----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • ONLY because 'they' appealed to people's patriotic sense in the 1940's to VOLUNTARILY contribute taxes from their private-sector earnings...then Paymaster Withholding was extended to the private-sector so folks could contribute every time they received their earnings....and then everyone FORGOT and LOST THE KNOWLEDGE that the the possibility of owing taxes is based on WHO IS and WHO IS NOT in receipt of profits & gains from the EXCISE of federal PRIVILEGE.  

    Learn the FACTS, my friends  www.LostHorizons.com

  • Thanks... I agree.  I can relate to this because when I was old enough I often Squeezed a Cow in the Mornings, occasionally Plucked Chickens and when in college at the University of Tennessee I Sheared Sheep to help pay my way.

    God Bless You, Our efforts to Restore and Maintain our FREE American Constitutional Republic as was founded by our Forefathers on Judeo-Christian principles. 

    In the Holy Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,


    Bill J. Spence    (82 yr. old in West TN)

    My principle Group:  https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ccpga/info

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