I was on the front line at the Bundy Ranch and there were several women standing with their brethren against tyranny. They did so voluntarily and took their marching orders from their conscience, not from Sheriff Mack or Stewart Rhodes. These women who put their lives on the line demonstrated far more courage than Stewart Rhodes and Richard Mack, who were safely shielded by the hundreds of genuine patriots who stood in between them and the enemy agents.
The dynamic duo, however never missed a photo op or their place in the buffet line. Mack's suggestion that everyone should donate money to him so that he could pay public servants to come to the ranch to support the Bundy family was an insult to the hundreds of individuals who paid their own way.
There were dozens of men and women who came to the ranch with empty pockets and risked their lives. The idea that we should donate money to Richard Mack so that he could compensate public officials for showing up at the Bundy Ranch is absurd.
I understand that Sheriff Brad Rogers of Elkhart County, Indiana was paid by Steward Rhodes and the Oath Keeper's organization to make a public appearance. Many of the grand standing politicians who showed up were there for the photo opportunity and could care less about the rights of the Constitution and the God given rights of the people.
About the same time that Steward Rhodes heard of a potential drone strike on the Bundy Ranch he instructed his loyal followers to abandon the positions they had taken to defend the Bundy Ranch.
His motives for doing so are unclear. Whether the decision of Stewart Rhodes was or was not appropriated is for you to decide. There were obviously differences between the militia organizations and the Oath Keeper organization and each side defends their position by disparaging the other.
Don't jump to hasty conclusions without doing your homework.
Sad, but true. Though I wasn't offended by the request for donations from all who could afford as we AREN'T all suffering the same! This is evidenced by driving past bars, restaurants, amusement parks on any given weekend. Even within the patriot groups, we are not "all created equal" as some have already nearly bankrupted themselves by helping others before it became a popular thing to do. But I AM sorely disappointed in those I looked to for inspiration in this long uphill climb !
The Bundy family is wrong for not paying grazing taxes on government controlled property. Are other farmers paying their taxes as well for using this land? So Steward Rhodes of the Oathkeeper's paid the Sheriff to come. Has OAS learned anything yet? Double minded man is unstable in all his ways, James 1:8
Greed is everywhere!
Guess you haven't been following this very closely.
Mr. Bundy made a contract w/ his county for grazing rights to some land. This is a common practice for sm. ranchers to raise more food for market, somewhat like "sharecropping" for farmers & crops. The govmt. overstepped because of "behind closed door deals" to rustle his cattle & sell off. Mr. Bundy denied payment to the feds on the grounds that he had made a contract w/ the county before the BLM even existed & therefore has NOT signed a contract w/ the fed. govmt. He has paid his fees to the county & they have returned them ea. year.
And if you think you owe the govmt. for "owning" the land, boy...have you got some reading to do.
Joseph Gotshall,
There is a reason why Mr. Bundy has not paid all these years. If you don't know all of the details, maybe you could rethink your opinion until all the details are available.
The Bundy family has an obligation to pay the fees to the landlords not to an agency representing the bankers, lawyers and corrupt politicians. If you would take the time to read the Constitution in Article I Section 8 Clause 17 it clearly states that the government of the United States has no lawful jurisdiction outside of the District of Columbia. Private land belongs to individuals while public land belongs collectively to the people. The United States government is not the landlord, they are merely extorting fees that should be paid to Clark County. Your statements regarding the Bundy family's position has more holes than a slice of Swiss cheese.
I understand what you are saying. My question is who are the landlords?
read 4 -3 -2 and the 1871 organic act.
read Constitution article 4 section 3 clause 2 < and for those who think that the federal lands in the States west of the Ohio River except Texas aren't territories in fact, here is Nevada's own admissions act: " Sec 4, 'Authorization to form Constitution and State; limitations'
Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States; and that the lands belonging to citizens of the United States residing without the said state shall never be taxed higher than the land belonging to the residents thereof; and that no taxes shall be imposed by said state on lands or property therein belonging to, or which may hereafter be purchased by, the United States.
through legislative actions by Congress they have allowed the Federal Government to have and to hold lands even to purchase.
the Constitution what is being said is that the feds can own no land when in fact Congress has made it so and the admission acts of all western States. I will find the pertinant part of the 1871 Organic act. This Federal Government has placed into law for themselves the ownership of land , they have removed lands to be sold to foreign countries for in Hage VS USG those lands Hage watered their cattle on, but the Forest Service sold it to the Emerites, part of Saudi Arabia. Also look at the parks; National Forests controlled by the Forest Service and open lands controlled by the BLM, and all parks part of UN agenda EPA a UN agency. Ever been to the Grand Canyon or Yellowstone NP?
This Republic has many owners and they arent the people.