----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

In 1913 the legislature of the state of Utah refused to ratify the proposed 17th amendment. They knew that the members of the state legislature were authorized to choose who would represent the state in Congress,

The following states have not ratified the 17th amendment and their Constitutional right to be represented in the senate is being violated. These states should refuse to comply with the 17th amendment. 

  • Utah
  • Florida,
  • Georgia,
  • Mississippi,
  • Kentucky,
  • South Carolina,
  • Virginia,

When Congress submitted a proposed amendment to have the senators chosen directly by the people, the state of Utah refused to ratify the amendment. The understood that according to Article V they the state of Utah could not be deprived of their equal representation without their consent.

Utah and several other states have never ratified the amendment and have not given their consent to give up their representation in the senate, In order for this amendment to have been lawfully ratified it would had to have been ratified unanimously by all of the states.

Any state that refused to give their consent to ratify the proposed amendment is not obligated to abide by the provisions of the 17th Amendment.

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