The primary job of the states was to prevent the abuse of power by Congress. It was their responsibility to hold the representatives accountable to honor their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.
Instead of doing their job our state legislators have climbed in bed with the enemy and are now aligned with the Wall Street bankers and corporations to exploit us for their own personal benefit.
When Congress is functioning as it should it is accountable to the people to honor and obey the Constitution. The Senate was created to prevent the abuse of power by the House of Representatives.
When in 1913 with the ratification of the 17th amendment the states lost their representation in the senate and their ability to prevent the House of Representatives from violating the Constitution.
According to the Tenth Amendment any power not granted to the government of the united States which is not prohibited to the states is reserved to the states and to the people.
With the ratification of this amendment the states lost their ability to prevent the tyranny of the majority
The state legislatures should be the guardians of our liberty and should just say no when Congress attempts to pass unconstitutional legislation.
When compelled to enforce the Fugitive Slave Law, many of the Northern States refused to comply. The right to nullify unconstitutional legislation was a right in the 19th century which we have a right to exercise today.