This horseshit has been going on for 80 years, minimum. I'll sign on when EVERY LAWYER AT THE FIRM THAT PROMOTED THIS BULLSHIT DOES, and can prove that they haven't lost everything they own, or aren't in prison. OR...Keith, have you stopped paying your federal taxes?
Well, specifically replying to Mark Barnes, I haven’t paid income taxes since 1986 when I stopped being close minded to that old "death and taxes" garbage. I made that decision after studying the income tax laws and determining, as has, that the income tax does not apply to almost everyone; it applies only to those (relatively) few who are involved in some kind of economical/commercial entanglement with the federal government. This video hints at, but doesn’t cover, all the other reasons that most Americans should not be paying an income tax. On the other hand, their REVOCATION OF ELECTION is the only documented rejection of having been drafted (probably fraudulently) into the federal jurisdiction of the income tax laws, that I have been able to find. Yes Mr. Barnes, the BEAST doesn’t like being disobeyed! I suggest the faint at heart stick to ‘twiddly sticks’.
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The income tax law is Constitutionally correct but severely limited in its application. It has been deliberately created that way by Congress as part of the overall tax fraud by the government.
The IRS (executive branch) treats the law as if it were almost universal – and that is a fraud. The lower federal courts have joined in perpetuating that fraud - and we no longer have Article III courts in which to get a remedy. In short, the entire United States government operates on and around fraudulent activities and is no longer responsive to the limits of the Constitution.
Given those provable facts, how can anyone reasonably expect to find a remedy to our situation within the existing government? Of course you rebel at your own risk!
who does this 'income tax' apply to? have you ever just stopped and asked yourself a simple question? no, instead, you like to complicate things and go off chasing rabbit holes, because you have nothing better to do with your time.
this 'income tax' only applies to 'U.S. citizens' [guv employees]; it does not apply to man [the people], creator of government; its that simple, no need to complicate it.
this is how people get misled and sent down the wrong path of confusion; people believe they got it all figured out; but haven't figured out shit; its a case of the blind leading the blind right over the effin cliff.
hope you got your parachute strapped on tight; because its going to be a long way down, my friends.
These videos provide a lot of great information on the tax laws. It even addresses to some extent the people who are citizens only of a state and not at the same time citizens of the United States [ fed gov't ] by referring to them as US Nationals.
They do however, omit a well documented fact that the gov and media have made a politically hot potato. So politically incorrect that most people are afraid to think about it, much less discuss it.
That is the issue of races in America and the 14th amendment. Whites, generally of European decent, were allowed under original intent, to be citizens of the states and territories. This has never changed. Others could never become citizens and no constitution granted the fed gov't general powers over them [whites ] except in some cases they were in federal areas. Even then they retained the rights secured to them by their state constitution in most cases.
The 14th changed the citizenship issue in an important way. It granted the United States [ fed gov't ] the right to have citizens. It was claimed to be for the negro, but was quickly extended to all the people that were, like the negro, due to birth, ineligible for state citizenship.
This is a completely different form of citizenship and one of very few rights according to all court decisions. Further the courts have stated that such people are "not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject..." Elk v. Wilkins, 112 US 94, 101, 102 (1884)
This means two things: 1] that these individuals are more like subjects than citizens and the courts have made this clear by stating they have No Protection from the Bill of Rights. 2] that no matter where they are born in regard to American controlled soil, they are at all times subject to ALL federal laws - this naturally means all tax laws. A citizen of the fed gov't is naturally subject to all fed laws all the time.
The courts have gone on to differentiate the differences between whites and non-whites by stating that the 14th did not apply to and has no impact upon state citizens.
I am not being racist in explaining this, I am simply stating what anyone with an open mind can learn if they are pointed in the right direction and spend the time doing the research.
The issue of race is pretty much moot today because the gov't on all levels is pretending that there are no whites left in existence, leaving only federal subjects for the gov on all levels to rule as they please.
Since non-whites / 14th subjects are completely subject to the will of the legislature as their sovereign and have no common law rights or a right to a republican form of gov't, all common law courts have long ago been closed, leaving no courts with any actual authority / jurisdiction over whites.
This is not a tax issue but a general issue of authority and rights and the gov has a policy of ignoring the constitutions and laws made in harmony with them and simply doing as it pleases in order to meet its agenda. Further, the judges in the state courts and in the USDC's are all complicit with those in power and will not hesitate to ignore the constitution and laws when necessary to impose the agenda of those in power. True due process is ignored by the judges when it interferes with a gov't agenda.
In tax cases the judges, even if honest, cannot meet the rules of due process. If they comply with the constitutions and laws and let people win, they are subject to IRS harassment and destruction. Due to this, there is no true due process available for defendants in a tax case because the judge is forced to be biased as a matter of self preservation.
So, what is the bottom line of what I am saying? Before you decide to ignore the rules that the gov't is imposing, study up very carefully and learn all you can and then decide if the fight you were contemplating is one that you have the slightest chance of winning.
When it comes to our gov't, it is my opinion that in many situations, a fight that you can avoid is one in which you have scored a major victory. If you do decide to take on the gov't, please take on something simple, such as a seat belt ticket. 14th / US subjects are subject to such laws and the courts that enforce them, but a state-only citizen is not. If you cannot win on something as simple as that - then please do not put your whole life on the line unnecessarily over a much more serious issue. If you are a family man or woman, think about what you might be doing to them if you unnecessarily take on the gov't in a struggle that could end with you in prison and them on the streets.
What you call a major victory Bill, I call acquiescence. And what you describe as self preservation for judges? What is it when we do the same thing?; try to preserve our rights. Isn't that self preservation as well? As for how you define necessary; I would say, if the world was filled with completely moral people, the whole damn government would be unnecessary.
We are in a time where all of what we do to fight for our rights and freedoms is completely necessary and, if not you, who? If not now, when? If not here, where?
Interesting twist.
We'll see how well it works.
Now you tell me... I'm retired !!!
This horseshit has been going on for 80 years, minimum. I'll sign on when EVERY LAWYER AT THE FIRM THAT PROMOTED THIS BULLSHIT DOES, and can prove that they haven't lost everything they own, or aren't in prison. OR...Keith, have you stopped paying your federal taxes?
Well, specifically replying to Mark Barnes, I haven’t paid income taxes since 1986 when I stopped being close minded to that old "death and taxes" garbage. I made that decision after studying the income tax laws and determining, as has, that the income tax does not apply to almost everyone; it applies only to those (relatively) few who are involved in some kind of economical/commercial entanglement with the federal government. This video hints at, but doesn’t cover, all the other reasons that most Americans should not be paying an income tax. On the other hand, their REVOCATION OF ELECTION is the only documented rejection of having been drafted (probably fraudulently) into the federal jurisdiction of the income tax laws, that I have been able to find. Yes Mr. Barnes, the BEAST doesn’t like being disobeyed! I suggest the faint at heart stick to ‘twiddly sticks’.
A follow-up thought:
The income tax law is Constitutionally correct but severely limited in its application. It has been deliberately created that way by Congress as part of the overall tax fraud by the government.
The IRS (executive branch) treats the law as if it were almost universal – and that is a fraud. The lower federal courts have joined in perpetuating that fraud - and we no longer have Article III courts in which to get a remedy. In short, the entire United States government operates on and around fraudulent activities and is no longer responsive to the limits of the Constitution.
Given those provable facts, how can anyone reasonably expect to find a remedy to our situation within the existing government? Of course you rebel at your own risk!
"In times of Universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
Not rebellion good sir, but Revolution!
who does this 'income tax' apply to? have you ever just stopped and asked yourself a simple question? no, instead, you like to complicate things and go off chasing rabbit holes, because you have nothing better to do with your time.
this 'income tax' only applies to 'U.S. citizens' [guv employees]; it does not apply to man [the people], creator of government; its that simple, no need to complicate it.
this is how people get misled and sent down the wrong path of confusion; people believe they got it all figured out; but haven't figured out shit; its a case of the blind leading the blind right over the effin cliff.
hope you got your parachute strapped on tight; because its going to be a long way down, my friends.
So, you are obviously NOT paying income taxes, correct? If so, please give a thumbnail as to how others may do so.
These videos provide a lot of great information on the tax laws. It even addresses to some extent the people who are citizens only of a state and not at the same time citizens of the United States [ fed gov't ] by referring to them as US Nationals.
They do however, omit a well documented fact that the gov and media have made a politically hot potato. So politically incorrect that most people are afraid to think about it, much less discuss it.
That is the issue of races in America and the 14th amendment. Whites, generally of European decent, were allowed under original intent, to be citizens of the states and territories. This has never changed. Others could never become citizens and no constitution granted the fed gov't general powers over them [whites ] except in some cases they were in federal areas. Even then they retained the rights secured to them by their state constitution in most cases.
The 14th changed the citizenship issue in an important way. It granted the United States [ fed gov't ] the right to have citizens. It was claimed to be for the negro, but was quickly extended to all the people that were, like the negro, due to birth, ineligible for state citizenship.
This is a completely different form of citizenship and one of very few rights according to all court decisions. Further the courts have stated that such people are "not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject..."
Elk v. Wilkins, 112 US 94, 101, 102 (1884)
This means two things: 1] that these individuals are more like subjects than citizens and the courts have made this clear by stating they have No Protection from the Bill of Rights. 2] that no matter where they are born in regard to American controlled soil, they are at all times subject to ALL federal laws - this naturally means all tax laws. A citizen of the fed gov't is naturally subject to all fed laws all the time.
The courts have gone on to differentiate the differences between whites and non-whites by stating that the 14th did not apply to and has no impact upon state citizens.
I am not being racist in explaining this, I am simply stating what anyone with an open mind can learn if they are pointed in the right direction and spend the time doing the research.
The issue of race is pretty much moot today because the gov't on all levels is pretending that there are no whites left in existence, leaving only federal subjects for the gov on all levels to rule as they please.
Since non-whites / 14th subjects are completely subject to the will of the legislature as their sovereign and have no common law rights or a right to a republican form of gov't, all common law courts have long ago been closed, leaving no courts with any actual authority / jurisdiction over whites.
This is not a tax issue but a general issue of authority and rights and the gov has a policy of ignoring the constitutions and laws made in harmony with them and simply doing as it pleases in order to meet its agenda. Further, the judges in the state courts and in the USDC's are all complicit with those in power and will not hesitate to ignore the constitution and laws when necessary to impose the agenda of those in power. True due process is ignored by the judges when it interferes with a gov't agenda.
In tax cases the judges, even if honest, cannot meet the rules of due process. If they comply with the constitutions and laws and let people win, they are subject to IRS harassment and destruction. Due to this, there is no true due process available for defendants in a tax case because the judge is forced to be biased as a matter of self preservation.
So, what is the bottom line of what I am saying? Before you decide to ignore the rules that the gov't is imposing, study up very carefully and learn all you can and then decide if the fight you were contemplating is one that you have the slightest chance of winning.
When it comes to our gov't, it is my opinion that in many situations, a fight that you can avoid is one in which you have scored a major victory. If you do decide to take on the gov't, please take on something simple, such as a seat belt ticket. 14th / US subjects are subject to such laws and the courts that enforce them, but a state-only citizen is not. If you cannot win on something as simple as that - then please do not put your whole life on the line unnecessarily over a much more serious issue. If you are a family man or woman, think about what you might be doing to them if you unnecessarily take on the gov't in a struggle that could end with you in prison and them on the streets.
What you call a major victory Bill, I call acquiescence. And what you describe as self preservation for judges? What is it when we do the same thing?; try to preserve our rights. Isn't that self preservation as well? As for how you define necessary; I would say, if the world was filled with completely moral people, the whole damn government would be unnecessary.
We are in a time where all of what we do to fight for our rights and freedoms is completely necessary and, if not you, who? If not now, when? If not here, where?