----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Dollar is Dead!

8575448474?profile=originalAfter the Titanic hit the iceberg many of the passengers still refused to believe that their ship was in trouble. Rather than accept the truth they pretended that everything was going be all right. Like many of the passengers on the Titanic we tend to believe what we are told.

The dollar which is backed by nothing other than the perception that is has value is like the emperor that had no clothes.

Gambling on the dollar is like betting on a three legged horse to win the Kentucky Derby. In order to extend the life of the dollar the government needs to lie to the people in order to maintain their confidence in the fraudulent monetary system. The U.S. dollar was created as debt instrument by the financial elite to enslave the people. When we use these notes we are merely trading IOUs with one another and paying the bankers for the privilege of using their paper..

There is going to come a time when a sufficient number of people are going to realize they have been conned and will refuse to accept these notes as payment in full for products and services.




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  • The "end of the con" time is nigh upon us.  Some businesses in foreign countries will no longer accept the dollar and some countries are limiting the amount of dollars that can be converted into their currency.

    17.631 Trillion Dollars weighs 193.9 TONS of one-hundred dollar bills.  That's more than the equivalent weight of TWO nuclear powered Nimitz Class Aircraft Carriers.

    ALL foreign countries: $5.3 Trillion.  Private investors: $1.4 Trillion.  Federal Reserve: $10.9 Trillion.  America is "monetizing" its debt.

    Does and sane person seriously believe that this debt can ever be repaid?

  • The Federal Reserve along with the IRS should already have been packed and shipped back to London along with their intelligence corporation, the CIA.   

    Yes, the dollar is about to collapse and it should have been closed out and the power returned to the US Treasury where it rightfully belongs, but the Cabal is hanging on to draw the last drop of blood from our citizens and our country.  

    The history of the bankers as they relate to the united States is well understood by many; the destruction of the united States Constitution and the united States.  Sovereignty went out in 1913 with the IRS who could reach across sovereign borders to tax citizens where government representatives allowed this to happen.  

    100 years of ignorance by many and treason by those who aided in the removal of the power and force of this once Grand Constitutional Republic and citizens still have no clue what is happening or why.  

    Do we have a chance to save the Republic and return Sovereignty to the States?  Not if the people do not take the action necessary by removing their traitorous representatives they sent to Congress. 

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