This comes to us by virtue of the website. That's right folks. Straight out of the governments own stated goals for the FBI. If this information is true, then shouldn't we be reporting the conflict of interest we see in our courtrooms to this agency? Shouldn't we be able to rely on these people to help us when we see missing Oaths of Office or when we know that you cannot possibly pledge allegiance to the British Accreditation Registry (The BAR), AND then swear to uphold and defend the Constitution at the same time (an obvious Quid Pro Quo)?
Should we not use the proper channels to eliminate these criminals? Is it not their job according to them to investigate by secret means if necessary ALL crimes against the American people or the country as a whole, or am I missing something? I would submit the following for your perusal.
Public Corruption
Why It's Our #1 Criminal Priority
Public corruption is a breach of trust by federal, state, or local officials often with the help of private sector accomplices. It's also the FBI's top criminal investigative priority. To explain why the Bureau takes public corruption so seriously and how we investigate, we talked with Special Agent Patrick Bohrer, assistant section chief of our Public Corruption/Civil Rights program at FBI Headquarters.
Question: Why is public corruption so high on the FBI's list of investigative priorities?
Answer: Because of its impact. Corrupt public officials undermine our country's national security, our overall safety, the public trust, and confidence in the U.S. government, wasting billions of dollars along the way. This corruption can tarnish virtually every aspect of society. For example, a border official might take a bribe, knowingly or unknowingly letting in a truck containing weapons of mass destruction. Or corrupt state legislators could cast deciding votes on a bill providing funding or other benefits to a company for the wrong reasons. Or at the local level, a building inspector might be paid to overlook some bad wiring, which could cause a deadly fire down the road.
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Special Agent Patrick Bohrer |
Q: Can you describe the kinds of public corruption that the FBI investigates?
A:It really runs the gamut. Bribery is the most common. But there's also extortion, embezzlement, racketeering, kickbacks, and money laundering, as well as wire, mail, bank, and tax fraud. Right now, based on our intelligence on emerging trends, we are focused specifically on several major issues: corruption along our national borders; corrupt officials who take advantage of natural disasters or economic crises to divert some of the government's aid into their own pockets; and a myriad of officials who may personally benefit from the economic stimulus funding.
Q: Where do you find this corruption?
A:Just about everywhere at the federal, state, and local levels throughout the country. And I should point out, the vast majority of our country's public officials are honest and work hard to improve the lives of the American people. But a small number make decisions for the wrong reasons usually, to line their own pockets or those of friends and family. These people can be found and have been found in legislatures, courts, city halls, law enforcement departments, school and zoning boards, government agencies of all kinds (including those that regulate elections and transportation), and even companies that do business with government.
Q: How does the FBI investigate public corruption?
A:We're in a unique position to investigate allegations of public corruption. Our lawful use of sophisticated investigative tools and methods like undercover operations, court-authorized electronic surveillance, and informants often gives us a front-row seat to witness the actual exchange of bribe money or a backroom handshake that seals an illegal deal and enough evidence to send the culprits to prison. But we have plenty of help. We often work in conjunction with the inspector general offices from various federal agencies, as well as with our state and local partners. And we depend greatly on assistance from the public.
So let me end by saying, if anyone out there has any information about potential wrongdoing by a public official, please submit a tip online or contact your local FBI field office. Your help really makes a difference.
- Public corruption
See what the effa BE Eye did to Gordon Kahl-also when I was framed by a dirty judge-THEY refused to do anything, then called the US Attorn n more of the same-GPS'es, Govt Pieces of Chit
21 Most Intriguing Quotes On The Federal Reserve
The GenCyber program, as it is called, has as its tagline "Inspiring the Next Generation of Cyber Stars". What child doesn't want to be a star? [read more...]
Petition: Show Us The 28 Pages And Let Us Know If The Saudis Were I...
Twenty-eight (28) redacted pages from the 2002 Joint Intelligence Committee Inquiry (JICI) report to the U.S. Congress implicate the government of Saudi Arabia as a principal facilitator of the September 11th, 2001 attacks upon the United States. [read more
5 Dark Conspiracies Covered Up By Accidents
The stated goal of the F.B.I. is not true. I have letters from the F.B.I. Inspector General refusing to investigate/charge criminals I named with government documents as proof of R.I.C.O. violations. One of the named individuals was a D.O.J. special prosecutor/investigator. There is a lot to the story, but the short version is the F.B.I. gathers info from public complaints and uses this to protect the criminal(s).
In order to restore their Honor & Integrity, the FBI, the US Marshal Service, and every County Sheriff, need to divorce themselves from the Department of Justice, which is run & administrating by the BAR!!
Agreed Steven Duane House of Curry,
One correction though. The Marshalls are an extension of the Post Office and not part of the DOJ and County Sheriffs are independent Officers of Law, elected to serve the people, not the DOJ.
As such, it is these two agencies who must help restore the Rule of Law in this country. The Sheriffs at the County level and the U.S. Marshall at the federal level. They are responsible to the people to do what's right, even if that means arresting the whole damn lot. It is time to get behind these agencies and inform them of THE PEOPLE'S demands. Not The DOJ. As for the state level, one should be able to count on the Governor. Good luck with that one.
DOJ AUSA Peters asks for information -
Rosanna's Letter to DOJ AUSA Peters -
I have sent this to my FEDERAL and STATE representatives too.... NO response or they claim the separate branches doctrine of excuses and can't do anything. But they sure can fund the legal crooks.
If this is too much for you try being in the shoes of the daughter who watched her parents be murdered, abused, chemically restrained, robbed right in front of her and couldn't stop it... then she is terrorized by the bullies in costumes with badges and guns.
This is hardly all of it.... but attached is the LATEST filing to call an investigation for racketeering in the courts.
15.8.8 Objection to fansler's Quash.pdf
what is the 302 title?