----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The people of the world are divided in to one of two classes. The first class consists of relatively small group of predators and the second consists of their prey.he

The powerful few are motivated by greed and exploit the many by stealing violating the lives, liberty and property of the people. 

Governments instituted among men tend to benefit the few at the expense of the many. Our Constitution was written to prevent the abuse of power by government officials. 

Legislation that permits Congress to steal our liberty and our property have turned the sovereign people into slaves on a gigantic federal plantation.

The instrument that has made this possible is a form of theft known as taxation. When an individual is taxed their property is stolen from the many for the benefit of the few.

Taxation has turned our property rights into privileges granted to us by the government. Instead of  protecting our rights the government is now dedicated to  controlling our lives, liberty and property.>

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