I like clean water, clean air, and a clean world, but the stranglehold that is foisted upon American businesses, farmers and ranchers by the EPA and other governmental agencies in the name of saving some rarely seen animal, (like the Desert Tortoise), or the “Eco-system” is getting preposterous. China and the rest of the world aren't going to stop polluting just because we do, and we’re already better at cleaning up than they are. The government has grown way too powerful and we the people are to blame. Our lack of oversight of our government and the various agencies that have been created is an urgent issue. Who authorized these agency clowns like the IRS, EPA, HHS, FEMA, BLM and Homeland Security to start carrying guns, Billy-Clubs and Tasers? They are way over-stepping there authority and "jurisdiction".
We the People need to take back control of our nation and it’s resources and regain unencumbered access to them, even if it costs money to go see and vacation in these areas. It’s time for the free markets to step up and take charge of our energy resources, our land and the economy. Its also time for the rest of us to keep the government off their back. Free market, (no IRS) business is the answer to all of our prayers.
We need to reignite the entrepreneurial spirit in America and show everyone exactly what a free people can do in a free Republic with free market capitalism at it’s core. That's right. I'm one of those dirty Capitalists who just happens to want and be able to, clean up after himself.
Severely reduce the power of these Agencies of force. I'm tired of the government trying to tell everyone what to do. And I'll bet Cliven Bundy is too.
Here's some more evidence that even some of our police are out of control.
How true this is Mort: Yes, we need to return to values system that work, to restore and restructure our government and we the people back under the Masters with new vision that once made us a great nation.
Morton you've identified the real problem - we, the people have let our leaders get away with too much crap. The district of corruption has created a government like the proverbial 800 lb gorilla which is strangling freedom, privacy and entrepreneurism (and in turn, jobs). Americans can no longer afford this kind of government but most are too meek and placid or stupid to do anything.
I routinely write about anti-citizen policies and how to take back freedom in our Poor Man Survival site and blog...Keep up the good work brother.
We must continue what Bundy showed us all - if we stop fighting each other and unite we can take the money and power from DC and restore States rights and powers - we need to just get on with the program,
That's about right Magnus,
We do need to stop fighting each other. The problem, however is that the people we need to fight against right now are "the other". We have to remember that the BLM, EPA, IRS people are sometimes well meaning Americans too.
They are doing their job the way they were taught to. They are the ones whom we must educate the most. This is no easy task. And if they will not learn, it is they who must then be considered the enemy, because saying its just your job don't make it right. But first, we who know the difference must try to bring them to the truth. Invite every single one of them to debate with us or learn from us, here at the Constitution Club.
They are the ones who will benefit most from being here. If they try to subvert our message, I will handle them. So invite the enemy to our camp, and let us find common ground upon which to stand.
Remember; "Keep your friends close, keep your enemies even closer".
We must make them employees of the Many States - not the Federal government. Problem then solved - many will need to seek other employment as the States will just close some of the one size fits all Federal design methods.
One thing that impressed me about what took place in Nevada at the Bundy Ranch was the woman who let the BLM members know that they could cross over the line, and switch sides, that what they do to us will eventually come back around, and they have a choice as to which side of the fence they wanted to be on.
Alex Jones has exposed that apparently that message is sinking in, since he said a lot of the FED workers are resigning.
Time for the family to go after the policeman on a BOND issue and personal basis.
I totally agree with Osceola. Not just the bond of the cop, but all of his superiors for hiring and allowing someone like that to be put on the street with that kind of mentality. That is warring against the Citizens, and is a crime of treason. He needs to see some prison time, if the Dash-Cam bears out what I think it will.
It is a well known fact by the psychologist community that power-hungry authoritarians gravitate to police, etc. jobs where they can legally(?) exercise power and authority over others. When society wakes up, the problems will end. I too supposedly had a real gun aimed at me, from the Deputy's report, although I never saw it. He later did taser me though, and it was totally unnecessary, just simply for the fun of it.
I met other inmates in their jail (Everett, Washington) who had similar experiences, one of which was tasered by 6 deputies all at the same time, until ordered to stop it by their commander, who was concerned about a law suit (note: no concern for the guy enduring the tasering. He showed me his taser burns. I don't see how he lived through it. He said the deputies were laughing about it the whole time they were doing it to him. It was just a game to them.
Yes, that Deputy is on my list. He has no business being in law enforcement, We already know the Sheriff in Snohomish County, Washington is corrupt.
Dear 5 War Veteran, You are always the voice of reason and common sense. I have fought the enemy for over 50 years and have always run up against ignorance and apathy. Would like to know you better. My phone is in the Bullhead City AZ directory. Allies are always appreciated. Bob from BHC.