Many of the advocates for an Article V Convention are of Constitutional Lawyers and Scholars while many of those opposed to the Article V Conventions can be traced to political organization such as the Eagle Forum and the John Birch Society. Both organizations have made unsubstantiated claims that the Convention could not be limited and would therefore jeopardize the survival of the Constitution. Former Supreme Court Justice Warren Burger makes the claim that Article V Convention could not be restrained as is therefore dangerous. The truth is that the states would control the Convention and that Congress would lose control over the amendment process. Please don't take my word for it study the following information and draw your own conclusions.
I am a former member of the John Birch Society and I have a tremendous regard for the work that they have done to educate the American people. While I do agree with them on most issues, I disagree with the position that they have taken on Article V Conventions. I believe that the members of the website should not take accept anyone else's opinion without studying both sides of an issue. I am confident that if you will do your homework you will be in a position to make an informed decision. For this reason I am posting this video presented by the John Birch Society.
The Position of the Eagle Forum
Tom DeWeese is Opposed to Article V
Nick Dranias of the Goldwater Institute
Goldwater Institute Video Collection on Article V
Click Here
Goldwater Institute Website
Chief Justice Thomas Brennan's Lecture on Article V Part 1 Chief Justice Thomas Brennan's Lecture on Article V Part 2
"No Reason to Fear an Article V Convention"
By Rob Natelson
Professor Rob Natelson's Lecture on Article V Part 1
Professor Rob Natelson's Lecture of Article V Part 2
Paul Antinori Lectures on Article V
Joel S. Hirschhorn Part 1
I've added my comments about this, under Public Comments a few minutes ago. I am no in favor of a Constitutional Convention.
Does this mean that you are opposed to the following the Constitution. George Washington, James Madison and the other authors of the Constitution added Article to the Constitution to give the states the ability check the abuse of power by the United States government. Why are you opposed to following the advise of our founding fathers?
I believe an article I published just this weekend settles this point about supporting the Constitution which is really what we are discussing. Please go to and read the material regarding the 1973 ABA Report. Interesting that everyone believes it is the JBS that came up with the opposition or Mr. Natelson who had such ideas as he expresses when in fact all they both did was copy from the ABA.