----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


Gary Hunt
Outpost of Freedom
April 19, 2014

Before I get to the meat of this article, I am going to present my assessment of the well known videos/articles asserting Sheriff Richard Mack laying claim that, as at least one of the headlines states, "Former Arizona Sheriff Reveals Chilling Strategy to Put Women ‘Up at the Front’ During Bundy Ranch Standoff".

When I first read of this proclamation by Sheriff Mack, I had two thoughts. First, if that was the strategy, and was implemented, what made him think that he should divulge the tactic in a public proclamation? The only answer I could come up with was self-aggrandizement.

Second, if the women "were up front", what would make him feel a need to go public with why they were up front, unless he thought that he could bolster his reputation by laying claim as the proponent of it, again, self-aggrandizement.

In viewing the pictures of the Saturday rescue of the cattle, I didn't see women at the fence while the discussions were going on, nor was I able to discern women in a 'risky' position in any of the footage, however in some scenes, the distance was too great to discern male or female, and I was also limited to the tunnel vision of the camera operator. This, however, was insufficient, by my standards, to make an assessment and go public with it.

Then comes Kelly Townsend, of the Phoenix Tea Party, who I have spoken with in the past. I received what follows from another source, so I called Kelly to verify the veracity of what will be made clear, below. Kelly confirmed that she had made contact and received the two responses that are contained therein.

Perhaps it is time to reevaluate the participation of certain people within the Patriot Community, at least as to their motives. Not to suggest that they are not patriotic, rather to ascertain just what their priorities are in their involvement. There is a phrase that was commonly expressed in the nineties to describe many who "sold" information, plans, even ideologies, for a price. The were called "Patriots for Profit". Now, can we doubt that some of those players in these recent events haven't benefitted financially (contributions to their respective causes), substantially, by their support of the efforts of those on the ground in Bunkerville, Nevada? However, I think that we need to also ask, is what they raised as a consequence of their participation going back to the ranch, to sustain the continuing effort, providing food, supplies, and perhaps some token payments, to those who have freely, often solely at their own expense, and put their lives on the line?

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We need your help to dispel a terrible rumor that was started by one of our own. Sheriff Mack thought it would be a good strategy to put women and children up front in the confrontation between the Bundy family and Federal agents. Because he said that, it has now become the narrative that the Bundy family actually did do that. I have had two of the women send me statements that they are trying to get out in order to undo the damage caused by this unfortunate miscalculation on the Sheriff's part. Please help the ladies right the wrong and send the statements out to everyone you know, asking them to do the same.

Thank you,
Kelly Townsend

As a woman rider on Saturday I can confirm that the statement made was untrue. In fact it was opposite. We were told to stay at the rear. If a shot [was] fired, we were to ride as fast as we could for safety. The women did not approach the gate until BLM had dispersed and metro had arrived. These were officers of our community that we knew and trusted, otherwise we would have remained where the Bundy men told us to stay. The Bundy men are protectors and would not have allowed any harm to come to us. We were there on our own accord for the freedoms of our children.
Briana Bundy

To whom it may concern
I would like to put an abrupt stop to the rumor concerning the speculation that women and children were strategically placed at the front of the protest against the BLM on Saturday April 12th. I was one of 5 women that was horse back that day, and never once was I asked or told to stand at the front of the pack. The cavalry of horses was stopped by members of the Bundy family that were also riding, before we dropped off the hill into the wash in order to have a prayer. There, we were asked once we entered the wash to spread into a straight line and stand as a united front. We were asked to be Christ like and reverent. We were asked not to taunt or yell obscenities. As a woman, I chose to stand with the Bundy family. I chose to ride into that wash, along side my husband and my friends in order to stand for something I believe is right. And contrary to current rumor, I was instructed that if anything were to go wrong, I was to turn my horse around and get somewhere safe as fast as possible. I think I can speak for most of the women in that wash on Saturday, when I say that standing along side the Bundy family, not in front of or behind them, but with them, was a choice I made that day and would make again.

Thank you,
Haley Crandall

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Then ponder, who did stand in front at Lexington Green?

"No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house. But different men often see the same subject in different lights; and, therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen, if entertaining, as I do, opinions of a character very opposite to theirs, I shall speak forth my sentiments freely, and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. The question before the house is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery. And in proportion to the magnitude of the subject, ought to be the freedom of debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time through fear of giving offense I should consider myself guilty of treason toward my country and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of Heaven which I revere above all earthly kings.

"Mr. President it is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth - and listen to the song of the siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be of the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and, having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it might cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst and provide for it."

Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775 (Liberty or Death speech)


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  • Being there I can tell you that with the media on the government control side there is not much you can get from the news other than Fox (channel 8) was there in camp often. Having seen a few of their coverages I found it to be true but later on I can't say. There is a mountain of total crap written so good luck on gleaning out the truth. I can tell you that no women or children were in danger that I saw.
  • What is Mr. Hunt's agenda anyway?

    I have corresponded with two female militia member friends. Both say they were up front. Both say it was of their own volition. One had a video which she said she made and it was from near the front of those approaching the gate under the freeway overpass. I will not mention their names here, since the Fascists trying to press criminal charges against the patriots at the battle of Bunkerville would use it against them.

    Sheriff Mack should stick to what he knows to be true. So should Mr. Hunt.

  • Listen to Sheriff Mack's Own Words at 1 minute and 36 seconds
    If you listen to the words of Sheriff Mack it is obvious he was not misquoted. He simply made a serious mistake and his image and credibility in the law enforcement community has been seriously compromised.

    • I understand where Sheriff Mack is coming from, and I have no problem with it, as long as it is is a free choice by the women volunteering to do it. Expose just how inhumane this corporate government is.

    • Apparently the strategy worked...However it appears some women volunteered to go up front while others remained at the rear who also claimed no one told them their place was to be up front...Whatever the case may be...The Feds backed off and no was harmed other than the fellow who got tazzered...No one ended up being shot during the protest...That's how it should be...This country was definitely not in need of another Waco, Texas!

  • YouTube
    • How true is this video? The Oath keepers in their video told about their going around the area enguard while the militia stayed in their camp. I see a dismantlement of the 'Patriots' very purpose forming here.

      This video concerns me as to those who stood for the Bundys with the capability to help. And As far as Sheriff Mack is concerned, you know what I feel about him.

      Something going on here and I feel a lot of agency intervention.  

      Gary Hunts agenda? He wants the truth as we all should.

      • I'm concerned about all of the division. Is all of this intentionally being done to separate the feeling of patriotism?

        • I think so, although some are unhappy with aspects of other factions' approaches. Let's smite the real enemy first , then worry about intramural matches. Some may be intentional provocateurs, though.

  • It is very unfortunate that the world we live in frequently requires martyrs or human sacrifice for a wake... but that usually happens by circumstance not by design, so sheriff Mack is exposing some of his gov't training skills.

    OK’s (or “oath keepers”) allegiance is to gov’t except for contradictions in the constitution and LEO’s ( or “order keepers”) allegiance is to the gov’t they work for, so non-OK LEO’s are OK’s with gov’t “upgrades”... this kind of “chaaange” of allegiances causes rifts in OK’s, LEO’s and the military and is the primary divide and conquer portion for the sword controlled by every “upgraded” banana republic... eventually the weapon holders reach "equality", in tyranny LEO's and the military become indistinguishable under "the gov't or the one".

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