According to the Constitution, all legislative power is vested in the Congress of the United States. In other words all directives from the Bureau of Land Management are not laws. The are written by un-elected bureaucrats. The Bureau of Land Management is in agency that was created to manage the public lands for and in behalf of the people. The people in Clark County are the collective owners of the land being managed by the Bureau of Land Management and are the landlords and the BLM is an agent for the people.
The use of the land in the state of Nevada should be owned and managed by Nevada and not an agency of the Federal Government. Over 80% of the land in Nevada is controlled by a foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES. If the people of the state of Nevada need Federal help in managing their land they should ask for Federal help. If not, the Federal Government should allow Nevada to manage their own assets.
The tens of millions of acres controlled the Federal government contain a vast amount of natural and minerals resources that the people of Nevada are unable to access as long as the Bureau of Land Management continues to control the natural resources that belong to the people living in Nevada.
The rules and regulations of agencies such as the EPA and the BLM are not laws. Congress is the only body authorized by the Constitution to make laws. We are expected to obey the laws or statutes passed by Congress that are Constitutional, but are not required to comply with rules, regulations, codes and ordinances that violate the Constitution.