grave, then you believe in Socialism. Period! That is not a description of a representative Republic. That is a description of Communism, collectivism, redistribution of the wealth. Call it what you will but if that’s what you want, you need to move to Cuba. They’ve been doing that ever since Castro took over. Face it; America today looks more like Communist Russia than China does.
The feds have already:
- Called you the enemy.
- Accused you of hoarding your own gold.
- Stolen your gold and sold it to foreign nations.
- Given you worthless debt currency instead of real money.
- Given away their constitutional edict to protect the value of that money.
- Put the Federal Reserve Bank in charge of your countries assets.
- Instituted Karl Marx’s progressive tax system.
- Put Federal agencies in charge of your industries and farms.
- Created entitlement programs destined to break the bank and the backs of the American people.
- And just passed a law that says they can charge you with a crime for “breathing without insurance”. They can fine you and throw you in jail if you don’t comply.
Does that sound like freedom to you? We have lost our way in America, and one of the main reasons is the relentless attack on God. The other reasons are apathy and ignorance. They either don’t know, don’t care, or they do know but don’t know what to do, or they simply don’t have time to constantly chase down and hog-tie their representatives for answers to their questions. Then there are those who have always known something was wrong, but feel disconnected from their “leaders” and therefore have dropped out of the process. There are even some 60 year olds who have NEVER voted. Does that sound like proper representation to you?
People today do not trust the Executive, they don’t approve of their Congress and you can see why, but remove God from the process and you will find yourself waking up in a land you don’t even recognize. You can no more separate Church from State than you could hydrogen from water. It is nearly impossible.
However, every government that has tried to suppress the religion of a people and institute a singular government religion has found it to be extremely detrimental to their power structure and eventually leads to their loss of that land and its people.
You see no one is talking about forcing The One religion upon everyone. That is a ridiculous scenario. The founders were trying to keep government out of the church, not keep the church out of government. You separate God from your government and government will become your God.
And the best reason of all that you can’t separate God from America? Because 70% - 80% of Americans self identify as Christians or Judeo/Christians. We were founded on the belief in “the protections of Devine providence”.
No other system befits a free and sovereign Nation filled with free and sovereign people. God is the root of ALL Sovereignty. Period. Not just in America, but everywhere around the world. God is necessary for humans to exist as a free and Sovereign people. Without God there is no freedom. Period!
And the best reason of all that you can’t separate God from America? Because 70% - 80% of Americans self identify as Christians or Judeo/Christians. We were founded on the belief in
“the protections of Devine providence”. No other system befits a free and sovereign Nation filled with free and sovereign people. God is the root of ALL Sovereignty. Period. Not just in America, but everywhere around the world. God is necessary for humans to exist as a free and Sovereign people. Without God there is no freedom. Period
Amen brother! Think about what it says in Acts 17 vs 26: "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth, and has determined their pre appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings."
So True Thank you !11
The Creator is always greater than that which they create/ God created man and man created local governments, Local governments created county governments and county governments created state governments and state governments created a national government.
In my opinion the order should be
1. The Creator
2. Men and women
3. The Family
4. The Community
5. The County
6. The State
7 The National Government
Amen Morton. While this addresses God and Christianity, let us not leave out Creator as others may practice. If we are to practice what we preach, freedom, then we must respect this fact.
to Morton re: "Sep. of Church & State". While I agree 100% with what you have stated, it does bring up points for further clarification. No matter what or who people call Him, belief in a "Higher Power" is fundamental. I grew up when O'Hare successfully got the Lord's Prayer got removed & knew it was wrong even then. We were not FORCING atheists to pray, just allowing Christians TO pray. But it gets sort of "fuzzy" for me when the government is allowed to dictate how private lives are lived: gender choice, abortion, even what sexual positions are "normal". Shouldn't these choices be between my Father & myself ? I am a sick, 70 yo woman so these don't affect me, personally, but if we're talking freedom for all, shouldn't God's law prevail ?
LOL Bonnie, pretty hip for a sick 70 old woman. I agree, and yes, God, The Creator (whom ever ones Higher Power may be) is the Supreme Law, Natural Law, of the Universe. And unless we consent, knowingly or unknowingly (most cases the latter because of indoctrination), we are the power and authority as We see fit. If We injure our brothers or sisters, then our Brothers and sister's, will and should hold us to account and vise versa. That is Common Law. Still exists but We let the gov. tell us what is a crime and punishment. That is Statutory Law, doesn't apply to the Sovereign People. Only to Fed Employees. Which every agency and political subdivision is one. Arizona's EIN # 86-6004791 and i am sure you all can find your state. Just call the Dept of Revenue. Dun & Bradstreet also is indicative of this fact.
The missing issue in this discussion is Satan. He was cast out to this earth and that spirit exists in the mind of the elites to justify their greed for power and control. The people are indoctrinated to sell their soles for usury to meet their immediate desires without putting forth their own labor. Then those who do so are enslaved to the system.
The American Governance system was created under God's Laws, and it has been hijacked by the influences of Satan and we are in the battle of Armageddon to oust Satan.
You stated it is not necessary to believe in God to see the absolute need for an Entity with Higher power. This was made evident to me, personally, many years ago when I had opportunity to be enrolled in a twelve step program.
The need for a Higher power was seriously stressed. Not necessarily God, though it was He that I, as a Christian, would recommend, but Someone/Thing that could be identified as your Higher power. At first I could not understand, as a Christian, how any Entity, other than God, could be of any help. I soon learned, however, that it was more a matter of accountability than it was a matter of your choice of Higher power.
This is something that is seriously lacking in the present form of government that is trying to control our cities, states and country; personal accountability. The primary reason for this lack of accountability is the so called "separation of Church and state".
Our politicians are thinking they‘re only accountable to the government, the Party or their constituents; which, to a degree they should be. But, above all, if they felt they were ultimately accountable to a Higher power, their God, they would use much more care in their decision making process. As a result they would be more likely to make the right choice or do the right thing. I have to agree with Keith Broaders comment,
1. God,
2. Individual,
3. Family
...This is something I always stress: good government starts at home. Otherwise, I thank you for an excellent article. Much Love, God Bless.
Thank You for the wonderfully cogent reply Donald,
I have fixed the Order of sovereignty in the discussion. I think you will approve. Also I hope you will approve of my improvements to your reply. I think it comes across much better this way.
Hello Morton,
One correction needs to be made to your hierarchy of power flow chart in order to give the people a way of understanding the difference between the 2 statuses (the people vs. U.S. citizen), what has happened and to whom all their codes, ordinances, legislation, acts, etc, apply to.
At #8 you need to replace it from 'tax payer' to '14th Amendment U.S. citizen' which is a tax payer among other things.
This new form of 'citizen' is exclusive to that little 10 square mile piece of land called 'District of Columbia' which is a private corporation not owned by the people, and doing business as 'UNITED STATES.'
In 1868, the national government created a new class of citizen, the 'U.S. citizen' created by the 14th Amendment. This new 'citizen' is exclusive to the 'District of Columbia' better known as 'UNITED STATES' corporation which was created in the 'Reorganization Act.'
In 1867, one year before creating this new class of citizen, they passed the 'Expatriation Act' in order to give the people the option to expatriate back to their personal status as 'one of the people,' what they called a 'state citizen.'
By claiming to be a 'U.S. citizen' instead of a 'state citizen,' you lowered your status as one of the people, #2 on the flow chart of hierarchy of power, to #8 the lowest status that of a slave and have become 'property' of the national government. They own their property 14th Amendment 'U.S. citizen' and ALL of this 'citizens' property including their house, cats, boats, bank accounts and even their children.
This different form of citizen described as the 14th Amendment 'U.S. citizen' has NO RIGHTS, only 'duties, obligations and privileges.' This 'U.S. citizen' traded in his rights as a man, a state Citizen, protected under common law (Gods law), and now must follow their 'codes, statutes, ordinances, legislation, acts, etc,' and are not protected under Gods law (common law).
The 'U.S. citizen' is a creation created by its creator, the national government #7 on the hierarchy of law flow chart, and is subservient to this national government. This 'U.S. citizen' is the lowest creation on the hierarchy of power flow chart with no rights.
The 'People' also described as 'state Citizens' have rights and are protected and are subservient to God only. The people's creations are subservient to the people and it goes down the flow chart.
Unknowingly to the people that they have lowered their status from the 'people' (state Citizen) to 'U.S. citizen' (property of the federal government), this national government has taken the place of God, and are the God of their creation, the 14th Amendment 'U.S. citizen' and is subservient to the national government. Or was created and it's owned by this private corporation masquerading as the 'national government.'
All of this 'national governments' codes, statutes, ordinances, legislation, acts, etc., ONLY APPLY to the 'U.S. citizen.' They DO NOT APPLY to I; a man, one of the People unless I consent by way of a contract.
This so-called 'national government' has created acts such as 'Trading With the Enemy Act, 'Patriot Act, NDAA, etc,' only applies to their creation the 'U.S. citizen' and DOES NOT apply to I; a man, one of the people, a state Citizen,
They have tricked the people into giving up their power, status and their rights for what they call 'civil rights' with duties, obligations and privileges and are owned by this private corporation called 'District of Columbia' doing business as 'UNITED STATES.'
The People need to be taught how to go back to their original status that of a free people under God, and give up their current status; that of property/ a slave and the creation of a private corporation.
All of this was taught in 'Civics' in school but has been purposely taken out of the textbooks in order to continue tricking the people and their future generations out of their proper status in society to ensure enslavement of our kids and grandkids, etc.