This is where you have to ask yourself; When do "we" stand up to "them" and just who is "them"?
If you ever wondered why we are where we are in this country today,
This Video should answer that question.
This is where you have to ask yourself; When do "we" stand up to "them" and just who is "them"?
If you ever wondered why we are where we are in this country today,
This Video should answer that question.
You need to be a member of Constitution Club - 2020 Vision 4 America to add comments!
There are approximately 650 of "them" and 370 million of "US". Do the math; subliminal programming is one way they get the people via TV, newspapers, education, [mis-interpreted] religion, and repeaters!!
Repeaters of false information from other repeaters, from other repeaters,
Complacency, comfort zones, fear, laziness, why don't Americans do anything?? I just told you.
Yes, that is so. We 'volunteer', but it goes back before we sign a 1040. The FIRST day you went to work, you filled out the W-4. That starts the process. In that form you tell your new 'boss' that you are a 'taxpayer', and that you will owe a 'tax' at the end of the year.
That W-4 is a LEGAL PAPER, and you SHOULD have consulted an attorney before you signed it. (And never signed it!) It starts the process of withholding the money YOU WORKED FOR, and sending it off to the phony agency called the IRS. At the end of the year, your boss sends YOU and the IRS something called a W-2. It's all over from there.
You MUST file a 1040 to get back what you 'over-paid', and now they HAVE YOU. Skip filing the next year, even if you're not working, and they want to know where your return (1040) is, and you get mail with the vulture in the return address place.
My Constitution says (TWICE) that DIRECT TAXES are forbidden. And as 'enforced' the 'income' tax is a DIRECT tax, and the 16th amendment did NOT change that.
Perhaps this will clarify the problem, and the solution;
Article 136 - (1783) United States of America
Canon 7615 (link)
The United States of America is a type of Capital Fund first formed under the articles of the Treaty of Paris in 1783, later ratified in 1796 (36Geo3.c.97) and under the authority of the Religious Fund known as the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States (1784).
Canon 7616 (link)
In respect of the United States of America Capital Fund:
(i) The Fund is predicated on false, immoral, profane and sacrilegious claims of authority over rights granted by the Divine Creator to all men and women as Natural Rights, not subject to alienation, surrender, seizure, abjuration or custody; and
(ii) The United States Capital Fund as ratified by 1787 is dependent upon the existence of the Religious Fund of the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States (1784), which was founded on fraud, falsities, profanities, sacrilege, belies, deception, bad faith, unclean hands and prejudice; and
(iii) The United States Capital Fund as ratified by 1787 deliberately obscures, hides, belies, misleads and fails to properly identify the nature of the underlying temporary trust as well as the trustees and the commercial arrangements with the United Company of Merchants as well as the Dutch East India Company and the thirteen families of the United States of the Netherlands in exile. Therefore, the United States Capital Fund is founded in fraud and bad faith and deliberate misrepresentation from its inception in contradiction to all valid forms of law; and
(iv) The United States Capital Fund effectively repudiates the independence of the United States of America from Westminster and the Crown of England and contradicts in practices the principles as outlined by the Declaration of Independence as a willing and open breach of trust against all the American People and American Patriots who fought for independence. Therefore all claims of validity or authority of the Fund is automatically null and void from the beginning.
Canon 7617 (link)
All claimed authorities, property, rights and dignities associated with the United States of America Capital Fund, also known as the United States have automatically returned to the full authority, custody, control and jurisdiction of the Globe Union and all claimed statutes, acts, decrees, prescripts, rescripts, orders, pronouncements, dispensations, letters, deeds, warrants or instruments whatsoever in conflict with these facts are null and void having no force or effect.
Article 141 - (2006) Globe Union
Canon 7630 (link)
The Globe Union is a type of Capital Fund first formed in 2006 through the formation and publication of the most sacred Covenant known as Pactum De Singularis Caelum, also known as the Covenant of One Heaven, as the one, true and only valid Religious Fund in existence and the only true successor to the very concept of Religious Funds as first invented in the 16th Century; and the subsequent publication of the sacred Constitution and Charter known as Cartae Sacrorum De Congregatio Globus.
Canon 7631 (link)
In respect of the Globe Union:
(i) The Sacred Charter Cartae Sacrorum De Congregatio Globus, also known as the Sacred Charter of the Global Union is founded on the Golden Rule of Law, of Justice and Due Process. Therefore, all property, rights, titles, powers and authorities of all other Religious Funds have henceforth been ecclesiastically, lawfully and legally conveyed and transferred to the Global Union; and
(ii) The Sacred Charter Cartae Sacrorum De Congregatio Globus, also known as the Sacred Charter of the Global Union, as the first law of the planet Earth above any and all other claimed charters, covenants, constitutions, deeds and agreements subject to the supreme covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum; and
(iii) The sacred Charter Cartae Sacrorum De Congregatio Globus is a more perfect Union, established under Natural Justice, ensuring tranquility and harmony, providing for the collective defense of the planet, promoting the quality and standard of living of all beings and securing the blessings of liberty for all as equal under the Golden Rule of Law.
Canon 7632 (link)
Any rule, edict, statute, ordinance, prescript, rescript, command, regulation, policy, judgment or official notice that does not recognize the supremecy of the Global Union as the ultimate Capital Fund is automatically null and void, whether the body making such statements is in agreement or not.
You are "allowed" to "volunteer" a portion of your hard-earned PAY (NOT 'INCOME') to the 'internal revenue' process of United States, Inc. Trouble is, so many people 'volunteered', and never recinded it, that the assumption is that EVERYBODY 'volunteers', and is EXPECTED to do so. It's been going on for so long that it's presumed to be 'The Law', and that all of the thefts carried out by IRS are somewhere 'the law'. And they ARE... For LOTS of people, but NOT for those of us working (not employed) in the PRIVATE SECTOR.
Those lowlifes STOLE MY HOME, which was PAID FOR, and NO ONE would listen to a word I said. And I'm still getting dunning letters, demanding $300,000.00 in tax, penalties and interest. On FAR LESS money which never actually was TAXABLE!
The answer to this does not just address just the federal income tax but addresses most state and federal laws in place today.
If you are a person who has no rights, then the gov can make laws that apply to commerce, and without further notice, impose them upon you. The fraud is when you go to court and ask for the code, law, rule or statute that makes you subject to the particular demand the prosecution is claiming a particular lawmaking body is making upon you.
Under the rules of due process, a challenge to the plaintiff must be answered with proof of standing.
In the case of a drivers license or a tax on labor, the plaintiff [ gov via its prosecutor ] must state and prove the following to validate and prove its case:
1] This is a legislative court which has full authority to hear cases dealing with citizens of the United States [ meaning federal / 14th amendment citizens ].
2] Citizens of the United States are citizens of the federal government and the 14th Does Not secure to this class of people very many rights, for instance, it does not secure to them the complete fruits of their own labor / right to travel in a motor vehicle on the public rights of ways.
3] Since they have almost no rights, they are subject to all laws at all times, including commercial laws as if they were engaged in commerce even though they are not.
4] In this case, we are imposing a tax on their labor [ or a demand for a drivers license ] in accordance with the currently existing commerce laws because no constitution grants them any protection against such application of these laws upon their private / non-commercial activities.
If the representative for the plaintiff [ prosecutor & gov ] made such statements in court, as required by law, then the accused could state, "I deny being a citizen of the United States", meaning a person who holds their citizenship exclusively due to the adoption of the 14th amendment.
At that point the plaintiff would have to prove you are incorrect.
The plaintiff would have to prove on the record that you are a non-white person and then explain how the 14th applies to you.
If you are white, and in particular a white person born in a state, the plaintiff would have to admit defeat by standing silent or openly admitting the commerce laws do not apply to the non-commercial activities of whites because no such power to impose commerce laws to private activities has been granted by any constitution to any state gov. and since the states have no such power, they could not delegate it to the United States [ federal gov ].
This would eliminate the imposition of 99.999% of fed laws on whites and around 80% of state laws upon them.
The outcome would be riots by non-whites demanding rights on par with whites and the courts know that this anarchy would result, resulting in the collapse of our current legal system and a complete return to a two class society.
Further, the judges, prosecutors and many attorneys are well aware that there would be massive retaliation against them by whites that had been knowingly falsely prosecuted and punished for laws that did not apply to them, causing a mass exodus of judges, prosecutors and attorneys to Canada seeking political asylum as they fled for their lives.
What is over looked by people that might be for this is that all the social protections that most Americans have become dependent upon, such as SS, SSI, workmans comp, unemployment insurance, food stamps, fair housing laws, speed limits in school zones and so much more would have to be deemed unconstitutional, thus ending them and causing the deaths of millions of Americans within months.
On the other hand, there would be no drug, gun or vehicle code laws for whites.
I am not a communist by any means, but after careful consideration, we need a certain amount of socialism in order for a complex society to function. Unfortunately what we have at this time is slightly limited communism because under the law as applicable to citizens of the United States, there is no right to justice. That is a concept that was not incorporated into the 14th amendment.
If we could pass an amendment securing the right to justice to 14th subjects, the system would not be perfect, but I believe it would be so much better that our only major complaint left would be the endemic corruption in gov., something I think would naturally be diminished of the individuals had a right to justice in regard not just to the courts but in regard to all dealings with the gov on all levels.
In response to: So you are saying we are only taxable if we file a W-4 and a 1040?
Please think rationally. Either a constitution grants the gov the power to impose a law or it does not. The framers did not include a clause that states, all powers not delegated are withheld - unless we can trick a person into complying thru deception or force them thru coercion.
In this case, there is no foundation that I can find for the 'if you filed then you are subject' theory. If you do not owe and are not required to file, any money taken by the gov under false pretenses is a crime.
Those people that are citizens of the United States [ fed gov / 14th subjects ] are by their very nature subject to the income tax and almost any other law a state or the fed gov might wish to impose because the 14th does not incorporate a right to 100% of ones own labor.
To know how the gov is viewing you, just look at the court you are being processed in on the fed level. All fed offenses are processed in Art 4 [ territorial ] District courts - NOT in Art 3 judicial courts.
the 1040 creates the presumption that you are a citizen or resident of the u.s. virgin islands, which creates the PRESUMPTION that you are liable. that unrebutted presumption is the problem. people who have NEVER filed a 1040 never hear from the irs. art 4 courts are the correct jurisdiction for tax crimes. art 3 courts are the correct courts for Americans. the best defense is a GREAT OFFENSE. SEE
No, there is nothing in the LAW that says that,
But that's where they find their authority to hound the individual. File the W-4, and the W-2 goes out to them. When you don't file the 'right' form with them, they begin. And if you do it ONCE, and they get no forms from you, but DO get W-2's. YOU ARE FINISHED! You are a 'taxpayer', and there is NO EXCUSE! They stole my HOME, and for more than a year took 100% of my SS.
They collected one year's OUT OF DATE (statute of limitations) THREE TIMES, and would NOT reply to anything I sent them. They are the lowest of the low. They are worse than Obama and Hillary combined. And THAT takes some doing!
I wish to disagree with something. Either a constitution makes you subject to a jurisdiction [ lawmaking body such as congress ] or it does not.
If you look do the research you will find that the gov't is claiming everyone is a citizen via the 14th amendment. This is important because such people are citizens of the federal gov. A citizen of the fed gov is naturally subject to all federal laws - including all tax laws.
About the IRS being evil. The over whelming evidence clearly supports that statement and congress refuses to do its job of reigning them in.
A few people have claimed success in fighting them, but most are destroyed in such a fight.
As for being worse than Obozo. They answer directly to him. The reason is that it is his duty to make sure they apply the law exactly as congress has passed it and he has the power to compel the AG to take action to prosecute any agent that violates the law.
Therefore, ultimately they can be no worse than the president.