The deception has been upon us from the very beginning… during the earliest hours of the formation of our nation.
In my book, Chester Arthur – “1st Bogus POTUS” vs. The Death of America Click Here I offer the premise that the “deception” began in as early as 1881. I write in depth regarding the fact that since Chester Arthur (usurper who was the bogus 21st POTUS) was not a natural born citizen, none of the events that happened in America after 1881 was constitutional, therefore, America died at this point and the robber barons of England took over the land we call the United States.
In my book I point out that none of the Constitutional amendments after the 15th amendment was “constitutional” because we did not have a constitutional government. If we did not have a legitimate president to sign legislation, sign bills to authorize pay for congress, the supreme court, and to pay the military… America ENDED at least in 1881.
The last thirteen admitted states are not really states, if we had an unconstitutional government after 1881: Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii. It is amusing to see that since Chester Arthur was not eligible to be POTUS then HAWAII is not be a constitutionally valid state… hence, even if Soetoro was NOT born in Kenya (but he was), then he would still not be a citizen if Soetoro was born in Hawaii (because of Arthur ineligibility).
Let me point out that the first unconstitutional amendments to the constitution that was not ratified by the constitutionally defunct states was the 16th Amendment which allowed a “voluntary” income tax (1909). So, amendments 16-27 are invalid, unless you can prove that Chester Arthur was a legitimate POTUS. But you cannot do so, nor can you prove that everything that transpired in the US was constitutionally valid after 1881.
And then it is clear that a more complete takeover by the international banksters began in 1913 when the International Banksters thugs forced the unconstitutional FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM upon America.
But as I wrote in the first sentence of this post, I believe it has been all a lie since the first few moments of the founding of our Nation. (Which seems to mirror your premise.)
It is my contention that John Adams, Benj. Franklin and John Jay got their butts kicked by King George III and they got scammed by the Tyrant George from day one! And the scam continued from that time forward.
I direct your attention to the TREATY OF PEACE (1783).
It really makes me sick to see the way we were conned! (See: Treaty of Peace (1783) )
It starts out in the first paragraph describing King George as the “prince elector of the Holy Roman Empire etc., and of the United States of America.” The treaty starts out proclaiming that it is God’s will that King George is this “prince elector” of the U.S. of A. The first words of the treaty start with King George announcing (in writing) that it is his prophecy that he is speaking for God by announcing the treaty was “In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity.” It is my humble opinion that this was/is a false prophecy and God WAS NOT SPEAKING THROUGH KING GEORGE! Period! (If he was, then the Treaty of 1783 is SCRIPTURE!) (And I contend that it is NOT SCRIPTURE).
And it gets worse from there!
King George in Article 1 states during the first few word that America is “free sovereign and independent states.”
However, King George directs in Article 2 of the boundaries that “America” is allowed to be confined to.
Article 3 describes where AMERICANS were/are allowed to fish.
King George and his international banksters inserted Article 4 in to protect the bankster’s investments. “It is agreed that creditors on either side shall meet with no lawful impediment to the recovery of the full value in sterling money of all bona fide debts heretofore contracted.”
The international banksters twist the knife a little further in with Article 5: “It is agreed that Congress shall earnestly recommend it to the legislatures of the respective states to provide for the restitution of all estates, rights, and properties, which have been confiscated belonging to real British subjects; and also of the estates, rights, and properties of persons resident in districts in the possession on his Majesty’s arms and who have not borne arms against the said United States.”
The rest of the Treaty stated in some way in each additional Article that everything outside of the 13 colonies “shall forever remain free and open to the subjects of Great Britain.”
It sounds from this Treaty WE LOST THE WAR instead of winning it!
I find it odd that there was never a SIGNATURE required by King George on this Treaty. I can find no document with HIS SIGNATURE ON IT!
So what we have is a Treaty signed by representatives of the American Congress of the Confederation who were formed in 1781 under the Articles of Confederation. And then the American Congress of the Confederation ratified the Treaty of Paris on January 14, 1784 (Ratification Day).
The American Congress of Confederation was disbanded in 1787 when the NEW US CONSTITUTION was signed. Our Constitution was ratified shortly thereafter. Somehow, the old Treaty of 1783 magically seemed to be still in effect with this new entity (the newly organized US Congress.)
I cannot find any record that the NEW CONGRESS OF THE NEW CONSTITUTION RATIFIED THIS OLD TREATY of 1783 nor was a new treaty re-written, signed and ratified. Our “new” (1787) Constitution states that “(the President) He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur;…”
You will probably ask…”what difference does it make?” My answer is this… ”it’s very simple. Our constitution is supposed to be THE SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND.” When we became a new country with a new constitution and a new congress, we should have ratified all old treaties we were living under. And too, it makes both Chester Arthur and Barry Soetoro (aka BHO) who were BRITISH SUBJECTS at some point in their lifetime, subject to the “royal false prophet of God.” Any person who claims to be “god’s chosen” is either a prophet or a false prophet. I maintain that King George was never a righteous prophet! Likewise Barry Soetoro, as a subject of a false prophet this makes Soetoro a false prophet himself if he claims he is eligible to hold the office of POTUS. Since Soetoro has no constitutional eligibility as a natural born citizen, nor can he prove he is a US Citizen so he must gain his authority to be POTUS from God – - Again I say, Soetoro is not a righteous man (especially if he is the Sodomite-in-Chief) so he must be a false prophet (one who claims to be “a bastard child chosen to rule by his pretend god.”)
Deception? Darn right it is! The Bank of England who is completely controlled by the Rothschild family (at least a quadrillion dollars+ in international assets) own us lock, stock and barrel, just like they own England, lock, stock and barrel! The FED is controlled by the Rothschild family and there is not a single aspect of American life that the Rothschild family does not own, control or manage. Our newspapers, TV, radios, all of the major corporations are under the control of the Robber Barons aforementioned described.
Arnie, you say to me, “Mr. Noonan, you seem like a serious patriot…isn’t it time we expose what we know of the real game? Having been a candidate for so many various offices are you truly ignorant of the real situation?”
I agree…We should expose what we know of the “real game.” But few are willing to listen. Most people cower with their heads buried in the sand and do not want to hear the truth.
But even if I stand alone, I will continue to sound the alarm. The lies of our childhood are coming back to haunt us… now that we are discovering how deep in dog doo-doo that we are in. We are all swimming in a cesspool of corruption and there is no draining the pond. There is only resistance as best as we can manage. So I say, RESIST! Resist with all your might! Stop voting for the lesser of two evils…
Likewise, I say to you, Arnie (and anyone that is reading this post): There is only one way to change our political situation. And that is to GAIN POLITICAL POWER. The Republicans already have had political power for the last 150 years. They merely mirror the corruption of their brothers and sisters in the Marxist/Democrat party. I call them “two cheeks from the same behind.” It is time to start a new political party, and gain political power and to CHANGE THE LAWS (back to a constitutional format at least).
I am looking for State leaders, county leaders but most importantly, constitutional leaders. Read the party platform at and then re-register as an American Resistance Party leader/patriot/voter. JOIN ME TO HELP CHANGE THE LAWS THAT DESTROY OUR CONSTITUTIONAL AND GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS. Else you can continue to vote for people like Gov. Chris Christie whose deputy chief of staff arrogantly orchestrated a massive traffic snarl for 4 days last month, or Ted Cruz who is not eligible to run as POTUS or Rand Paul who has nothing but contempt for the Presidential qualifications mandated by the requirements of the Constitution and who claims he doesn’t believe in Art II of the Constitution. (Read more at )