The 71st Amendment - Reynolds V. Sims

This COURT decision is probably one of the worst decisions ever made by a judge or court in this country. It takes the limits and structure of the constitution and turns it completely on it's head. We in America today don't have time for this silliness. 

Since when does a SINGLE JUDGE tell everyone else in America what to do anyway? The case as described seems to want to use whatever excuse they can find to destroy the concept of government limitations and fairness. This isn't about anyone being underrepresented or mal-apportionment or anything else logical. The Equal Protections clause of the 14th Amendment is not the Constitution and on top of that it is an Amendment that:

  1. Was never lawfully ratified
  2. Has the words "subject to the jurisdiction" in it, and we are not subjects,
  3. Completely changed the way Amendments were written,
  4. Has WAY too many parts for me to be comfortable with it,
  5. Does way too much that the Constitution itself has already covered and so therefore is either redundant, restrictive, or ridiculous on it's face.
  6. You can't rely on, to allow a judge in ONE COUNTY, in ONE COURT, to change everything in America ad infinitum.

Before this decision was foisted upon us as "case law", Each county had "at least" one representative and one state Senator. But, let us first realize that this is COURT DECISION. NOT LAW! One judge should NEVER be allowed to have the power to change America forever.

As far as I'm concerned, we need to revisit my Amendment Proposal as follows:

The 71st Amendment

This amendment is simple. It would totally change the way the President is elected and the way we choose our Representatives as well. I propose we make it One County, One Vote; no matter how many people live in each County. This should prevent a very small area of land interest from dominating all of the rest of the other land areas. 

A good example is in the State of Jefferson proposal. There are 5 state representatives representing about 7 counties in what is currently northern California. There are 35 of them in L.A. county alone. How is THIS fair, when these northern counties supply ALL of the water L.A. county uses to exist in the first place, and represent a huge amount of land and number of resources?

People will say land and trees can't vote, so one county, one vote isn't fairly apportioned. My crap ASS! This is a specious argument at best. It totally ignores the fact that a very small area of existence can be in control of land and resources that they have no concept of the importance and limitations of and have NEVER even seen, much less lived near. Why should people in Philadelphia and Harrisburg, PA be able to tell the people of Allegheny county, PA that they have to pay for a new stadium for the Pirates, when;

  1. The old one isn't even paid for yet,
  2. It will cost too much to tear it down,
  3. The cost of a new one is extreme, AND
  4. The people of Allegheny county ALREADY VOTED NO on the referendum to have their tax money go toward this!

Now who's being disenfranchised? Since when is it fair, to have 58 or so counties in PA be told how to live and who should be President by a handful of remaining counties, just because those three or four counties have an enormous number of people crammed into them?

I'm sorry, but the time has come for LAND MASS AREA to matter. It's time for 


This also means one County one state rep, one federal rep, one state senator, etc.

And I'll tell you what; if the people who are crammed into these big city counties don't like it, they can move to the rural counties and see what it's like to be in open space for once. Let 'em breathe the air instead of the stench in the streets.

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  • AMEN, AMEN!!!!!!

  • I agree Morton! Living in Upstate NY I can tell you that we haven't had a vote that counts in many years! That's probably why our voter turnout is below 40%. People don't see any point in voting because the tail wags the dog!

  • Here is a link to a group petitioning for changes to voting laws (among other things). Maybe they could add your suggestion as a specific!

  • and Jerry Brown's absurd $500 long hot shower fine when it has been calculated that most of the wasted water, 1 gallon for a single almond and 5 gallons to bring a single walnut to market is actually a good part of the problem, is JUST ANOTHER REASON 4 THE STATE OF JEFFERSON :)

    Could Brown offer incentives to farmers to switch crops and further to coastal cities to desalinate and SOLVE THE PROBLEM and create jobs?
    If Dubai and London can do it, why not California?

  • There is now an "irrefutable" retro active vote verification system. It is called "Retro-Vva". It's simple, fast, irrefutable yet still maintains the secrecy of the secret ballot.

    See -
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