Well people, If you haven't figured it out by now,
When you step across the B.A.R., you're on their ocean going vessel and, as per all international conventions throughout time have dictated, they MUST DISPLAY THEIR FLAG! It is simply bad manners and a case of direct "Piracy" to do otherwise.
So look at the flag displayed on that "ship" and as a matter of course and prime facie fact, sure enough, you will find The Gold Fringed, Admiralty/Maritime Banner of the SEA! Not "Olde Glory" as described in rigid detail in our founding documents.
No, not the flag which represents the Law of the LAND! You will not SEA (see?) that banner. You will "sea" them flying the proper flag of their "jurisdiction"; the ocean. They will attempt to trick you on to their "vessel". They will try to intimidate you with threats to "step across the bar". They will even threaten to take your freedom if you do not comply. They will call it "contempt", but what else CAN you call it, when contempt for the enemy is EXACTLY what we should be feeling.
In fact, we should also be quite disgusted with this kind of "justice", not just in contempt. So we should look at those facts.
In fact, we are not the "Vessel, Strawman Name" they wish we were.
In fact, they fly their banner to display their loyalty to "The Crown", NOT the Constitution of ANY state OR Republic.
So, In fact, these people are in violation of their "Oath of Office" under the "United States" (The federal government) and ARE CRIMINALS!
So step on to "The Ship O' Fools" if you wish, but don't come to me for advice when you "volunteer" to "cross the bar" and they OWN YOU and YOUR STRAWMAN!
The Ship O' Fools!
Next up in the series: How to Lien your "Strawman".
Mort We've got to stop playing these mind trap games, realizing that we are not doing this intentionally. You are right when you say it is piracy and I believe that is the message to move forward with and prove the crime. I think that I and you and so many others have complicated this very badly. It is just as simple plain as day that the people in America have been hijacked by an age old clever ponzi scheme.
We the People need to wake up and and stop allowing the crime against us to persist. How can anyone watch the murder of Lavoy by a private corporation crime syndicate posing itself as government when in fact it is just an agency created by a false government, founded upon lies and deceit that does not exist in law of the land. Then these mobsters kidnap a group of men and throw them in a prison with out any lawful order to do so. The law says no arrest without a warrant and someone making claim by affidavit of a crime, which has to be immediately viewed before a grand jury or in an emergency of public danger an immediate magistrate.Then good Americans stand up and file habeas Corpus to prove they had the right to jail these guys and there is no answer by government officials who were suppose to pledge their oath to the people and god to defend and benefit the rights of all people on an equal basis in every free and independent state in the union of the united states of America.
It is just as simple as listen to a few good people who will tell the complete set of facts such as Kris Hall, Anna Reitz, and John Darish and you could learn more than you need to know that this is all crime against the people that would lock judges, politicians, governors, law enforcement officers, in their own jail system for true violations and trespass against the people of these free and independent states that comprise a nation of states known as the united states of America.
The laws of the land are so simple that I can carry all of them in my shirt pocket, and ask them questions.
Can I see your ID that grants you the authority from the people to ask me questions, or stop me from living my life in freedom and liberty? If they can prove that they are true and in fact a public official who has sworn an oath to abide by the constitutional law of the land, Then you ask him what his business is with you and is he accusing you of a crime against another man. And that should settle any problems with a government officer sworn to the duty of defending and benefiting your natural inherent and unalienable rights as one of the people in a free and independent state. And that is truly it end of story.
But this is America today where the people have allowed this criminal mafia to have taken over our government property and act in the fraud of trespassing upon our rights. So now We the people must wake up, educate ourselves of the true history of the law of the land by paying attention to a few good people who will tell you about what has happened to us in a simple to understand language. Anna Reits will tell you about how the current criminal gang is operating in a false corporation posing as a government. Kriss Ann Hall will tell you about how the Constitutional law of the land exists in fact and history. And John Darish will guide you in defending the proper lawful way by use of a trial by jury. Of course these people have not made any of this up or done anything more than study the history of the men through the ages who have been telling us all of this for a very long time, they are just telling the story today in a very concise easy to understand manner.
So after we read or listen to these people and learn the simple truth of how to be an American, then we assemble and extend this message to the people in our local community and address the town hall for their violations against the people for tax fraud, hiring unlawful law enforcement to abuse and trespass upon the rights of the people, allowing fraudulent court corporations of evil men of the BAR to extort money from the people or violate the people without due process of the law of the land, and prosecute the town from profiting from illegal activities that these private corporations do not have the lawful right to be doing.
All of these crimes against mankind will continue as long as We the People keep allowing them to abuse their positions of fraud.
This fraud against the people is done by European bankers who hijacked this nation with false money, hired BAR Lawyers to hijack the law of the land into the evil law of Babylon and perpetrate crimes against humanity. They have disavowed the Godly natural rights of man, completely poisoned our water, medicines and food supply with commercial chemicals, destroyed the industries and the jobs of America, created usury to bankrupt this nation, and create wars around this planet using our military to embarrass America as being the worse plague in history of this planet.
So when are we the people going to assemble, educate ourselves of the crimes against us and do what our founders of this nation did, and that is simply to assert our god given rights to live free and independent from tyrannical rule of government abuses?
Well stated and Sooooo 'TRUE'.
Our 'Gubment' is a CORPORATION, not a 'REPUBLIC'. All these years when we cite the 'Pledge off allegiance and say, " and to the REPUBLIC,for which it stands", that's simply not true!.
Ben Franklin warned us years ago when he stated:" You have a REPUBLIC, if you can keep it".
The 'Act of 1871' changed our nation into a 'CORPORATION', Just like Sears or WalMart...
'CAPITAL' letters, and no lowercase letters attest to this.
Look at your drivers license, your Social Security card and they write your name in all CAPITALS!
Sad but TRUE!
The Entire Status Quo Is A Fraud
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/14/2016 09:37 -0400
Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,
Fraud as a way of life caters an extravagant banquet of consequences.
This can't be said politely: the entire status quo in America is a fraud.
The financial system is a fraud.
The political system is a fraud.
National Defense is a fraud.
The healthcare system is a fraud.
Higher education is a fraud.
The mainstream corporate media is a fraud.
Culture--from high to pop--is a fraud.
Need I go on?
We have come to accept fraud as standard operating practice in America, to the detriment of everything that was once worthy. why is this so?
{Read More}
I've been waiting to get my hands on that little b-s-a-d
If I were to play the "shell game" about the true allegiance to the flag, which flag am I talking about?
I'm sick of this crap people.
Either We Are United Or We Are Divided in principle. I am done.
One Country,
One Flag,
Under God of the Republic for which it stands, Under God.
Give me Liberty or Give me Death.
Linda I do share your disgust with the current affairs of America. But we are a union of states.
Look up your state in the "Statutes at Large" of the United States of America. Search for the volume of the year of congress and look up the legislation of your state being accepted into the union of states. The united sates of America is an organization of the free and independent states of the union of states.
In 1871 a false congress of the UNITED STATES signed off on an act to create the District of Columbia, which is a corporation so that the bankers could finance the bankruptcy after the civil war.
The European bankers said that they could not loan money to the union of states and needed a business corporation to loan money to and that was the foundation of the hijacking of the United States of America into the Corporate UNITED STATES and presented a new constitution with the required changes.
Today we do not have an existing government of any form, because it was all changed to business corporations right down to the state, county and town you live in.
You need to start in your town and create the committee of safety to resurrect the constitutional offices of the government that was ordained and established to create your free and independent state and then reacquire the constitutional contract of the states to rehabilitate the constitution for the united states of America. or remain the communist democracy created by the Federal Reserve Bankers.
....when anyone states what you, and Morton just shared with us, the ignorant public slowly backs away and starts to look for the missing tinfoil hat! The ignorant want to kill the messenger, not the criminals.
Morton, your description of the ship is reality and falls upon the ears and open minds of yearning students and learned peers. The big question is HOW do we convince anyone the perceived insane science fiction story is reality? The criminals own the badges, guns, and jails. They can prove through force that they are right and we are wrong. Be that as it is, I'm still looking forward to the next installment to protect myself from being kidnapped and taken aboard their ship without my consent. Should we have a checklist of replies at the ready when confronted? I don't have much faith in reasoning with pirate kidnappers though. Better yet, I'd rather have a forcefield to keep them from trying.
Since we are discussing a seagoing fantasy. Can't we just sink their ship?