The Founding Fathers wrote a rule book to limit the potential abuse of power by the government. The Constitution was written to control their employees. Do you think that it was their intention to give their employees the authority to interpret the rules and discipline themselves?
The delegates to the Constitutional Convention created a government with three branches to guarantee that the rights of the people would remain secure. If the delegates goal was to prevent the abuse of power by their employees they would not have wanted the employees interpret the meaning of the rules that the delegates had written. We the people are the 4th branch of government that has the authority to trump the other three. The Constitution does not mean what the Supreme say it means. It means what we the people says that it means. Remember we are the masters and the government was to be our servant.
When the chickens elect foxes to guard their hen house, the consequences are predictable and when our elected officials are financed by the financial elite they become the proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing.
I like the sheep illustration.
I recently just finishing working on in-depth research, and I'd like to share some of my findings to get feedback.
I'm sure we all know that the Constitution was an unapproved product of a runaway convention, drafted in secret by federalist Templars and Masons, a majority being lawyers.
There's a very real possibility that the Constitution was pre-drafted in London, at the Inns of Court. Most people are unaware that an original copy hangs on the walls of Middle Temple, aka the BAR. But I now believe that it could be an original draft, and I'll explain why in a minute.
First let's look at some important definitions. A Constitution in reality is a Compact.
A Compact is "an agreement or contract. Usually applied to conventions between nations or sovereign states. Constitutional Convention. - Black's Law Dictionary, 1st Edition 1891"
A Compact requires a Constituere "to appoint, constitute, establish, ordain, or undertake. Used principally in ancient powers of attorney, and now supplanted by the English word "constitute." - Black's Law Dictionary, 1st Edition 1891"
A Constituere will then Constitute "to empower, to authorize. In the common form of letters of attorney, these words occur, I nominate, constitute and appoint. - Bouvier's Law Revised, 6th Edition"
The acts establish a Constitution "the making of the contract as the written constitution of a debt. 1 Bell’s Com. 332, 5th ed. - Bouvier's Law Revised, 6th Edition"
A Constitutor - "In civil law. One who, by a simple agreement, becomes responsible for the payment of another's debt. - Black's Law Dictionary, 1st Edition 1891"
It's common knowledge that the federalists weren't happy with the "Articles of Confederation" because they saw it as weak. They wanted to consolidate the Congress into one power under a Federal Government.
The problem was, they didn't have permission to create a Constitution. The sole & express purpose of the convention was to ratify the Articles of Confederation aka the Organic Constitution.
But what the federalists really wanted was power, and a way to pay for everything. It's no secret that taxes were a sensitive issue, or that the Constitution was drafted to create a federal government for the purpose of debts and bankruptcies. I'll make this as short as possible and to the point.
The Constitution is a bankruptcy compact, a product of the federalists usurpation of power by drafting it in secret at a runaway convention that was in fact a coupe. The lawyers riddled it with intentionally vague language and double entendres.
Patrick Henry, who was also a lawyer trained in the arts of legalese, recognized it. He gave the most important speech in the history of America when he confronted it.
One of the most important parts of that speech reveals the trickery & deceit involved with the drafting of the Constitution.
"I have the highest veneration for those gentlemen; but, sir, give me leave to demand, What right had they to say, We, the people? My political curiosity, exclusive of my anxious solicitude for the public welfare, leads me to ask, Who authorized them to speak the language of, We, the people, instead of, We, the states?"
"We the People" did not mean "We the Citizens." These things are why Henry "Smelt A Rat."
People. A State; as, the people of the State of New York; a nation in its collective and political capacity. 4 T.R. 783. See 6 Pet. S. C. Rep. 467. - Bouvier's Law Revised, 6th Edition and Black's Law Dictionary, 1st Edition 1891.
Henry was the only founding father to keep it real. He warned about what they were doing, but no one listened. And everything he warned of came to pass. The federal dictatorship we have today is because of that trickery & deceit.
When Washington took his oath he was nervous. And for good reason. Washington intentionally took the wrong oath to be the "President of the United States" which is merely an employee of the Congress. By taking oath under Article II he made himself an employee for the power to tax.
The Executive did not have that power. The actual "Office of President" is an Executive position, which requires taking the Executive oath, found under Article VI, not II.
Under Article II, the Constitution means property inventory of the federal government aka the united states. Not the united states of America, which is the 50 states. The President of the United States and President of the United States of America are two different offices reserved for appointment by a sitting President aka the Executive in the Office of President.
Washington knew this because he was President of the convention. That's why the legendary brave man was so damn nervous. They made the citizens Constitutors (responsible for anothers debt)
The Constitution is a bankruptcy compact, which have shelf lives of 70 years. Then they can be renewed. There's been 4 Constitutions, each coinciding with the 4 bankruptcies filed by government.
"The Constitution *for* the united States of America"
"The Constitution *of* the United States of America"
"The Constitution *of* the United States"
"The United States Constitution"
All exactly 70 years apart.
That's not a coincidence. Neither is the taking of oath under article II. The executive oath is under Article 6, and refers to "this Constitution" which means the Articles of Confederation, not "the Constitution" which means property of the federal government.
Get it? The whole thing was about taxes & debts.
One very important key figure was both a Mason and Templar. The 1st vice president/ 2nd president under the new federal bankruptcy compact, John Adams. Not to be confused with his son, 6th president, John Quincy Adams, who later became a member of the anti-Mason party
John Adams said something very interesting. "The first time I read the Constitution I was in a foreign land."
Think about that. The only time he was in a foreign land before the Constitution was when he was Ambassador to London. I found that he was also a member of the Middle Temple. He had plenty of time to see the Constitution when he came back shortly after the convention. But he saw it, and read it, while he was in London. Before the convention even started. Which means the original draft hanging on the walls of the BAR at Middle Temple must have been an original draft.
It's also worthy to note that the colors of the King are red, white and blue. The Queen also owns and amends our Social Security. You can find it here.
Notice the 1778? If you think we won our independence you're wrong. The colonists were tricked by the federalists. And Patrick Henry tried to warn them.
If anyone has any feedback I'd love to hear it. Thanks.
Sorry. I just realized that I hadn't added this to a new discussion. I didn't mean on step on any toes. If I can erase it just tell me how, and I'll make a new discussion. My apologies again.