----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Smoke and Mirrors - Political Corruption

Lies, Fraud & Deception

Imagine if you will, that the Earth suddenly split in two and in so doing, altered your ENTIRE WORLD! You would now have to survive, then rebuild, etc. But first you would have to STOP doing everything your doing now and start living an entirely different life ALL AT ONCE. No Choice! This is what's known as a paradigm shift.

THAT is where we are. Because today, we need a paradigm shift. We need to start seeing this current political situation in America for what it is. Lies, fraud and deception, at every turn, around every corner, with every signature.

Each time we "contract" with "them", we help the lie to continue. Never realizing that we have a choice and quite frankly, a duty to stand up and say "Something's wrong, I smell a rat, I will no longer participate in the fraud, I will not comply until you address ALL of my questions concerns and doubts, (Redress of grievances)." Currently:

1.) We do not have a voice in Congress due to violation of Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, Sentence 3.

"The number of Representatives shall not exceed One for every thirty Thousand,.."

2.) We do not have freedom of speech. Instead we have "politically correct" speech and "hate speech", etc.

Ever heard of a "hate crime"? You will be given extra jail time if "they" decide that you were thinking hateful thoughts when you committed the crime. So now they presume to know what you're thinking and can prosecute you extra, based solely on that. No speech, they can read your mind now. This is prosecuted today as "Thought Crimes" - a reference, found most notably, in the 1949 writings of the fantasy tale, George Orwell's, 1984wherein:

"a thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question...the ruling party."

3.) There is no freedom of religion. As long as churches and their leaders cling to "tax exempt" status and their 501-C3's, they are and will remain muzzled and told what they can and cannot say.

4.) Freedom of the Press is a completely laughable concept at this point.

The press is severely compromised and allowed to massacre the truth to advance the political agenda of the candidates they contribute campaign money to, in return for loose regulation on their industry and what amounts to a Monopoly/ Conglomerate of the THREE major networks.

5.) We all know that our queries and concerns fall upon stone ears in Washington, (upon the land re-designated as property of the) District of Colombia. Robert Schulz put together over 500 questions for the IRS to answer or for Congress to force them to answer and yet NOT ONE was ever addressed. Ever! To this day they remain un-redressed.

6.) There is no doubting the violations piled high upon the Second Amendment, with over 20,000 laws "infringing" this right. What part of "shall not be infringed" is unclear to them? Nuff said!

7.) "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures," is a joke in today's world. I could site thousands of violations of this clause, but suffice it to say I am a victim of this type of violation by my own Sheriff of all people.

8.) Presentment? Grand Jury? Capitol or Infamous? Double Jeopardy? Please! Forget the 5th Amendment. The only part left is the part where you shut up and refuse to talk. That they can't control and they never will. That's called free will and even God doesn't try to interfere.

9.) "Money in the Bank!" - Ever heard that one? Well it isn't money and they won't protect it for you. Your sovereignty, (aka, financial security), is a joke. If the IRS says hand it over, the banks do not hesitate to comply.

10.) Common Law? Courts? Justice? Standing? Jurisdiction? Jury of your peers? Gone! Need I say more?

The list goes on and on of violations of rights and a reality in which the people's voice, (juris-diction), and our ability to defend those rights has been diminished to near zero. We have come to be ruled by "the machine". The very thing we were trying to escape in 1774.

We feed this machine every day when we blindly obey these unlawful commands from a corporation masquerading as government and deposit our wealth in "their" banks. It continues when we send our children to their "public" schools, (indoctrination centers).

We again fully cooperate in the fraud when we sign their papers and "register", (King's list), everything we own, from our car, to our guns, right down to our children being "registered" at birth then "registered" for vaccinations, then "registered" for school, etc.

It's time for a serious shift in the way we look at freedom, our institutions of trust and the united states government at all levels and whether or not we are going to follow the rule of law or continue down the path of the Corporate Dictatorship we now have.

It's time for a Paradigm Shift!

Welcome to The Revolution!

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  • Well put Morton.

    Now we just have to figure out how to survive in the alternative!

    • You mean survive in the new world order? Because there will be a new order, once the old order is abolished.

  • As I have said several times, they have decimated the protections we thought we had under the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights, because it is not our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Ours was shelved after the Civil War and replaced with their their Constitution and their Bill of Rights simply by changing one word. It is now the constitution "of" the United States instead of "for". Of is possessive. They're telling us something here.

    Since this constitution is "of" it belongs to Govco just like the by-laws of any corporation to be held to or dismissed whenever it suits them. We have witnessed the continual shredding of our protections that we thought were ours from government intrusion. We've been bamboozled and most of the public has never caught on. The Supreme Court has made many small steps, through legislating from the bench, to insure that what our forefathers laid out to restrain government in our private lives would amount to nothing but a charade. As "W' said "The constitution is just a God-damned piece of paper" and he was right. Its their piece of paper and they can damn it all they want.

    The interesting part is that the 20,000 so-called gun laws don't apply to any of the people, nor do the millions of other statutes, both State and Federal. They apply only to "persons", legal fictions referred to as straw men. They successfully steal from us because we remain silent and never rebut their presumption that we have agreed to be the surety for their SM. Most people don't rebut that presumption because of ignorance--they don't understand the significance of the all capital letter NAME [the straw man]. Most of those that do recognize the con job don't rebut because they lack the guts to stand up for themselves.

    The only way to remove one's self from this serfdom is to learn how they tricked everyone into this state of slavery and then learn how to extricate yourself. Why in hell would anyone continue to pay income taxes [unless they are a paid government employee] when there is so much information out there telling you how to avoid the classification of "taxpayer". I see the main reason is lack of courage [remember the cowardly lion]. We use their Straw man [the Scarecrow] to interact with their corrupt commercial system of theft. We apply for a TIN [the Tin man] because we have been conned into believing it is required by law. After a while, having busted our humps all our lives to save up for retirement, along comes the health care system, predicated on creating as much sickness as possible and there goes our precious Toto [all] down the banksters rat hole.

    Why would anyone who has studied the term "driving" on the net go down to the DMV and renew the drivers license. Again, no guts.

    Why would anyone remain a registered voter when the whole world is aware that voting is for morons and does not improve your chances of changing the outcome of affairs one iota. 

    On a last note, I'm guessing that we will never see Trump's tax returns. Why? Because I think Mr. Trump, being a rather sharp individual, has also read IRS Code 6013(g) and decided to revoke his election to be treated as a U.S. citizen, Individual, Resident Alien, Taxpayer. I'm guessing he pays tax on all his business profits which his new proposed tax cuts for businesses will help lessen, but he pays none on his own income. His refusing all proceeds from his job as Pres. means he would have no income to report from 'within the U.S.' and thus no reporting requirements. I may be way off base on that one but it does seem to make sense since I did the same thing even though I never worked for Govco except when in the military.

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