----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Taxation on Incomes

Dear Sis,

I'm sorry you have such a reaction. It is interesting to note how you describe the information which is being presented. I'm sure that it is not simply just an "Interesting intellectual argument". It is in fact, direct reference to the actual laws and codes as written. There is no room for a "debate". He is simply citing code. As for checking, that's what I've done for you. No need to question my 24 years of research on the subject, which has included many thousands of hours of reading and deciphering the truth of any one argument on this issue of direct taxation on Incomes. I don't deal in opinions.

I deal in facts. Just the facts. I highly suggest you should probably not ignore them. I also don't wish to debate "legalities" either, as they are secondary to inherent rights and "Lawfulness". "Legal" is not "Law". Those who would seek to keep us unaware and scared are taking advantage of the ignorance of the average dummy. Don't be one of the dummies with their head stuck in the sand. You're much smarter than that and you know me too well to think that I would waste my time on simple debates over "legalities" or semantics.

This is but one issue that proves beyond a doubt that we are being taken advantage of at the very least and are living in an Oligarchy built on deception, lies, intimidation and propaganda. The Federal Reserve Bank is the culprit; the IRS is the bill collector; the courts are the enablers and our current Congress, Cabinet and Judicial members are all co-conspirators in the ruse, designed to milk us like cows and put their jackboots on our necks and never let us up for air. I for one, will not sit still for this. The income tax is a farce and a travesty, but like I pointed out, is just one piece of the puzzle that is today's America.

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