----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

8575449059?profile=originalThe idea that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely is simply not true. The fact is that power attracts sociopaths and psychopaths and just like fertilizer, they attract flies.

Go to the following website and you will discover the personality traits exhibited by many of our congressional representatives.



Putting sociopaths and psychopaths in positions of power is as dangerous as hiring Jack the Ripper to supervise a girl's dormitory. Replacing a Democrat with a Republican is like replacing a sociopath with a psychopath. No matter who you choose, you lose.

There are just two kinds of people in the world today. There are those who are ethical and those who are not. When election time rolls around, the ethical individuals are asked to vote for sociopaths and psychopaths who have been nominated by bankers with shadow money.

It is like giving the sheep the authority to choose which wolf they want to hire for protection from the wolves.

Giving power to elected officials is like giving liquor to a thirsty alcoholic. Power does not corrupt, but it does attract the corrupted among us. The vast majority of people just want to be free and to be left alone. Unfortunately, there are a limited minority who seek to control the life, liberty and property of others.

These psychopaths and sociopaths are attracted to positions of power which will provide them with the means to satisfy their greed and lust for power.

Unfortunately our system of government allows the worst possible candidates to be elected. Men and women with integrity and a genuine desire to serve have very little chance to defeat the well funded sociopaths selected by the financial elite.



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  • Thanks Keith, I'll forward this to my new State Rep. * (yet to meet) as he was elected to monitor his associates as patients? (;-) He missed the Belknap County Dinner this past Wed. night, Nov. 12th from 6-8 at the local restaurant, where I met my other new State Rep. (3 in this District) of maybe he will be there next 2nd Wed. of the month, Dec. 10th, but five (5 ) days AFTER the 3-week window of opportunity to present LSRs onto becoming House Bills for Legislation in 2015 which deadline ends on Fri., December 5th. * = "  Hammond (F.) Brown
     P. O. Box 44 (Rte. 140)
     Gilmanton Iron Works, N.H. 03837
     603: 364-5031
     office: 528-6086
     67 Water St., Laconia; "Psychothrpst" " You have my "permission" to give him a call and report back to here in writing for us all as I'd really like to know what he's up to, of his "agenda". (;-) And/or I can also give him a call, +/or you can also give me a call on my cell phone: 603: 848-6059 (my car phone that is, as I don't carry it around like a beeper.) - - Joe

    P.S. From what I've read years ago: a sociopath is in extreme denial of the truth. Like the truth that Title 26 of the Internal Revenue "Code" has never been enacted into positive law (as in the asterisk "*" on the inside front page of the book) but that the "Law Enforcement" so-called treat it as such a law in a "pretend" mode they call "under color of law", and so all that "Strawman" stuff of to RY to combat such, but that I'd prefer to just say like Ed Brown did [ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_and_Elaine_Brown   ] of: "Show me the Law" as I won the I.R.S. case #M.83-50-D against me back in 1983 thanks to Martin J. "Red" Beckman here running for President and his book, of me the landlord there so secondary revenue, as compared to the Browns who should have used the Vivien Kellems example [   http://www.vivienkellems.org/  ]    in their court case. And so a suggested HB for him/ Rep. H. F. Brown to file being to beef-up RSA Ch. 80:7-b [  http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/V/80/80-7-b.htm  ]  for when the owner of record doesn't pay the local property tax, then to bill the "occupier" of "Uncle Sam" since by RSA Ch. 123:2 [  http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/IX/123/123-mrg.htm  ]   only the Federal land is exempt from being taxed, not the building. Of Ed & Elaine Brown thrown into two dungeons "they" call FCI's but have no course with #x-number of classes to N.H. Article 18 be "reform"ed [   http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html   ] to what is correct is that they should not have been plucked off their land to begin with but by the Morsell case of 1875 U.S. Supreme Court of instead they should have been squeezed down to half the freehold (RSA Ch. 480:1-9 homestead) [   http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-XLIX-480.htm   ]  to make payments on the so-called debt, exempting the 7th year as it reads in the Bible. Reference their Article 5 - Part 1st N.H. Constitution & N.H. Bill of Rights, Religious Rights too. Unfortunately: "Debtor's Prisons" are back according to these sociopaths in government  who refuse to learn from history being these political hacks of the governor here of the judges who when a civil case against Federal goons gone haywire is filed for Article 14 "complete"ness, even "their" own 28USC636(c)(1) reads that before any Removal to Federal Court there must be an agreement of "consent" in writing filed by BOTH the Plaintiff AND Defendant in the local county court, but wasn't, of thus to Article 17 impeach [   http://www.nh.gov/constitution/house.html  ]   the judge's Article 36 Retirement as un-deserved as an outlaw to out her of 50% by to revise that RSA Ch. 100-C:15 exemption, [   http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/VI/100-C/100-C-15.htm  ]  and so if not an impeachment then to H.A. / House Address both her * [ Jean K. (Mrs. Peter Hoe) Burling  of Cornish] and her Clerk *[*  Robert Bruce Muh, of Littleton, Retired too] regarding this 2005-C-033 CIVIL case in Grafton County Superior Court, and likewise statutize of HOW to effect an Article 77 appeal [  http://www.nh.gov/constitution/judicial.html   ] when us private prosecutors by RSA Ch. 594:14 http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/LIX/594/594-14.htm file criminal charges, like I did against her* Clerk **  in Haverhill District Court #2012-414 still just sitting there collecting dust, while another clerk in another court DID process, of thus for the Judicial Council [   http://www.nh.gov/judicialcouncil/  ]   to look into this discrepancy of like in "Animal Farm" to some degree of when against whoever of that: all pigs are equal, just that some pigs are more equal than others. cc: to Chris(topher) Keating the Executive Director there by an e-mail forward of this by "copy & paste" with the link too. Thank you "very" much!

  • Bastiat warned us that it is the knowledge of the lawful bounds of government by the People which is essential for good government.  He wisely said that if the law were kept within its proper bounds, it would make no difference who is elected.   We the People must rediscover our lawful position of oversight upon government.

    • You're correct Kirk, and as an example, of even though the Treasury goons against me had me in Federal Court, that unless I did what Red Beckman said of to treat them like a caged animal, of the bars being the constitution, that they would like devour me like out of house and home as they say.  That's when I asked the agent on the witness stand of WHO the Secretary was, re: needing his signature on the Designation Order with the O.M.B. # from The Office of Management & Budget, that I could treat as "bootleg" without such #, that the agent didn't know, of me telling him it was then Donald T. Regan, as the Secretary of the Treasury, of then I looked over to Magistrate William Barry who said that I had complied with Chief Judge Shane Devine's Order of that I had to go through the motions  of to appear at the Forestry Building in Laconia to meet the I.R.S. agents there with my paperwork of my three grocery bags of receipts shown but never given over.  Of later the IRS agent Frank Lungerelli got run over and sent to the hospital who I did visit at his bedside to say it wasn't me, and on the phone with his superior Joe Stella in Portsmouth saying to get me out of there! (:-) Of Larry Glick on WBZ Radio 1030 in Boston having spoken of Joe Stella before of afraid of my stun gun and so he called to meet him down in his car at the Post Office, and Larry saying: did he offer you a lollipop too? (;-), Like what the real estate gurus say at these seminars of the "banksters" like you banking there and give you a "lollipop" because you're a "sucker" to think that it's a Savings Account at point whatever interest when under that rate of inflation.  So yes, more steps needing to take when those elected don't respect our rights of having this check-and-balance against them, but it would be nice if those elected appointed those who do honor the law.

  • Power of defense against crime is not the same thing as power wielded by criminals over victims.

    Confusing the two serves the criminals at the expense of the victims.

    Ideas such as the idea that truth is valuable compete with ideas such as falsehood must be kept hidden compete and so there are competitive powers at work not just one monopoly power at work.

    Sweeping under the rug the defensive power ideas with effortless willful ignorance may be a power at work worthy of consideration.

    Government by majority vote is a relatively new idea added to earlier ideas involving government by other means which apparently escape notice.

  • There is a huge difference between a Sociopath and a Psycho path.

    A Sociopath knows exactly what he/she is doing....a Psychopath does not.

    Obama is a Sociopath with strong  narcissistic  features.



    1.of or pertaining to the body:physical exercise.

    2. of or pertaining to that which is material:
    the physical universe; the physical sciences.
    3. noting or pertaining to the properties of matter and energy other than those peculiar to living matter.
    4. pertaining to the physical sciences, especially physics.
    5. carnal; sexual: a physical attraction.
    6. tending to touch, hug, pat, etc.; physically demonstrative:
    a physical person.
    7.requiring, characterized by, or liking rough physical contact orstrenuous physical activity:
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