----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Speaker of the House

Democrat Light

This response by Speaker Boenhead is why we're in so much trouble in America today. It seems like NOBODY will talk about the REAL issues. Like eliminating:

  1. The IRS
  2. The Federal Reserve Bank
  3. The Social Security Administration and every Welfare Program ever spawned from it.
  4. Medicare, Medicaid AND Obama Care
  5. FEMA
  6. DHS
  7. DOE
  8. Gatt, Nafta, etc.
  9. Public Unions

Shall I go on?


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  • Probably all "alphabet" agencies. But I'm curious as to why you include Medicare as it is not a govmt. welfare program, but an "entitlement". An entitlement we paid for & should be "entitled" to draw back from.

    • Bonnie,

      These "welfare" or "entitlement" programs are all gov't run insurance SCAMS and Medicare and Medicaid are part of the Social Security Act of 1935. They are programs that would best be privately run so as to be tailored to local needs. In other words, I have NO PROBLEM with private investments that reap "benefits" to the "contributors", but Social Security is a government run Ponzi Scheme with absolutely no guarantees.

      If you look closely at the rules of engagement, you'll find that it's NOT YOUR MONEY! You make " contributions" to an "insurance" pool that to get a return from you must first "qualify" for "benefits" from that pool. They are hoping we all die young; and now they are even taxing "benefits" too. Bottom line?

      There is NO FUND IN YOUR NAME! PERIOD! As soon as it is out of your hands and in theirs, it belongs to them. AND; if you just read the title of the Social Security Act of 1935, you'll find a HUGE disclaimer at the end of the sentence, where it says, "...and for other purposes." This is a wide open barn door for them to convert ALL of your "contributions" to "other purposes if they wish. And tax it too.

      Regardless, the same old axiom applies;

      "If your money is in someone else's hands, it's not your money any more."

      That's why possession is 9/10's of the law.

      Listen, I know this is a hard message, but I too have had to bite the bullet.  I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk. I have remanded ALL of my "contributions" to the Feds. I will not receive SS "benefits" as I have disclaimed the existence and any use of my SSN. Period!

      You see, I signed my SS-5 when I was 17. That is not lawful.  I couldn't sign myself into the service of the U.S. Army at 17 without a co-sign from one or both of my parents. At 17 you are not able to sign anything. You have no right to sign and cannot be held to a contract or agreement before the age of 18. Therefore my signature on that SS-5 is NOT VALID, nor is it binding in any way.

      As such I am not bound to any contract, agreement, or participation in a program of "entitlement", even though I have accrued $32,000 worth of "contributions" in "my account". Besides, there is no law requiring anyone to have or use a Social Security Number. Not even to get a job and I quote from the governments own website for proof;

      "It is certainly legal to hire someone who is authorized to work in this country, but who does not have a social security number or who chooses not to disclose it."

      And loss of "benefits" is not the only problem or insecurity that one faces in this big bad world. You're old enough to know that Bonnie. Try getting a regular job without using that number. You'll run smack dab into this quote from the same website;

      "Employers do not face any particular legal issues for discharging an employee who refuses to complete such a form,.." (W-2's, I-9's, etc.)

      You see I have screwed myself pretty good taking this stand on SS. This however is just "the tip of the iceberg". Soon we will find out how driving around without a license works out. I would never advise anyone to do what Iv'e done without serious contemplation of all of the exact implications WELL considered. But more importantly I would NEVER advise anyone to try what I've done without first doing it myself and filing what needs filed and denying what needs denied and walking the whole walk, so I can tell people what to expect. It would be very hypocritical of me to do anything less.

      You have always seemed to understand me more than others Bonnie. I'm surprised at the naivete of your reply. However, I think I understand why. You have never been informed of the actual truth about your world before your "age of enlightenment". I hope I have assisted in that event.

  • We should not forget getting rid of all of them.  Some 'special' people are not held accountable to laws, but you bet your life we are held responsible, even when the law is not made public.  Why? Because people are so busy just keeping it together that things are done behind the scene.  Remember "United we stand, divided we fall" that is the strategy and always has been. Dishonesty.

    How do we recap our investment into Social Security and Medicare? We are taxed on the entire amount now. Right? I haven't gotten mine yet and am have been wondering about this.

  • Boehner is a traitor who bows to Obama and helps the usurper void the Constitution.  off with his head!!!!!

    • His and so many others.  All traitors.

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