Talk is Cheap


 8575527088?profile=originalWe have all heard the expression that talk is cheap.  In order to restore our Constitution and the rule of law we need to action now. We need to stop focusing on the problem and start attacking the problem. When the conditions in Colonial America became in tolerable, the early Patriots refused to comply with laws they felt were unjust. When their appeals to the King and Parliament fell on deaf earns, they united and became an irresistible force.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance and unfortunately, We the People have been negligent. The Constitution can not protect us unless we are willing to defend it. All of our government officials have taken an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and it is our responsibility to hold them accountable.

There are a lot of organizations that are making an effort to restore our republic, but the ones I most high recommend are 1) the Tenth Amendment Center 2) The Center of Self Governance and 3) AmericaAgain.

I would like to ask  all of you to support these organizations by donating your time, talent and perhaps a little of your money to help in the restoration of America. 8575445692?profile=original


8575527079?profile=original8575527074?profile=originalClick on the banners for more information.

How much of your money do you give to the bankers, lawyers and politicians?

Why not donate a fraction of that amount to help in the restoration of our Constitutional Republic?




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  • I am committed to supporting Keith for $5 per month.  If 20% of the CC would match me, then Keith would have the financial strength to get other organizations that need funding the promotion that is needed.  Too many of us believe that we are too impoverished to help.  I give to many organizations just $2-5 per month.  If enormous numbers of patriots would simply do the same, WOW.  

  • Talk is cheap, whiskey costs money.

  • To those who really know me -  I love my country - my God and our people .... 
    I am a homeless solder - a none combat vet -I have served ANG for six years and some emergency services for the states, nothing big, but I am still a soldier of my time,  and I have been working hard for 15 years to restore our Constitution, and the bill of rights.
    I have been treated like a war criminal many times at home for standing and questioning the authority who serve us. my combat was with judges lawyers and police officer who violate individual God  given inheritance. 
    I did not go to combat overseas, nor ever called for war.  I am thankful that I am still alive.  my combat has been at home and in the state Oregon and the state of Montana. 
    If I had  the resources I would help all I can , but I am so poor that I live from place to place .  but I did sacrifice my whole life to fight for our true freedom.  Every day I teach and investigate and share discovery with all people I make contact with.
      I have taken on judges lawyers and cops, to plant the seeds of our nations traditions and foundations. I continual today and until I die or be killed to stand up for our nation.  
    I wish I could fund all institutions who are fighting for the same cause as I am.  Maby one day I will, but my father above has given me  my calling and my mission , even though I am poor and homeless and living from place to place , I always put my trust in God, and he seems to guide me and support all I need.   
    I prayed asked why he did not send me to combat and utilize all the training I had in the six years combined with the street training in skills from  on the streets at ten.
    Now I know why he did what he did to preserve my life, even though other battle buddy's did not make it. He the creator e had a different plan for me  as a soldier for me, it was to be a soldier for- ever and to fight for our nation within and to restore the rule of law . 
      Well he saved me because its my calling and combat at home to preserve our Constitutions, now I know what my calling is and my job.  A constitutional officer and to combat those who are our enemy's within.
    This has been my calling ever since my ETS date , and I have always continued to be a Soldier of God and my nation. 
    Thank you , and keep up the good work, united together forever.....  11brv infantry 1-10 underground elements, duane Kirkland spc/ weapons.  follow me ......
  • Keith, keep up the good work.  A talented worker is worthy of his hire.  

    • CAN YOU SEE WHAT I SEE..................

      To who take unknown substances, from the doctors who are the enemy's of our nation.

       THE WINDOW TO DEATH OBAMA CARE ..............The perfect example why you should not have goverment care who robs the branches purse.      check this out and the window to death.  contaminate and destroy you, and drain your bank accounts.   To who take unknown substances, from the doctors who are the enemy's of our nation.
      next time you take a pill, ask your self who made it. and if you research where the meds com from , they come from our terrorist states. so I recommend to take your meds..............
      help the enemy's destroy us.8575845654?profile=original

      next time you take a pill, ask your self who made it. and if you research where the meds com from , they come from our terrorist states. so I recommend to take your meds..............
      help the enemy's destroy us.

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