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Thanks for Complaining

Thanks for Complaining

Some would say we all complain too much. To that I say;

Thanks for complaining about all the complaining. I call it discourse.

I think we need to all have a place where we can vent and sometimes the most valuable information is found in the most innocent and benign of comments. I agree with people about the need for action, but I believe whole heartedly in civil disobedience. We should refuse to comply and then let "them" decide to break the law or force violence upon us. I've seen lawful disobedience work. Let me tell you about some of the things you CAN do.

Bottom line; stop using their systems, schools, banks, hospitals, insurances, paper money, AND ESPECIALLY that ubiquitous SSN! Refuse to comply when "they" say you have to __________ ! Use your common sense, common good, common goals, Common Law brain and come up with ways to live "without" the "United States". You CAN do it.

Close your bank account and demand a usable currency in pmt. instead from your boss. Tell the IRS that their codes do not apply to you. Tell the school YOU can teach your child what they need to know, as humans did for tens of thousands of years LONG antecedent to centralized, national governments of any kind. Demand control of and responsibility for your own life and value/sovereignty. You CAN do it!

Then no more complaining, eh? Not likely, but thanks for complaining anyway.

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  • Is this what you were looking for????? Explains it pretty well and what most martyrs go thru.

    Belligerent Claimant .........      http://www.freedom-school.com/belligerent-claimant.pdf

    How to act like an American....  http://sovereigninamerica.wordpress.com/2010/12/29/the-belligerent-...

    Proactive Liberty........ http://lawfulgov.org/proact.htm

  • Thanks Morton, and Rosanna, of this is what a former State Rep. did here in New Hampshire of this Belligerent Claimant at Law (the 88-page document you cite) and the dash claimant/ in the 2nd one, of to read the 3rd one also later when time allows. - - - - - And yes Morton, the employee "may" choose" to get paid from the boss directly, as here in N.H. of RSA Chapter 275:43,I http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/XXIII/275/275-43.htm but that I prefer NOT the direct, BUT in-direct allowed therein too, through a payroll check, of then to the bank for the "lawful money" that of the teller says of no silver dollars, and so I check the Bank's operating papers (like COPs check our operating papers to drive) and the Director's oath reads that they promise to go by the laws in the state in which they operate.  Here in N.H. we the people, through our Legislators, did "consent" to The Coinage Act of 1792 in 1794 = two year after, but never to the Coinage Act of 1965, of "they"/ the "banksters" want to pay us in this debased coin, of which I take temporarily, under a Notice of Dis-Honor to the law and have a present lawsuit in county superior court for a trial by jury against one of these bank branches here after the $amount went up to and over the $1,500 amount to such by N.H. Article 20 in our Bill of Rights.  http://www.nh.gov/constitution/billofrights.html The local Bank Branch Manager yet to be served by County Deputy Sheriff. Check the laws in your state and you can do likewise.  Here it's Article 97 http://www.nh.gov/constitution/oaths.html as annotated by the Jackson case to The Coinage Act of 1792, and see also: Chapter 28 Laws of N.H. of 1794 in Vol. 6 @ page 155. - - - - - Of back to the State Rep., a retired N.H. State Trooper too for law-enforcement, of he says that for the $100 per year in just "compensation" he CLAIMs the quality of coin as prescribed by law.  Unfortunately the State Treasurer is persuaded by some Assistant Attorney General's "opinion" that she makes her executive decision on, of that "secret" as the financial is exempt under our RSA Ch. 91-A "Right to Know" statute    http://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/rsa/html/NHTOC/NHTOC-VI-91-A.htm    but that  the rest of the State Reps are content with what they get and so they vote her/ The State Treasurer,  back in office every two years by Article 67 http://www.nh.gov/constitution/constitution.html Those Reps are impatient as getting their $200/2-year term as a retainer for work to-be performed / future tense and so never makes it to be a debt due as owed to them, by the State, and so Article I, Section 10 of the U.S. Constitution never kicks in.  So until the majority of the 400 Reps "Wise Up", then this theft continues. A continuing violation that maybe his descendants can get?  I hope  not, but that of he gets such NOW as a veteran of The Korean War, having taken the oath of to combat all enemies foreign and domestic.

    Section 275:43 Weekly or Biweekly.
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