The idea that the Constitution for the United States is a Contract is a myth. It is the rulebook or a set of instructions given by the a group of delegates in 1787 to a fictious body of individuals that would one day be elected to serve in a new government that would be estabished upon its ratification.
In writing the rule book, the representatives of the people delegated a small number of powers to the central government while reserving all powers not delegated to the states and to the people.
The newly formed government was to be the employee or the servant of the people. The people were to be the masters and the government was to be the servant.
The authority granted to the government were privileges, that the people could revoke at anytime. The founders knew if the government was not restrained it would eventually abuse the rights of the people.
They understood that in order to secure our rights, it would be our responsibility to hold our government officials accountable. They knew that having a well informed and vigilant electorate was essential and that ignorance and apathy would lead to the destruction of our Constitutional Republic.
With freedom comes responsibility and was Thomas Jefferson once said "That a man that expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, expects what never was and never will be."
We the people have created a Frankenstein Monster. It is our responsibility to control it or we will be destroyed by it. In the Declaration of Independence; it was proclaimed that it is the right and the duty of the people to alter or abolish our government it if becomes tyrannical.
We must decide which course of action we should take. To remain to the current path is not an option. How do we alter our government? How do we abolish it? These are questions that we must consider before we decide what we should do.
Among other requirements, a valid contract requires several things:
1.offer and acceptance, by which one party extends an offer and the other party has an opportunity to freely accept or refuse to accept,
2.consideration, usually understood to mean that there is an exchange of value for value, but at the very least an exchange of wills in accordance with (1), intent, that is, the contract may not oblige parties to do anything which is illegal
4.capacity, that is, the parties are both of mind sound enough to give valid consent and agreement
Elected officials should be treated as employees. When they violate the rules they need to be replaced by individuals that will follow the instructions of "We the People". If you had an incompetent or corrupt employee, who is ultimately responsible? The American people give Congress less than a 10% approval rating and then proceed to re-elect 90% of the incumbents. The problems is not with the elected officials, it is the result of the ignorance and apathy of the American people.