Welcome to the rest of your life
Submitted for your approval by Morton IX
If it is not clear yet, then I would strongly suggest that a serious consideration should be given to watching this series of videos of Mr. Jon D. Van Hove, (aka Jonny Liberty).
I received such a mixed and under-informed reaction to my last post that I feel a follow up is needed to increase awareness and knowledge of the whole story about the aspects of freedom and Sovereignty. I could spend a hundred lifetimes talking and not explain it any better than this guy.
The videos are broken up into short bits of about ten minutes, so as not to be too long and tedious, but each is important in and of itself if one is to understand the true nature of their sovereignty and from whence their rights come.
I recommend you watch them starting with Part 1. The information is well researched and presented in a fashion that is understandable to us common folks. If I thought I could express the concepts here better, I would try to write the article. I just don’t think I could do the subject of sovereignty any more justice than this guy.
Happy watching.
Having lived under the shadow of my own ignorance for more than sixty-five years, Morton, I have spent the last five years trying to move into enlightenment, so much of this stuff is new and foreign to me. I want more. Thanks for bringing this into my light.
One question: How can I get a copy of the founding document the Corporation of the United States of America? This is one piece of evidence that infuses these assertions with solid credibility. Thanks.
Hi, Terry; For a copy of the founding document(s) of the Corporation of the US, you need look no further than the Constitution of England, a.k.a. "The Constitution of Great Britain," a.k.a. "The Constitution of the British Empire." You are likely to find little difference, if any, between this document and the US Constitution, with exception, perhaps, to those issues dealing with slavery. Not much has changed over the centuries, except for the added smoke, and a few more mirrors!!
Thanks, Steve, but that doesn't fill my request of Morton. What I'm trying to do is obtain a copy of the documentation that establishes the Corporation of the United States of America--the alleged Second Constitution. Can you help?
I would like a copy of it too, for the same reason. I have wanted a copy of it for a long time.
When I get my copy, I'll forward one to you, Wayne. While we wait, let's try to do something constructive. In the absence of the evidence we request, we can only assume it does not exist. In that respect, we need a plan to resolve our issues with a failed bureaucracy operating under a multitude of blatant, gross violations of our laws, and our Constitutional principles, without any repercussions from our law keepers or our lawmakers.
With respect to Morton's 'Sovereignty' discussion, he may be offering a solution we should consider seriously. I certainly want to learn more.
To verify, our Constitution belongs to the People, as does our government. Our bureaucracy, however is a beast of it's own construct and one that operates outside our authority and our law. This can be described only as criminal. We have a Constitutional process to deal with crimes and those who commit them. The crux of this issue, appears to be in the reticence of a single appointed official to enforce our laws, investigate allegations of crimes, and who refuses to be held accountable for his failure to fulfill the obligation of his office, and his Oath to the Constitution. If we blame Holder, we are looking at the wrong person. "We have met the enemy, and he is us." --Pogo
It is WE who have failed to hold our officials accountable, yet when we speak out, others hush us. The press demonizes us as 'extremists'. I find that people who accuse others of being extremists fear only that their own sins will be revealed.
But for us to shrink from our duty is unforgivable cowardice. What others think of us, and what names they use in their attempts to minimize or denigrate us is of no importance. We must persevere in our quest for justice and our demand for responsible and responsive representation by all our officials, elected and appointed.
Wayne, your ball.
I am currently involved in two law suits with two others on hold. I don't think I am shrinking from duty. If everybody would do what I am currently doing, I don't think this country would be in this mess. I am monitoring this screen as I am working on my case.
I don't envy you, your involvement in any legal action, Wayne. The only lawsuit I was ever involved in was the most stressful time of my life. Something I would avoid at almost any cost. Good luck and I wish you well.
Yes, Terri, I can! Stay tuned tomorrow, and I will post what you need.
In the meantime, you may want to research Stephen Douglas's oratories, and arguments with Lincoln, on issues of slavery and the concessions our founding fathers made with our parent country! This will amaze you!
On this subject of Sovereignty, here's a story you might enjoy. It's a current story about a former TV celebrity judge, turned attorney, and now he wants to declare his Sovereignty over the courts. He's also looking to run for office, so someone needs to remind him of the Original XIII Amendment!
Something tells me, it was just a political stunt, but I could be wrong!
Bon Apetite!
Thanks Steve great video....