----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Divine Right of Kings

We the People of the United States are quick to criticize our state and federally elected officials and blame them for the current state of affairs. Unfortunately, it is "We the People" that are ultimately responsible.

John Adams once said "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other". Benjamin Franklin observed that "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become c...orrupt they have more need of masters".
As the legitimate rulers of the land, we the people have elected representatives that lack the moral character and virtue necessary to maintain our Constitutional Republic. 

Sadly millions of Americans that lack an understanding of the principles of sound government elect candidates that are as morally bankrupt as they are. To restore America, the greatest thing that we can do as individuals is become familiar with what Thomas Jefferson referred to as the "Laws of Nature and Nature's God". Any law that violates Natural Law is repugnant to the Constitution and our Divine Creator.

We need to become morally clean as individuals before we can hope to restore our nation. In order to achieve this goal we have a responsibility to educate ourselves and our loved ones on the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility. A thorough understanding of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights is the foundation necessary for the restoration of America.

For thousands of years the Kings and Queens of Europe were able to convince the people that they were chosen by God to be their rulers. Up until the middle of the 18th Century their position went unchallenged.

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote that it was a self evident truth that all men were created equal and that they had been endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights which included the right to life, liberty and property. This pronouncement affirmed that no one had a right to violate another man's life, liberty or property.

Kings and Queens no longer enslave nations, the bankers have taken their place. Just like in the days of old, the rich and powerful reign today in castles we call banks. German philosopher Goethe once stated "The most helpless of all slaves, is the man that falsely believes that he is free,"

We have been poorly educated, but well schooled to believe everything thing that we are taught in the government schools. We are taught to trust our leaders and that good citizens are obedient and never question authority. Unfortunately, most Americans have become dependent on the government and are not capable of distinguishing between what we are taught and what is true.

Children enter school at the age of 5 and are processed on an assembly line known as school. When the student emerges at the other end at the age of 18 they have been thoroughly programmed to become an obedient lap dog.

Benjamin Franklin admonished us to question authority, but today we are taught that obedience is a virtue and disobedience for any reason is a sin. Schools teach conformity and reward the students for not thinking critically.

The parents that bring children into the world have the responsibility to feed and care for their children. Education of your children is your responsibility and to turn over your precious children to the state for indoctrination is a terrible mistake.

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  •      I learned that lesson about "State" sponsored  Indoctrination centers far too late.   I did not think that  bureaucrats could arrogate authority to violate our "unalienable" rights or the fourth amendment in particular, until I learned that they can not only conspire to do so and put it in the records of such acts, but that Natural Parents and their children can be alienated for their entire lives on nothing more than the light and transient causes of "the best interest of the child" (A U.N. Mantra).   The Prison Industrial Complex is more than happy to keep Natural Parents on ice while the "State" investigates.  Although Daniel Webster asked this question many years before, and I still ask it today, without any "Official" answer.

    "Where in the Constitution is it written, in which section or clause is it contained; that you may take parents from their children, and children from their parents to fight in any war in which the wickedness or folly of government may engage it?"

    The fact that  Institutional insanity is accountable to no one, and U.S. Code TITLE 42, 1983 & 1985 are window dressing for our so called right to "Petition the Government for redress"  Experience has taught me that they will allow procedural petition until a party dies, but will always deny substantive due process with many boilerplate specious claims.  i.e. "(f)ailure to make a claim" , "If there was an error, it was a harmless error." A Sue Sponte motion that Natural Parents have no standing in their courts" and so forth.  When the prosecution is given a million dollar war chest, but equal resources are not permitted to the Family under attack, it's not a question of who wins the war, so much as "Who Benefits?"

  • Its quite amazing that they have created this usury system and are able to print an unlimited amount of debt, that benefits the bankers alone charging we the people face value plus interest (usury). Call it quantitative easing and see if the slaves will let us get away with it, is what Ben Bernanke probably said. The owners of the Federal Reserve earn eleven percent from each and every bill passed by Congress that costs anything. A new submarine can be about three billion, and we hand eleven percent of that to the owners of this gang of crooks who mostly are not Americans. Congress is on their team, paid off by them and most likely threatened by these corrupt greedy beings. Your bond is traded on the stock market and you are a dead "asset" that needs to be managed. If you look in the graveyards you see the names on all tombstones, they are in all caps just like your credit cards, drivers license and social security. You have been declared dead the moment your mom signed the birth certificate, and gave your child to the District of Columbia. The banks never loaned anyone a dime in their sneaky corrupt system. They sold your promissory note to the same gang of crooks, and good crooks create up to nine times the amount of the note you signed, and keep all of it, and pretend to loan you the amount to buy your home. You think you got a loan but they never loaned you anything. They never signed the promissory note but you did. Get a magnifying glass and look at the line where you sign your checks. Its not a line, it's Micro Print and it says AUTHORIZED USER. You are the agent for the strawman corporate fiction who has no legs or arms and can't sign as the agent, but you sure do, and you have been doing this all this time as a dead person. Its a well planed detailed fraud that these crooks have set up. You are the trustee now, but when you declare that you are not dead, you take back your power. Now you can declare that you are not dead and become the beneficiary instead of the slave or trustee. The whole corrupt system of the Federal Reserve (FR), International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB) and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) will be closing. The whole ship is sinking due to fraud.  I am glad to see the end of this fraud by this gang of greedy gangsters. The people have taken their purse string back from the greedy corrupt gangsters of bankers, one person at a time, and it harms no one. A new system has been built by the (BRICS Brazil Russia, India, China, South Africa) that cuts out this old corrupt gang of FR, WB, IMF BIS. A whole new world wide fiber optics network had to be built. The US Treasury will be going back to lawful money in the united States. The BRICS has also gone global with every nation backing their new money with assets like gold and silver. The main problem with the old system was that they created a system that allowed them like kings to create credits from our strawman bond account without our consent. They broke the law and got away with it for decades. Our life energy is what backs the fiat currency system since 1933. What law did they break? Conversion. They never loaned us a dime and charging us face value on a phony loan plus their interest. It is illegal and this has been done on every student loan, home loan, car loan, and credit cards/credit lines. The penalty for this has been ruled by the Supreme Court to be serious punitive and compensatory damages. King Bernanke is quitting and moving back to his kingdom. Over 650 CEO's and executives all over the world have resigned in the last two years. What does that say? They know their system is crashing and were offered less time in prison by retiring. The two top guys at the Vatican just resigned last week. They know the system is changing, and don't be in fear. This is very good news. We are witnessing the end of a hundred year system of thievery, and a return to our lawful money, the gold and silver backed system where phony kings can't print gold or silver. I like the quote from Max Keizer - Hang a Banker Every Day!

  •     That still does not offer any relief to the Non Propertied class.  Those who are literally living day to day cannot instill egalitarian principles where there are many sociopaths who are willing tools for the bankers and their agenda.  Any thoughts on that?

    Karl Norman Meyers said:

    Its quite amazing that they have created this usury system and are able to print an unlimited amount of debt, that benefits the bankers alone charging we the people face value plus interest (usury). Call it quantitative easing and see if the slaves will let us get away with it, is what Ben Bernanke probably said. The owners of the Federal Reserve earn eleven percent from each and every bill passed by Congress that costs anything. A new submarine can be about three billion, and we hand eleven percent of that to the owners of this gang of crooks who mostly are not Americans. Congress is on their team, paid off by them and most likely threatened by these corrupt greedy beings. Your bond is traded on the stock market and you are a dead "asset" that needs to be managed. If you look in the graveyards you see the names on all tombstones, they are in all caps just like your credit cards, drivers license and social security. You have been declared dead the moment your mom signed the birth certificate, and gave your child to the District of Columbia. The banks never loaned anyone a dime in their sneaky corrupt system. They sold your promissory note to the same gang of crooks, and good crooks create up to nine times the amount of the note you signed, and keep all of it, and pretend to loan you the amount to buy your home. You think you got a loan but they never loaned you anything. They never signed the promissory note but you did. Get a magnifying glass and look at the line where you sign your checks. Its not a line, it's Micro Print and it says AUTHORIZED USER. You are the agent for the strawman corporate fiction who has no legs or arms and can't sign as the agent, but you sure do, and you have been doing this all this time as a dead person. Its a well planed detailed fraud that these crooks have set up. You are the trustee now, but when you declare that you are not dead, you take back your power. Now you can declare that you are not dead and become the beneficiary instead of the slave or trustee. The whole corrupt system of the Federal Reserve (FR), International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank (WB) and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) will be closing. The whole ship is sinking due to fraud.  I am glad to see the end of this fraud by this gang of greedy gangsters. The people have taken their purse string back from the greedy corrupt gangsters of bankers, one person at a time, and it harms no one. A new system has been built by the (BRICS Brazil Russia, India, China, South Africa) that cuts out this old corrupt gang of FR, WB, IMF BIS. A whole new world wide fiber optics network had to be built. The US Treasury will be going back to lawful money in the united States. The BRICS has also gone global with every nation backing their new money with assets like gold and silver. The main problem with the old system was that they created a system that allowed them like kings to create credits from our strawman bond account without our consent. They broke the law and got away with it for decades. Our life energy is what backs the fiat currency system since 1933. What law did they break? Conversion. They never loaned us a dime and charging us face value on a phony loan plus their interest. It is illegal and this has been done on every student loan, home loan, car loan, and credit cards/credit lines. The penalty for this has been ruled by the Supreme Court to be serious punitive and compensatory damages. King Bernanke is quitting and moving back to his kingdom. Over 650 CEO's and executives all over the world have resigned in the last two years. What does that say? They know their system is crashing and were offered less time in prison by retiring. The two top guys at the Vatican just resigned last week. They know the system is changing, and don't be in fear. This is very good news. We are witnessing the end of a hundred year system of thievery, and a return to our lawful money, the gold and silver backed system where phony kings can't print gold or silver. I like the quote from Max Keizer - Hang a Banker Every Day!

  • It is a good thing that we have the laws of nature and natures God written on our hearts to keep us focused and our minds and hearts in the right place. 

    Being able to recognize the color of law in opposition to the rule of law, and it is we the good people that are responsible for holding the ones with limited delegated authority accountable, recognizing they are the ones acting in color and do indeed deny substantive due process with many boilerplate specious claims.  i.e. "(f)ailure to make a claim", yet they in their process give needed proof to build a proper claim for presentment to the courts.

  • Hit the wrong key and submitted the last reply...... continuing.... it is not an easy task and it is indeed a learning curve I am on, and I can only speak for myself, but with research and study, verifying and validating what the judicial system has put into place, it can be and will be brought to a point of justice. 

    I was told by a friend of my that sets on a federal bench that they are taught to deflect everything we bring before them so it is not easy to win. But..... if you can get it to the point of discovery..... you have it made. As I mentioned earlier, the defense seems to give us much to work with even to the point of establishing fraud in their motions to dismiss for failure to make a claim on which relief can be granted..... We are to stand on principle, truth and fact in law, holding ourselves accountable first, and then those who have taken oaths. Christian forbearance is to be practiced as well in the dealing with the oath breakers.... now that is a challenge too.  That is another Benefit to be afforded to those held accountable....

  •        In my case, they confessed in their reports to Conspiracy against  Rights (USC TITLE 18,Sec 241, under "Color of Law", Deprivation of Rights (USC TITLE 18,Sec. 242), Genocide (USC TITLE 18, 1091), Lack of  Jurisdiction  in a so called "Civil Procedure" (USC TITLE 28,Sec.1351), Knowledge and Negligence (USC TITLE 42:1986) Failure to recognize Constitutional Rights making it a Federal Question (USC TITLE 28, Section 1331) Although I used a lot of United States Code to articulate the circumstances of being reduced beyond recovery or FUBAR'd for short, I can no longer afford to fight them in their own sandbox.  I've tried to appeal to Liberty Council as well as other Family Rights Lawyers and to no avail.  

         When innocent men and women can be subjected to Bills of Attainder and ex post facto laws, and forced into having to live through a   malicious   prosecution evincing by design for invoking "The Corruption of the Blood" doctrine, and my neighbors do not perceive that this is "Cruel and Unusual" (8th Amendment), then I have to conclude that the corruption is cultural and systematic, and not an isolated "incident."

  • Your last statement Clyde states the degree of incompetence and ignorance of we the people now days... all the more reason to continue as best possible to keep up the fight..... interesting how these folks will admit and continue to wrong the people just to establish themselves in their power position... we are the ones with perceived rights..... that are not being recognized by the judiciary..... I have a friend that sets on a federal bench and even he says there is no way for us to win because they simply deflect everything we present.... but, if you can get your case to the point of discovery, you will have it made.... I have found that they, in their responses for motions to dismiss based on as you say, nothing before the court in which to grant relief, will give you what you need to establish a sound presentment to the court when you have your day in court. I too am experiencing the high cost of on the job training. I too have appealed to others to no avail.... don't somehow fit their criteria, so it is prayer and study and taking a stand one day at a time and keep standing on principle. Blessings and I hope you do somehow continue and prevail. 

  •     Thank you Kenneth!    My efforts have not been totally in vain, I have helped other people with what I've learned from having their children kept by the State.  So even if I may never recover my only son, at least I keep fighting to help keep Natural Families intact when they come under attack.  December 17th, 2003 was the last time my wife and I were "permitted:" to have any contact with our only son, and now his mother is no longer with us.

            Living in Utah, and witnessing the hubris of the Mormons has been quite an experience, but I know that no one escapes God's Judgments, and whether I see justice in this life, as you've said, I just need to keep praying and standing on what I know is right.  Mormons are as self serving as any other special interest group, but they downplay and deny their own persecutions of Non-Mormons which leaves me in an inconvenient forum.

  •      My son was 8-1./2 years old when they  absconded with the whole family.  The Mormons like to baptize their children at the tender age of 8.  False accusations and false flags always dupe the average citizen, as they would rather ascribe the moral high ground to the Government instead of their neighbors. 

    Although I think the  religious aspect was only a minor consideration as the perverse incentive of the State of Utah getting up to $100,000 dollars a year for every child they can steal from their Natural Parents through Social Security TITLE IV-D money from the Federal Government.  Trafficking in Humans and converting the innocent into peons is what the merchants of the earth do, especially to those who don't want to buy their merchandise.

    When an accusation is as good as a conviction, and people can be deprived of their lives, liberty and property on bare suspicion alone, then you know we no longer have the rule of law.  Suspect as it is currently used means nothing more that the superstitious beliefs of a paranoid  bureaucrat who is literally out for blood.  If we can omit the rest of the fourth amendment and truncate it's definition down to two words (for the memory illiterate) like "Probable Cause" then the Merchants don't have to remember what the rest of the requirements are in our asserted "right to be secure in our persons, property, papers and effects from unreasonable searches and  seizures.   "   But when the only ones who are allowed to define "Unreasonable" are those who are attacking us, and silencing all dissent with coercive detention with threats of long imprisonment if we don't play their game, then the gig is up, and I'm playing for keeps just like they are.

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