The Supreme Court has ruled that the vote on every man or woman should count the same. This principle is known as "One Man One Vote' applies to the states , but does not apply at the National lever.
In New Hampshire which has a population of 1.3 million has 400 seats in their state Assembly or 1 representative for every 3,327. California has a population of nearly 40 million only has 80 Assembly seats in their state assembly.
The Court has ruled that everyone must be equally represented. clearly the s people in the states are not being equally represented,
Every state should have a spokesman to representative for the legislators in his or her state. Each state's legislators will vote on all proposed federal legislation a spokesman for each state shall have for against the proposed legislation. Each state's vote shall be allocated based on population. California which has a population 30 greater than New Hampshire would have thirty times the number of votes.