----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

It's Time to Launch

Welcome To All New and Existing Members of the Constitution Club,

I would like to invite you to start your own group. I would suggest a group centered on your area of interest. A descriptive title that informs people right away what your group is about is recommended.

In addition, I would like to see every county in every state be represented here on the Constitution Club. We have recently opened up the ability for each and every one of you to start your own County Group.  It gives you the power to become an important leader. Instead of talking about the problems, you'll be solving them. Go to the following link to about Leadership Skills for more info. The County Guard is another great avenue of approach that should be considered on its own merits.

The main purpose of the County Group will be to support and defend our God, our natural rights and the compact between our servants government and us, the Constitution. It's not important which Constitution in the united several states that we use to compact with our governing agents. They are currently ignoring our NATURAL rights, so which piece of paper supports these rights the best, is NOT important. WE must support and defend these rights. Here are some ideas about funding this effort.

We must also NEVER forget that these agents are people too. Flesh and blood humans, with their own ability to make decisions and when any one of them make the decision to violate anyone's rights OR their Oaths and Promises, it is incumbent upon a free people to hold them accountable on an individual basis, for their OWN actions as agents of the government, no matter their job title, status, or badge number.

This is exactly why we need EVERY county in America to be represented by a real living human, carrying the message of my Group;

2020 Vision for America

If you wish to join my group, start your own County Group, or just want to find out more, click on the link and let's get started. You are the answer to Them!

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Join Constitution Club - 2020 Vision 4 America


  • It DOES apply to living men and women. It applies RESTRICTIONS on living men and women. The men and women who are elected to office and straddled with the task of making necessary rules for other men and women, because men and women are not perfect and sometimes need rules in addition to what God would give them.

    They need a more refined set of rules that tell them EXACTLY what is right or wrong. Our God has been removed from our daily lives and we no longer see his laws as sacrosanct. Some men and women need to be told directly which actions are right and which are wrong. They are not perfect.

    • Oh hell Morton the elected all know they violate the limits of the actual Constitution and do not give a *hit as they have the money and the power to bribe or jail? Repeal the 14th ,  16th and 17th amendment is the only method of correction.

      • Thanks for chiming in Magnus. Long time, no see.

        Repealing those and adding others has been considered but it's time to take them to task. No more meetings, no more patience. They are only going to get one chance to act correctly. If not they can be removed.

        We're still going to need to give them a chance to repent before we fry them. It's only fair.

        They are in violation of our NATURAL rights. That's got nothing to do with the fact that they ignore any of a number of Constitutions.

        You should join 2020 Vision 4 America and have a chance to act instead of talking.

  • Yes, 

    But we all know that they are being applied BY real men and women who either know what they're doing or are unwittingly cooperating with the fraud.

    Either way they can and will be held accountable for their individual actions against REAL men and women. As soon as these men and women realize that they are NOT "persons" OR "citizens of the United States".

  • Unfortunately Edward,

    You are correct. But the "rag" was supposed to protect "us" from "them", mostly. It was never designed to replace our fundamental and natural rights or the Bible. Just to reinforce natural rights and protections, that's all.

  • it is "we the people" who have failed. Not that miricale you are calling arag. Lincoln , then /roosevelt , should never have been allowed to do the things they did. The people should have revolted back then. Follow the constitution or be brought up on charges.

    • Agreed Shipwreck,

      But sadly, there WERE those who jumped up and down screaming about those two in their respective times.

      Lincoln's election to office was the last straw for the southern republics and started the unrest that prompted the civil war and Roosevelt and even before him, Woodrow Wilson were heavily challenged on their ideas and plans for America, as was the Reapportionment Act of 1921.

  • I was only trying to point out that the codes are being applied (in error) to real men and women, who are unwittingly (and also in error), going along with the program, that's all.

    Typed in your info there. Title 15. Very good stuff. Preaching to the choir, but I'm always keen to review it again. Thanks for the link up.

    Especially like the last part, to whit;

    "The intent of this chapter is to regulate commerce within the control of Congress..."

    15 U.S. Code § 1127 - Construction and definitions; intent of chapter
  • Question: In the text—

    .."The term “person” and any other word or term used to designate the applicant or other entitled to a benefit or privilege or rendered liable under the provisions of this chapter includes a juristic person as well as a natural person..."

    Doesn't "natural" mean human, made in His image, and not a legal entity?

    From Webster's 1828 Dictionary  http://webstersdictionary1828.com/Dictionary/nature

    NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced, ]

    1. In a general sense, whatever is made or produced; a word that comprehends all the works of God; the universe. Of a phoenix we say, there is no such thing in nature

    And look through nature up to natures God.

    What do you think? How would this be argued?

    15 U.S. Code § 1127 - Construction and definitions; intent of chapter
    • This is an easy one Jeanine,

      The term is "natural person", not the word natural. This is a two word phrase and does have a definition all its own. The problem with this phrase is that it's an oxymoron. There is no such thing in real terms, but all phrases like this are likely to have a definition in legal terms which has nothing to do with reality. 

      The reality is that "natural" means real, but a "person" is a fiction. So one part is real and the other is fictional. This is an oxymoron, with no actual basis in reality when used together. It is impossible to apply to real HUMANS. You notice that their definition does not mention actual real living men and women, real living humans.

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