----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Bundy Case By Patricia Aiken

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Patricia Aiken

Courtroom 7C at 333 Las Vegas Blvd is the location of the stunning Perjury Circus referred to as the retrial of the Tier 3 Bundy Ranch defendants. Observers have ringside seats for this second remarkable show of criminality by the US government. A legal analyst and historian announced to a crowd outside that "this trial is the lowest point in criminal justice history."

The Ring Leader in this farce is Gloria Navarro, handpicked by Harry Reid and appointed as chief judge by Barack Obama. Nevada Bar members complained she was inexperienced and unqualified. In other words, the perfect candidate to do Dirty Harry's bidding. 

Astounding prosecutorial abuse and judicial misconduct are the order of the day. The first trial ended in a hung jury on Eric Parker, Steve Stewart, Scott Drexler, all of Idaho and Ricky Loveline of Montana at the time of the Stand-Off in Bunkerville. Greg Burleson, now blind and having seizures, was sentenced to 68 years for posting things he didn't do on Fedbook. A word to the wise in Bolshevik Amerika- don't drink and post. Todd Engel of Montana is awaiting sentencing. His charges, again sharing angry thoughts not his behavior of helping Nevada Highway Patrol direct traffic should be released on time served, but Navarro wants to sentence him on acquitted conduct.

The first jury found no evidence of conspiracy and found that due to the heinous actions of the Bureau of Land Mismanagement that these men were completely justified in their actions. And that jury didn't hear the half of it. So what is a corrupt, totalitarian government to do to convict these men? Interviewing the jury from the first trial allowed Harry Reid's pet judge Navarro and US Prosecutor Steven Myhre to reverse engineer their strategy against these men.




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