Only individuals with blood coursing through their veins have rights. Government is a legal fiction which receives it's power and authority from the consent of the governed.
The people who create governments also retain the power to withdraw their consent whenever it becomes necessary. Governments were created to be the servant, not to be our master.
When evil men conspire to seize control of a government, it is the right and duty of the people to withdraw their consent and either alter or abolish it.
Only a moral and righteous people who are dedicated to the preservation of the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility can remain free. We need to be the guardians of liberty. We have a responsibility to prevent the enemies of freedom from taking control.
The people can lose their freedom as a result of the military conquest or irresponsible spending beast. When we pay taxes, we are feeding that beast.
I love my country, but I despise the government we have now. God created the land and the people and then a few rich and powerful individuals created a legal fiction called the UNITED STATES. A government, like a corporation, is an artificial entity created to engage in commerce. The corporation function is to manage it's assets and to make a profit.
We the people are nothing more than corporate assets or should I say human capital, living on a giant federal plantation. We were sold the idea that in order to enjoy peace, prosperity and freedom we would need to sacrifice a portion of our liberty. What we were not told was that instead of protecting our rights the government would eventually enslave us with debt.
Every corporation has an agenda and I am sorry to say that the mission of the UNITED STATES is to harvest as much of the wealth as possible from the American people for the benefit of the financial elite. Lawyers and politicians are employed by the bankers to pass laws which enable them to take carry out their diabolical agenda under the color of law.
When a corporation is being mismanaged the stockholders have a right to stage a corporate takeover and that is exactly what we must do. The government of the UNITED STATES as it is operated now is selfish, corrupt and full of greedy individuals who masquerade as public servants.
If we don't take a stand, the enemies of freedom will have won and humanity will suffer the inevitable consequences.
If "We the People" started to understand how our founders would have defended the freedom and liberties of our God given rights that created this nations government of the constitutions, we would take charge of our local and county governance system. We would be banding together and demand that our servants understood and abide by the laws of the land set forth in those constitutions and prosecute the violators of our government servants for ignoring their oaths they made to God and the people to only defend and benefit our natural inherent and unalienable rights.
We must understand how this was done to the people by the Bankers of Usury in organizing BAR lawyers to take over the seats of our government to change the rules of a republican form of government to a democracy rule where by we vote in our dictators to indoctrinate and propagandize us into selling our souls for the immediate desires for false and fictitious money that the bankers print at will to enslave the nation.
Major problem: Those who are able to do what is necessary are too young to know that it used to be different, and WE (Old Guys) are too young to know first hand how it STARTED! Result; They take power, and convince a LOT of folks that they had better do what they are told. 'We're the Government... We're here to 'help', but you MUST do as we say. Besides, if you DON'T, we'll come and arrest you!'!
Somehow we MUST make the 'average' Joe and Josephene realize that we are in trouble, and it's the fault of those they hired to stop it. The CONgress is corrupt, and the 'president' has placed Islamic State members in positions of power as heads of the alphabet soup agencies which seem to think that they have the power to take what they want in the name of 'Security' and 'The greatest good for the' (pick one) poor, immigrants, minorities, ETC. They ll say, 'difficulty? THROW 'MONEY' AT IT!' 18 TRILLION 'dollars' haven't fixed it.
Definition of INSANITY: Repeatedly doing the same thing, while expecting a different outcome. One person or 500-odd, makes no difference. They're ALL NUTS, and need to be driven OUT!
Is it to late
The liberal, anti-American evil group that occupy our White House at present appear, to me, to be way to confident of themselves. Since day one, 6+ years ago, there has been a steady pattern of actions against the established American way. There confidence grows due to the absence of any serious rebuttal.
50 or 60 years ago, right under our collective noses, the process of indoctrination as a form of controlling the thoughts and trends of the masses began. At this time I think it is safe to assume the predictable majority, insured by free government handouts, as well as millions of illegals, we can be sure where their loyalty will lie, there is no wonder they are sure of success. It is no secret that, us, the people from the old school will soon all be gone. The population then will be programmed for one order obedience. I fear, greatly, for my offspring.
The elected persons by “We The People” to protect our Constitution, Country, Freedom, and our security have failed completely. On occasion when a representative does stand up with protest, there is little or no support. This seems to be a satisfy any that may protest about anything. Yes, it is quite possible the so called Conservatives we elected are basically false hope. The lack of protest against the corruption and absolute lawbreaking is impossible for me to comprehend.
Now, for the third time, I am hearing the same old thing. Just wait until 2012, then wait to 2014, and now just wait until 2016. The Liberal Democrats, along with all their other labels, are not afraid because they know what is going to happen. Let us say, the core conservatives that are true Americans, are not likely, or at least reluctant, to stupe to the lawless immorality observed in the last elections.
Whatever challenge we present, the results are in the works. The age old Democrat favorite of smut slinging is alive and well, with the added disregard for any and all law. Maybe the citizens of today are afraid, or unknowing due to the fact of selective education (no history). Older citizens, like myself, that were educated in the 40's and 50's, know and possess the spirit of our forefathers. Many, such as myself again, taught and instructed our children in our old ways, because we 'smelled a rat', so to speak In 1959 there was huge consolidated school built that eliminated all the one room schools. It appeared that everything changed, regrettably, the no nonsense one on one style teacher, The teacher that used time proven methods and had a ping pong paddle or yardstick in her hand or nearby. There was practically no rule breaking. If there was an infraction, when you arrived home, mother already knew. Poor boy!
I don't think any one person, even with his following, can do much. I see our situation much as in revolution times. One problem is unity. This modern communication of the day has no privacy. The enemy monitors every action suggested, or taken, and we are defeated before we start. Remember, the colonials passed the word, meeting tomorrow night in Jones' barn, and it worked. That could be impossible today.
Good stuff and a stellar Idea. Its more like a dream I've been having . Get rid of the lobbyist and two year term limits would be good.
Yes I smell a whole bunch of rats in the 10 square miles of Washington and they need to be put behind bars. All together so they can discuss what they have perpetrated.
Our lawless so-called "President" is so fearful of the relatively few Americans who fully understand our Constitution, all that we have lost as sovereign citizens and who is responsible that he has, through deceit, imported a virtual army of uneducated, dependant foriegn invaders who have no knowledge about living in a Constitutional Republic to further stamp out any hope of a patriotic influence upon society! I totally agree that the only recourse patriotic Americans now have is to completely dismantle and overthrow this diabolical beast that has been masquerading as the federal government! To start this process, I strongly believe that "President" Obama and every member of his vile, treasonist administration must be arrested at gunpoint by a citizen army consisting of those in the military who are willing to fight FOR this Republic, returning and long-term veterans, patriotic Sheriffs and law enforcement officers, the various militia groups in existence throughout America and all able-bodied patriots who refuse to accept defeat! Every branch of the federal government must be fully investigated for corruption amounting to charges of High Treason, and Tort Reform must be initiated to uncover the base criminal corruption that has permeated every aspect of the courts in every state, including the hellish mess that typifies America's prison system! Every single Obama appointee in every office of the government must be removed and arrested, especially Islamic Muslims, all of whom must be swiftly deported! Then, every single person who is in this country illegally must be rounded up and immediately deported to their home countries; implementing this on a state by state basis would greatly enhance such an operation! Yes, there is much to be done, but anything is well worth it to preserve the greatest Republic the world has ever known, no matter how long it takes! Last but certainly not least, it is imperative that the American people turn back to the living God Almighty by whose Providence our great Republic exists! We must once and for all reject the morally and intellectually bankrupt influences of twisted perversion that has been shoved down our collective throats by the dark forces of the so-called "progressive" left! ALL leftist, Marxist, Godless influence throughout America must be stamped out like the malignancy it is, especially the scourge of "political correctness"! If we do not turn back to the God of the Bible, there is absolutely no hope for America! Any American citizen who would come against the restoration of this Republic must have their citizenship revoked, and they must be forcibly removed from America! If and when we the people begin to boldly defend their faith by uplifting the name of the Lord and even sparking a nation-wide Christian Revival, there is no question that our most high God would rise up on our defense and go before us into battle! The power of His Holy Spirit would most certainly send the forces of darkness fleeing into oblivion! I am convinced that God Almighty has definate plans for America in the years to come; in fact, this is in accordance with Biblical prophesy! This great Republic is NOT FINISHED by any means, period!