----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Taxes - Cost to Cost Ratio

Taxes and How they Affect your Life

Many of us know that taxes are a burden.

That's the very definition of tax;

  1. To burden.
  2. To slow the forward motion of a given momentum.
  3. To harness the energy of a given thing or motion.

But that's not what's important. What IS important is the fact that We the People of America are being taxed beyond even what we realize.

When you factor in the notion that just counting up all of the income tax alone that Americans pay, then add in all of the other "deductions" that come out in taxes to pay for all those other "programs", you end up realizing that the costs are handed down to the consumer OF that product. Add in the myriad of other taxes paid by the business that brings you the product and refines the product for you and you have the shocking truth coming straight AT you!



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  • I can't find it now but maybe one of our members also have the story of how a simple one penny bar napkin is taxed.

    It starts at the owners of the forest, the loggers who cut down the trees, the truckers who haul the logs, the mill that processes the pulp and make the paper, the distribution centers, more truckers, advertising, sales and delivery to the local bar.

    Each company that touches that product is taxed. Each employee is taxed. The taxes get passed along to the next step in producing the napkin. The percentage of taxes is compounded with each change of hands. In the end, one singular napkin has been taxed many times over to the tune of more money than the cost of the napkin. Multiplied hundreds of times.

    If we want taxation to be fixed, we shouldn't tax corporations. Every corporation MUST build-in the cost of taxes into their product or service. The result is the consumer ALWAYS pays the tax. Do the math. Corporations must pass taxes on or they would be bankrupt. It is not absorbable, someone must pay it.

    We have all seen the list of all local, state, and federal taxes. Please insert here to see the over-taxation.

    We do need taxes to pay for certain necessities, but it should come from the sale of the finished product or service. The result would be lower priced everything for all of us. Instead of asking for a raise, how about we ask to lower the cost of doing business and take a cost of living avalanche? We won't make more money, but we will be spending less on EVERYTHING. Hey, that might make our products competitive in the World market. Our products are overpriced because of taxes and over-regulation. We can't tax ourselves and demand an increase to make more money. More pay means higher taxes, and the cycle starts all over again and that napkin costs more.

    How can a government demand more taxes from a product than the profit that a company is asking? GOD only askes for 10%, if you can afford it, why is government demanding more?
    • "How can a government demand more taxes from a product than the profit that a company is asking?" 

      That is exactly right. The oil companies are a good example. They make 9 cents MAX on the dollar. Gas stations try to eek out 1 to 3% profit somehow. The Federal government gets 50 cents on every gallon. At $2.50/gal., that's 20% of the total cost, or a 25% increase in the cost of a product, JUST TO PAY ONE TAX!

      So the company which brings you the product gets 9% and the feds get 20%. Now who's the problem?

      • That's just the fuel tax by itself. What about all the hands that each gallon went through before we make the consumer purchase. The compounded taxes that each and every employee and corporation that has anything to do with the petroleum business or retail convenience store. The scientists, drillers, truckers, accountants, lawyers, secretaries, insurance, maintenance personnel....

        All of them pay taxes on their infinitesimal involvement, and it all gets added into the corporate overhead. Then ALL the companies involved have to pay their fair share of corporate taxes. Naturally it gets rolled into the wholesale price. Finally the retailer adds his margin and the state gets their sales tax. In the end, the consumer picks up the tab for ALL those taxes built into each gallon of gas, or any other product. Even the ones that are exempt from a "sales" tax. There are hidden taxes in everything we do. More than the basic product or service itself.
        • That is exactly right Mike.

          You have stated the truth most succinctly. Imagine if we simply removed the IRS from that equation. Gas would likely be $1.00/gal. And gas is the largest single factor which affects the cost of everything else. Transportation! Getting the goods to market.

          Now factor in;

          1. Fractional banking,
          2. The Mortgage loan industry,
          3. Credit and Usury,
          4. Socialist Welfare and save the world programs,
          5. Forced Healthcare;

          And you've got yourself the ingredients for a Revolution!

          Welcome to The Revolution!

          • Maybe not a revolution as we know it. Possibly closer to ignore those that don't matter. We need to expose, dump, and run away from the IRS and federal reserve crime institutes. All taxes need to be collected by ONLY each state. The States dole out what they deem appropriate and just. The fed receives only what the states and people approve. No more agency dictates. We just cut federal waste, spending, and overhead. The fed needs to fund a military, print real money without interest, and ensure nationwide weights and measures for commerce. No bureaus, agencies, departments, focus groups, think tanks, experts.

            The fed is authorized to do specific things that allow the individual states to remain free and have an exchange of commerce. Nothing more.

            We could pretty much throw away most our federal laws and regulation and allow the states to run the show. When states make poor choices, the people will vote out the incubents that need replacing or move to more friendly states. Vote with a ballot or vote with your feet! The states will figure it out rather quickly.

            Here is an example: Today's California and Texas. Allow California to do whatever stupid crap they like. The present elected idiots will be replaced for many reasons as they can't pay for their utopian schemes. No other state is there to carry them financially. The laws that chip away at freedom will entice taxpayers to exit to a friendlier place. Texas is where many are moving to recently. We all know that Texas has a unique culture. Looks like some find it attractive.

            Hey, it sounds like BREXIT, doesn't it? The people have voted to leave the federal/EU abuses of regulation and taxation. Nothing new under the sun. People are people, and politicians are politicians.
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