----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


The root of the problems we face is the existence of a cabal of Wall Street  lawyers ,lobbyists and politicians who take their marching orders from the international bankers to redistribute our wealth into their pockets.

They are able to accomplish their diabolical agenda by controlling the government, controlling our money, controlling our schools and the media..

They have successfully enslaved the people with debt and the first step in restoring our liberty is to eliminate debt and taxes.


When people are confronted with a real or imaginary threat people are willing to sacrifice a portion of their liberty in exchange for safety. In order to take away a man's liberty,  a government must first make  the man afraid of what will happen if the government doesn't come to his rescue.

In order to control the people, the government creates problems and them propose solutions.  Then Congress borrows the money necessary and then raises taxes.

The most effective way to motivate a nation to go to war is to convince the people that their safety and security is in jeopardy.  The initiation of practically every war was orchestrated by bankers in order to finance both sides in the conflict.

In order to gain the support of the people, government stages what is known as a false flag operation.  The aggressor nation manufactures an act of terrorism and them blames the attack on their targeted enemy.

According to General Smedley Butler in wars the profits are measured in money and the cost is measured in lives.In order to finance war the nations involved are force to borrow vast sums of money from the central banks. 

The bankers love war because it is by far the most profitable venture. The nations borrows the money at interest and then collects taxes from the people to repay the principal and the interest.

Loaning money to governments is how the bankers have gained control over the nations of the world. Financing wars is by far the most profitable venture. The government are forced to tax the people to repay the debt and in the process the people become slaves to lenders.


The men and women we elect to represent us in Congress are secret agents hired by the bankers to borrow as much money as possible in order to redistribute the wealth of the people into the pockets of the international bankers.

As Congress continue borrowing from the bankers to fund their solutions they continue raising taxes. If the government was unable to borrow, they would be unable to create debt and the need to tax the people.

In order to be free we must end the corrupt alliance between the bankers and the government. As long as the bankers control Congress by loaning them money we will continue  to  burdened with unsustainable debt.

The only way to control Congress is to get them stop borrowing money to fund programs and projects that are not authorized in the Constitution. Congress is only authorized to spend our money to pay the debts of the nation, provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare.

If the people collectively demand that the members of Congress honor their oath and stop borrowing money to fund things we don't want, don't need and can't afford.

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  • Isn't the real problem is that most people have assumed that someone else, especially govco, will fix what ails us?

    Let me rant for one minute, please.

    Look around. People addicted to junk food, junk tv, junk phones, junk pharmaceuticals, junk Facebook, junk Twitter, junk videos, junk novels, junk education, junk babysitting, junk church, junking the family (divorce, etc.), junk sex, junk entertainment, junk world view—isn't that the real problem——US? WE? the people?

    Why do WE accept SCOTUS "opinions?" Why do WE accept lies from politicians? Why do WE accept govco's educational demands on our children? Vaccinations with 50 chemicals? Corporate toxic food? You get the point.

    Citizen's Militias, Citizen's Grand Juries, and a large use of the word, "No." "Bottom UP." Citizens.

    I cannot find many Christians in my network who CARE about learning the Constitution and WHY it matters.

    When I told my small church group Roe v Wade and Obergefell were NOT law, they all looked at me and said not one word. They could have called me an idiot, said, I was nuts, asked WHAT is wrong with you, anything. No thing came out of their mouths. Deer in the headlights.

    The last time I went to one church was the time the Pastor talked about the "poor" Syrians at our doors. A group of constitutionalists gathered, made an appt., and gathered at his office and gave him a WHAT FOR. That is what should happen.

    Why, when Kim Davis, followed KY law and the Law of Nature and Nature's God (as stated in the DoI as our foundation and source), and refused to license two homosexuals' biblically unlawful marriage, and was sent to jail——did NO pastors lead their flocks to city hall, to their legislators offices, and protest?  NO Pastor did this! (DOMA——IS——still Law of the Land.) It IS in the Congressional Register. (not that govco has any right over marriage...)

    Sorry for the rant, but the groups who DO open their mouths, hearts and brains, are few and far between. I am in 3 groups but do not see that number increasing.

    In the early years of Jewish history, the ekklesia, those who are called and set apart, met at the gate (place of authority) to approve laws and punishments, or not, and to judge all the mountains of culture that existed at that time. They were called, and they performed their civic, family, governmental and religious—duties and jurisdictions. These are the roles of WE the People.

    Even if a miracle happened and the FED was ended, the IRS was ended, and the right number of legislators per 30,000 persons, then what?

    It doesn't touch the truth of the matter that the jurisdictions of family, church, arts/entertainment, business/economy, education, media, government/politics have all been subverted and successfully taken over with implementation of the planks of the Communist Manifesto, and at both the state and federal level. Money changing hands is what it is all about. A moral and educated people, WE are NOT.

    I am not sure where the battlefield really is and that is my reason for the rant.

    The Cornerstone is the Declaration, this is the building block. Upon it rests the Federalist Papers, the early writings and forms of education, the NW ordinance that required Christian faith to be taught in schools. That is how the little ones learned their ABC's, through the New England Primer, which fearlessly taught about Jesus Christ. How can the early miracles in our fight for independence be taught when WE still wrongly think their is separation of church and state?  We need our cornerstone back upon which to rebuild. My opinion.

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