Thank you for your leadership. We must all support the Constitutional Sheriffs! Thank God that are some, and more than a few!
On an administrative note, I had trouble finding out how to post a comment like the above -- or where was the appropriate place to post it. I ended up here. :-) -- Maybe someone running the entire website could review this to make it clearer to the new comer. Thanks. Jim Condit Jr.
Sheriff Martin Ryan of Amador County
Dear Mr. Broaders -
Thank you for your leadership. We must all support the Constitutional Sheriffs! Thank God that are some, and more than a few!
On an administrative note, I had trouble finding out how to post a comment like the above -- or where was the appropriate place to post it. I ended up here. :-) -- Maybe someone running the entire website could review this to make it clearer to the new comer. Thanks. Jim Condit Jr.