----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


Former Sheriff Richard Mack of Graham County, Arizona

More Sheriff Mack Videos Click Here

Colorado Sheriffs are Defending the Constitution

Colorado Sheriffs Defending the Constitution

Sheriff David Clarke of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin

Sheriff Brad Rogers of Elkhard County, Indians

Sheriff John D'Agostini of El Dorado County, California

Sheriff Dean Wilson of Del Norte County, California

More Videos of Constitutional Sheriffs
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Letters Written by Constitutional Sheriffs
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  • These sheriff's who stand for the 2nd amendment is great, but what about the rest of the Constitution? How many people do they have in their jails for victimless crimes? Do they stand to protect the Constitution and the people's rights when in a court room or protect the aho (administrative hearing officer) regardless of the circumstances? What about our right and liberty of locomotion? What about our rights to choose how we live as long as we don't infringe on others rights?

    We all need to be re-educated on what freedom really is.

  • Your exactly Right. Sadly, Todays sheriffs and LEO's follow a Bastardized system of Regulations, instead of Constitutional Law. They claim to Sware an Oath to the constitution, but they follow whatever Laws are handed to them by their perspective City Counsel members or Mayor. The problem is, we have not Officially been living under the Umbrella called the US Constitution since around the Mid 1950's when the Bankers Stole it from us because of the Governments going Bankrupt and the FED Bankers setting up the US Code and Uniform Commercial Code under Maritime Law, to govern the US Government and it's Assets (All Americans) the Federal Reserve Act is a Contract. All Politicians call it " The Contract With America" but Never tell you what it's about or what is in it. It's the Federal Reserve Act, which is Also a CONTRACT.

    Read the enclosed file called UCC1, and it will explain what I am saying in much greater detail
    stupidamerkin said:

    These sheriff's who stand for the 2nd amendment is great, but what about the rest of the Constitution? How many people do they have in their jails for victimless crimes? Do they stand to protect the Constitution and the people's rights when in a court room or protect the aho (administrative hearing officer) regardless of the circumstances? What about our right and liberty of locomotion? What about our rights to choose how we live as long as we don't infringe on others rights?

    We all need to be re-educated on what freedom really is.


  • I completely follow what your saying. However our LEO's are LEO's now because the County and state governments signed a CONTRACT with the FED, and taking money from them constitutes acceptance of the contract, so the Once PEACE OFFICERS, are now as you said, Revenue Collectors and Corporate  Law Enforcement, instead of Peace Officers.

    The Sad part of it is, there is no way out of this under the state / FED Contract with the state, UNLESS the State annuls the contract and stops taking the money. Only after this can LEO's become Peace Officers once again, BECAUSE the State no longer pays them, their Local Constituents pay them. JUST LIKE ANDY GRIFFIITH SHOW.
    James Christopher: Palmisano said:

    2nd Amendment?


    I think it’s deeper than that!




    By Jim Palmisano


    I thank all you Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, Military Officers and NCOs and all whom have taken an Oath to support and defend the Constitution of the united States of America and that includes all civilians that believe in it and stand by it.  However, I believe most are missing the simple solution.


    The following observations were fueled by watching a video of Sheriff David Clark of Milwaukee, Wisconsin that was posted on The Constitution Club’s website under the headline “Sheriff Mack's Constitutional Posse is Back”.  Thank you Sheriff Clark for your direct understanding of the reality of your situation which most likely prevails similarly throughout the land!



    In listening to this video it was quite obvious that Sheriff Clark totally understood his right to defend his family, but he also understood the impossibility of performing his perceived obligations. 

    When Sheriff Clark talks about the response times from the Sheriff and Police Departments, it’s quite clear that the People have to depend on themselves and each other, but LET’S TAKE ANOTHER LOOK.  Please don’t take this wrongly Sheriff Clark.  It really took me quite some time to think this through and it was you that gave me the insight.  Hope it resonates with you and all Americans.




    According to Sheriff Clark, at least in his County, IT TAKES


    52 Minutes to respond to a Burglary

    20 Minutes to respond to an armed robbery

    59 Minutes to respond to a sexual assault

    62 Minutes to respond to the sound of shots


    Now, I am not zeroing in on you Sheriff Clark but you were the only one that spoke very directly to the problem that our PEACE OFFICERS face and this information gives us the ability to seek out reasonable and practical solutions that are already available to us. 


    Yes, I said PEACE OFFICERS.  I refuse to call our PEACE OFFICERS Law Enforcement Officers and I’m very troubled with how our PEACE OFFICERS have been MILITARIZED.  Why has this happened?  Have you ever asked yourself that question?


    I’m especially troubled with how our PEACE OFFICERS are being trained to look at their friends, neighbors, and other fellow countryman as the enemy. The Enemy of what? If you’ve been around at least 6 years you have to acknowledge the infamous MIAC Report where you were being trained that your friends and neighbors who believed in the Constitution, or God, displayed certain flags on their car, or those who supported certain Politicians were enemies and not to be trusted.  Please think about what is being shoved into your mind before you act upon your countrymen.  Those actions will be against your fellow man.  You know…your friends and neighbors.


    Law Enforcement Officers can be nothing but REVENUE OFFICERS whose sole job is to RIP OFF the People for REVENUE PURPOSES(aka How Much Can I steal from my friends and neighbors and keep my job) Under Color of Law.  Enough said.


    Now Sheriff Clark, I would like to make a serious suggestion and I would like all Americans to seriously consider these thoughts.


    In our current situation, Sheriff Clark mentioned three options for the People should we find ourselves in danger as follows:


    1)      FIGHT BACK

    2)      RUN



    I always struggle when the People refer to the government as something that is separate from the People themselves.  However, Sheriff Clark made the comment that government needs to learn to let go of power.  I understand where Sheriff Clark is coming from because it’s almost been ingrained in most of us through indoctrination by the schools and the media, but this understanding must be explained in context.  So, what is the government? 


    IS THE GOVERNMENT NOT THE PEOPLE?  If you take all of the People out of the government offices what do you have?  Empty buildings?  And if the People don’t pay these Government employees do you think their jobs would exist?  So lets just agree that the government would not exist without the People which is all of us.  Enough said.




    So let’s take a look at the facts that Sheriff Clark declares in regards to response time.  I do not intend to blame Sheriff Clark or any other PEACE OFFICER for failure to do their job for what they’re trying to do in the manner they’re trying to do it is impossible.  But there is a way.  It worked before and we became a Free People albeit for only a short time but that is a topic for another day.

    So, the problem seems to be lack of personnel according to Sheriff Clarks statements above presented here again.


    52 Minutes to respond to a Burglary

    20 Minutes to respond to an armed robbery

    59 Minutes to respond to a sexual assault

    62 Minutes to respond to the sound of shots




    Let me give you a simple example of how things were organized back when everybody didn’t complicate things and maybe you’ll see the simplicity of where I’m going.

    Article IX. Of The Militia (Missouri Constitution of 1820)

    Section 1. Field officers and company officers shall be elected by the persons subject to militia duty within their respective commands; brigadiers general shall be elected by the field officers of their respective brigades; and majors general by the brigadiers and field officers of their respective divisions, until otherwise directed by law.

    Section 2. General and field officers shall appoint their officers of the staff.

    Section 3. The governor shall appoint an adjutant general, and all other militia officers, whose appointments are not other- wise provided for in this constitution.



    So let’s look again at the response times above that were mentioned by Sheriff Clark using the assumption of having an actual Militia in modern times which would be so easy to coordinate as described above.

    1)      Call goes into 911

    2)      911 Service contacts the Sheriffs office, Police Office and immediate area Militia Officers who are already known and working directly with the Sheriff and Police.

    3)      Who is going to get there first?

    4)      A Sheriff half way across town dealing with another problem?  The Police wasting their time trying to collect money from someone who has a headlight out?

    5)       Or one of the Militia that lives down the street or a few blocks away that volunteered and has hundreds of militia within blocks that can respond within minutes to help?

    As Sheriff Clark said, “The City of Milwaukee is deluged”.  The Answer, “Because you have been disenfranchised from the People you were supposed to protect and instead have been trained to distrust and attack.  There’s always going to be bad apples.  You can’t prevent that. But, your People are here to help you.  For God’s sake we’re your friends and neighbors, not your enemies.  We need to be involved and it should be an expectation as one of your countrymen.  It is up to us to create the reality we want and expect.  Let’s get it on Brothers and Sisters.

  • Hello Victor: Thank you for your reply. I understand, or should I be safe and say I comprehend, what you have stated and as we know we can trace this madness all the way back to when this country was founded. The agenda was immediately set in motion to take it down. If the people think that we actually won the Revolutionary War, they better think again. What we call a government is actually a corporate fascist regime aka a giant slave plantation. Then we have our local empires, (counties) run by treasonous thugs dressed in black robes, suits and ties disguised behind the illusion of respectability that seem to have total control over their drones with guns and badges. It's like living in the Twilight Zone on Steroids.

    I say to keep our trust and faith in the creator because it sure isn't man that is going to save our rear end in this picture.

    Victor I Pirie said:

    Your exactly Right. Sadly, Todays sheriffs and LEO's follow a Bastardized system of Regulations, instead of Constitutional Law. They claim to Sware an Oath to the constitution, but they follow whatever Laws are handed to them by their perspective City Counsel members or Mayor. The problem is, we have not Officially been living under the Umbrella called the US Constitution since around the Mid 1950's when the Bankers Stole it from us because of the Governments going Bankrupt and the FED Bankers setting up the US Code and Uniform Commercial Code under Maritime Law, to govern the US Government and it's Assets (All Americans) the Federal Reserve Act is a Contract. All Politicians call it " The Contract With America" but Never tell you what it's about or what is in it. It's the Federal Reserve Act, which is Also a CONTRACT.

    Read the enclosed file called UCC1, and it will explain what I am saying in much greater detail
    stupidamerkin said:

    These sheriff's who stand for the 2nd amendment is great, but what about the rest of the Constitution? How many people do they have in their jails for victimless crimes? Do they stand to protect the Constitution and the people's rights when in a court room or protect the aho (administrative hearing officer) regardless of the circumstances? What about our right and liberty of locomotion? What about our rights to choose how we live as long as we don't infringe on others rights?

    We all need to be re-educated on what freedom really is.

  • Listen everyone. We just started doing Talkshoe calls on how to beat these bastards on all angles without having to deal with their rogue dens of corruption, (courts) It's about following the yellow brick road no matter what county, (local empire), municipal, agency, official, etc.

    You are invited to any of these calls every night at 6PM PST  (724)444-7444  pin code 128461#  If everyone learned how to do this process every time we have been abused or our rights abused, it would definitely get their attention and many pays offs, if not able to put some of these thugs in jail as well.

    All open discussion

  • They are Oath Keepers, to up hold the constitution.
    stupidamerkin said:

    These sheriff's who stand for the 2nd amendment is great, but what about the rest of the Constitution? How many people do they have in their jails for victimless crimes? Do they stand to protect the Constitution and the people's rights when in a court room or protect the aho (administrative hearing officer) regardless of the circumstances? What about our right and liberty of locomotion? What about our rights to choose how we live as long as we don't infringe on others rights?

    We all need to be re-educated on what freedom really is.

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