----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

First of all Stop all Foreign aid to any country that in any way is supporting terrorism and or the demise of our country. Use this money to start up new business in this country, build the keystone pipe line, drill the Bacon oil field etc., and bring our energy cost down. Give companies a tax break for at least fifteen years to bring manufacturing back to this country. .Bring our soldiers home from these country's and have them close our borders.  If you are a terrorist from another country or are in a known terrorist cell you will be deported immediately unless we need to try you on crimes committed to our people and or our country.   Second of all arrest all members of congress that are not standing up for the constitution and the bill of rights that they took an oath to protect. This also goes for any other federal employee. Put them on public trial so the people can see what they have done. Have the states assign new members until an election can be held. Down size the federal government and give more power back to the states where it belongs. 

This would be a good start. 
Thank You
Bob Lester. 


Tax Rebellion...  They can no longer operate a huge over-reaching unconstitutional freedom usurping government without any income.  Cut them off.  Refuse to comply.  Filing treason complaints with the FBI agent in charge is another option but be prepared to sue when they refuse to investigate.  Contact LCDR Walter Frances Fitzpatrick III for details on this process http://thejaghunter.wordpress.com/ Many people have filed them, but not enough.  Folks need to spine up and take meaningful action that is still peaceful while we still can, otherwise just stop complaining and roll over in complicity.  Both of these are viable options.
Contest Entry: Any award of prize money to be given to Sheriff Mack's Constitutional Posse. I am a member.
Have at least 3 citizens in each state submit a complaint against the U.S. Senators representing their states.
Send complaints by USPS certified mail, return receipts requested, to:

Mr. Sean McKessey, Chief
Office of the Whistleblower
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street NE
Mail Stop 5628
Washington, DC 20549

Each letter's wording to be:

Dear Chief McKessey:

This letter is a complaint against my state's members of the U.S. Senate.
Their names are __________ and __________.

These Senators have violated their oath of office by permitting Obama to conduct himself outside his Constitutional authority to the great detriment of our Constitutional Republic and we, the sovereign people.

Please investigate in a no-holds-barred manner. Honest findings will mandate that the surety bonds of said Senators be revoked.

Thank you,


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