----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Who needs Taxes?


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrlWebISTgsuOvhAbuwh1UYZjppHf_I8tBokK7O6PWaBn9yoSl&width=300How do YOU budget your money? Let's assume you own your home and that you earn an income $7,000.00/month. When your parents died you inherited $500,000.00 in stock. You have a savings account with a balance of $20,000.00. You have monthly expenses that amount to $6,000.00/month and alternate net worth of $1,500,000.

So let's say you needed to cover some emergency expenses in a given month, you wouldn't need to take on a part time job or borrow the money from the bank. You would simply transfer some of your other assets to cover your need. That's how YOU would do it.

But how does the government do it?

Anytime the government spends more money than they have budgeted, they don't transfer any of the trillions of dollars that have in hidden accounts, instead, they raise our taxes. It is anticipated that the government will collect $3.5 trillion in tax revenue this year while earning over $10 trillion in their investments in the stock market. Rather than raising our taxes, why don't they use some of their profits from investments to cover the budget deficit?

The government could function without the necessity of collecting any more taxes from the people. Can you imagine the prosperity that would result if the income tax was eliminated? No more IRS?

Watch some of the videos I have posted on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and you will discover how we have been the victims a crime of gigantic proportions.

In addition to their invested assets,
check out the article by Laurence Vance,

"This Land is Not Your Land"

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  • Just when I start to appreciate how ignorant I am up comes another ginormous revelation! Thank you Constitution Club!!



    • I knew about this 15 years ago and presented it to the local government here and asked them to explain it, because, as is, the county is incorporated. They gave me a very hard look  and asked me why I was bringing this up.

      It just proves  this whole country is a corporation . The other people at the meeting, the common people, looking dumber than mushrooms, started to ask me why this is, about  and after explaining it. People were shocked to learn the truth.

      Keep up the good work, Jerry.

  • Anyone who has been studying our system for any amount of time is aware of CAFRs and how the people have been robbed over and over again. The system is not there for our benefit. It is a system of thievery implemented by the bankster gangsters and every American is on the paying end of this scam.

    So, what the hell can we do about it? I think the first thing one must think about is how to stop those who own corp U.S. from continued theft of our energies. The first thing that comes to mind is income taxes. Just how can one escape the tentacles of the IRS, the strong arm collection agency of banksters. No one, unless you are a government employee, is actually required to participate in this shakedown exercise.

    They got us to join in the program under the propagandized theory that we all must, as required by law, pay our fair share to keep old Govco running. Nothing could be further from the truth. There is no legal or lawful requirement to file a 1040 and send these lechers a big chunk of our earnings.

    In fact, if your straw man made a million dollars this year and you had never filed a 1040 in the past, there would be 'no tax liability' whatsoever. Why not, you say? Let's look at the whole picture. First, recognize that when you got a job selling widgets, the employer didn't hire you. He hired your straw man whether he realized it or not. You merely came along as the surety for the SM. You had to produce the energy for which the SM received a check at the end of the week. When you filled out the job app. you entered all the info pertaining to the SM.  First it asked for the NAME. A name is that which an owner gives his property. Govco created the SM and gave it a NAME, the all caps NAME that we were taught to believe was us. Fictions have NAMES. People have appellations--what they are called by, ie. John Allan of the family Smith. Then they ask for the SM's address. Fictions have addresses while people have locations. Of course they want the SM's 2 letter State designation and Zip code which designates the fictional Federal taxable zone. Then they require the corporate identifier of the SM. You know, the SS# that you thought was your number. That number does not belong to you. It belongs to the SS administration and it is used to keep track of the commercial activity of their SM.

    So if the SM belongs to Govco [actually owned by the banksters through a lien granted by Govco] and the SM earned a million razbuckniks this year why is it not taxable? If you never filed before and don't file this year what makes those earnings non-taxable? The SM is a fiction, as we are aware, and we also know that a fiction can't do anything on its own. Every fiction must have a surety/fiduciary to fill out the forms and sign the check. When you signed where it said "Taxpayer signature, under penalty of perjury" you weren't signing up to be the taxpayer. You were signing up to be the fiduciary for their SM, the taxpayer. They needed to pull off a scam so you would think you owed lawful taxes and a duty to file. Now they had a fiduciary to complete the picture and finalize the theft.

    The good part of all this connivance is that when they plan to steal from you they must offer a remedy. They don't have to tell you what the remedy is or where to find it [usually quite well hidden and cryptic] but under international law they must provide a remedy. The remedy is quite simple. since you volunteered in as the fiduciary why not volunteer out. There are several means to do this. At IRS Code 6013(g) you can revoke your election to be treated as a resident alien, U.S. citizen, individual, taxpayer. Of course, they are relying on their obfuscatory language in that section of code to confuse you, to make you think it doesn't apply to you. It does apply to you and it is your exit remedy. As long as you file before April 15 you will be off the hook for the preceding year and all future years but does not go back to all other past years.

    A second means of bowing out of their criminal theft is to filed an affidavit of mistake. Mistakes, even in their criminal world, are always rectifiable. The good part is that mistakes can be corrected all the way back to the first instance of mistake--that first signing of a 1040 under penalty of perjury.

    So quit griping about getting screwed by the IRS and do something about it. Start learning about revocation of election or utilizing an affidavit of mistake. On the other hand you can continue to be their slave and hand over a major chunk of you energy every year by paying your fair share. Sad part is that the public actually thinks their funds go to Govco to keep us safe, educated, etc. when in all actuality, every dime you send the IRS goes directly to the Federal Reserve Banks.

    The ballis in your court so what are you going to do about it? When you go online and research 6013(g) you will also note that there is a company in England that will do the proper paperwork for you. Check out "Weiss and Associates" site that will also come up when you search 6013(g). I think they charge about $650 U.S. to do the job for you. That's a pretty cheap fix to get you out of the daisy chain. Wouldn't it be nice to keep all the so-called money you worked so hard for?

    If anyone thinks these bastards are going to spend their ill-gotten graft they've stashed in these CAFR funds to help you they are sadly mistaken. I think the word is naive.


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