Sovereignty Solutions

Ok, so you say you want solutions. Well there are answers, but if you will consider for a moment what exactly it is you're trying to do, then we can all get on the same page.

Everyone CAN do something and I believe we should all do it right. However there seems to be no general consensus on exactly what to do, how to do it or even where to start.

I can sympathize; there are so many things wrong and so many good ideas on how to fix them, that it's hard to gain a sense of common direction, even though we all seem to have a common purpose. Well let me put MY two cents worth in.

I believe in individual Sovereignty first. What does that mean, you ask? Many of you know already, but let's get everyone on the same page. It means you have gone through the motions of telling your LOCAL gov't, through Affidavit, (statements of fact) that you are a National State Citizen, not a U.S. citizen. Your affidavits however must be pure with absolutely NO mistakes or wrong words or symbols.

How can I do this? Where do I start? How do I know if I'm doing it right? What are the ramifications if my statements of fact are not quite right? and the best question of all; Why should I be doing this and not something else?

All good questions and the last is the best of all. So:

I’ll answer the last question first. You should be doing this BEFORE anything else because:

  1. It is the MOST LOCAL thing to do.
  2. It affects ONLY YOU.
  3. Sovereignty is PERSONAL, not a National Movement requiring MASSIVE coordination.
  4. It is effective and unalterable as your statements of fact are recorded and can only be changed by you.
  5. ALL POLITICS ARE LOCAL; so ALL effective solutions are LOCAL.
  6. This is easier than trying to change far away, (Non-local), government.
  7. If the order of power is God, people, city, county, state, then federal; then your solutions MUST follow in that same order or you will more than likely not succeed.

So that is why I started with ME. I am a sovereign. I have filed these Affidavits. I have Declared my Sovereignty through these Affidavits. As one result I will no longer be considered eligible to receive benefits from SS insurance contributions. Oh well, freedom isn't free so I have therefore "donated" my $16,000 (that's how much I volunteered away) to the federal government. I have no desire to chase them down for a refund, but am aware that it can be accomplished. If all of this seems new to you, don't feel bad. Like others have said before, You've been Hood-winked. Many have been fooled throughout the last 100 years or so. This may not apply to you. If so then you are ahead of the game.

In legal terms, the government has committed Constructive Fraud.

Since it is our common goal to hold government accountable, I believe it is incumbent upon all to FIRST hold all of your local officials accountable to YOU and your new-found Sovereign status. You MUST challenge their Fraud. Start with yourself. They must comply with certain things if you demand it, or be held accountable in law papers, affidavits, questionnaires to fill out if you insist on it. These are things EACH of us can do individually, one person at a time, while still having ALL OF US focused on the SAME EXACT SOLUTION.

Does anyone want to be free, like me? Don't go to Washington. Stay home and start writing Affidavits of Truth. Don't get fooled into thinking that the biggest solution with the largest number of people you can gather is the best solution. This does not make sense. There is an order to their power. There is that same order in the solutions.

Think about it. What if we all had these truths filed as not only self evident but self written as evidence too. In law you need more than self evident claims. You need solid PROOF that the authorities you see every day are not to overstep their bounds of authority and then you must be ready and willing to fight them; not as a group but as an individual Sovereign who knows his rights, not just the Constitution.

Any questions? Try this link for the answers:

P.S. - 9/19/2021 Update. I have discovered that SS benefits do not apply to this Citizenship Declaration Status as SS is an insurance program that cannot be denied to you, no matter your official "citizenship status". They cannot discriminate on the basis of "Citizenship".

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  • A letter to your Sheriff, County Clerk, and your County Commissioners, might be a good start.  It will, certainly, get their attention, at any rate!  Please see attached.


    • Ok Steve,

      Looked at your work. It's not bad, and it's clear you have done some serious homework, but "legaleze" it is not. I can't put mine up right now to show you the difference, but if you click on the link I provided you will see that there is MUCH more to learn as to the exacting nature of legal statements and their need for COMPLETE accuracy and solid content, (as in zero rhetoric or opinion). Just statement of fact with the Constitution and Stare Decisis references, etc. to support every statement of fact. OK? Click the link.

      • Steve is PINO in any case. he has New World Order tendencies wants to bring all the world together in Democracy. A UN troll. He filed into the public a document he didn't write and went to jail for selling a meteorite. 

        He was told how to protect himself by Jim Porter and didn't do it and he says heis a judge with the others in Colorado that all PRO SE when it should be in propria persona sui juris.


    • Steve I thought of you when I read this story. Just incase you haven't seen it. Seemed similar enough to yours.  

  • While I list myself on my Affidavit as a Citizen, I have also noticed that some of the earlier treaties/constitutions list us as citizens and supposedly the proper way to list one's self is "state citizen". Look at the Treaty of Paris 1783 and other old documents. Since I have seen it both ways, I am not sure how much difference it really makes.

    It is my personal opinion, and that is all I claim it to be at this time, that the use of upper/lower case letters was not perverted until after the Civil War, therefore my natural inclination is to not give the BAR (BRITISH Accreditation Registry) any recognition or authority to go along with the lack of credibility they already have.

    My son is a private investigator, and that is kind of the philosophy he uses too. Why give somebody authority over you, just be who you are, regardless of them. Why validate their perversion?

    • I'll tell you why Wayne,

      Because they have perverted it in the very manner you described; you must now use their perversion against them. Hence the use of Capitals, wherever they need to be to counteract their deliberate use of case to change or pervert the definition of a word or phrase. Believe me when I tell you that you are not a state citizen, you are a state Citizen. These two things in today's world ARE NOT the same. You know the difference.

  • Morton: may I copy/paste this to a FB  patriot group I belong to ?  I follow what you're saying for sure....start in reverse order of "them". But there are groups of armed militia ready to "blow" from frustration. Another group is being organized to march on DC in May (16th, I believe) as the bikers & truckers already did.  A good show of people doing this might help unify everyone's efforts. We all want the same thing, just many ideas floating around as to HOW to do it & what steps to take. Seems like most are waiting for the "White Knight" to ride in & save them. A lot of people are now awake to some of the lies & corruption, just most are fearful of standing alone to "fight the beast".

    • Bonnie,

      As far as I'm concerned you can. I have no objection to ANYONE seeing what I wrote here. This is the right way to approach your Sovereignty because of the order of sovereignty

      1. Personal
      2. state Republic
      3. National

      They all deal with boundaries and borders. That three foot space around you comes first. Does that help clear it up a little?

  • Thank you, Morton;  I have done all of the "legaleze" to the courts before, only to find there are no remedies available through the courts.  It all comes down to relationships, and it's now time to make it PERSONAL!!  If our Sheriffs, Clerks, and Commissioners, are on the take, and most of them are, we need to let them know of our displeasure, and they will not have our Consent to continue the ruse!

    • Steve,

      I read your papers to your county leaders in crime. I will share this with you for what it is worth. I studied the Constitution under Cleon Skousen in 1976. He is an excellent researcher. He discovered that the term Sheriff goes clear back to the time of Moses, so probably before that, as I'm sure they probably didn't make it up just for Moses. It was spelled different. I don't recall the exact spelling, but it was something to the effect of Shireef. That is how it was pronounced anyway. I don't think it has anything specifically to do with London.

      The secret society that BAR (BRITISH Accreditation Registry) does though. I know you probably already know what it stands for. I am sharing that for the benefit of others who don't know, using it as a teaching moment. I had a hard time finding what it stands for, and could not find it on any searches. Johnny Liberty is the one who finally exposed it to me. Once the definition is known, there is lots of information on it that ties it to BAR, but BAR appears to be unsearchable. They must not want it being known, since they are a secret society, based in London.

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