----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Seventeenth Amendment

In Article 5 in the Constitution it was mandated that no state could lose their representation in the Senate without their consent. In order for the 17th amendment to be lawfully ratified every state would have needed to vote in favor

of its ratification.T36 of the 48 states that existed when the 17th amendment submitted to the states voted in favor of its ratification. Twelve states lost their representation in the senate without their consent.

Utah, Mississippi, Kentucky, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina and Virginia have not voted to ratify the 17th amendment. Delaware voted reject the amendment in 1913,  but the state legislature changed their vote to the affirmative in 201

There are currently 41 states that have voted for the amendment and if six states that have ratified the amendment change their vote, there would only be 35 states in support of the amendment.

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