The Health Insurance Con Game

8575504864?profile=originalThe cost of medical procedures and prescription drugs are set by insurance companies. The higher the cost of healthcare, the greater will be the profits generated for the insurance companies.

As long as the insurance companies are motivated by financial gains, those individuals who pay the premiums will be victims of legalized plunder. Rather than protecting our rights, the government has climbed in bed with the enemy.

The cost of health insurance is not the problem, it is the cost of medical procedures and prescription drugs that drives the insurance premiums through the roof. The best way to make health insurance affordable is to reduce the cost of health care.

The American Medical Association, Big Pharma and the Insurance Companies have formed an alliance, determined to generate maximum profits at our expense. Instead of intervening on our behalf the government has joined this evil cartel and is sharing in the humongous profits.

We have been deceived by our elected officials and until we wake up and realize what is happening we will continue to be victims of the financial elite. Our government was created to be the guardian of our liberty and defender of our rights. The government has become a tool in the hands of banking institutions, insurance companies, Big Pharma and the Bar Association to control the people and redistribute the wealth of the American people to their own pockets.

The heath insurance premiums are based on the cost of medical procedures and prescription drugs. The only way to reduce the premiums is to reduce the cost fo health care. Insurance companies set the prices and we are forced to pay premiums to cover these costs or do without the services we need. The insurance companies, the lawyers, the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors make a lot more money when the cost of health care is high and have no financial incentive to reduce the cost of health care.. 


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  • Christians who are involved in a local church can join together to reduce health care costs.  Samaritan Ministries and Medi-share are two organizations which are excluded from ObamaCare.  For approximately $300 per month, a family can network with Christians across America to pay off medical expenses.  These organizations will negotiate the final cost of medical procedures.  Christian lifestyle is mandatory which means no smoking, moderate alcohol and monogamous relationships are part of the covenant.  One would be wise to investigate these options.

  • I knew something was up when the insurance industry didn't put up a fight to "ObamaCare".  The insurance companies fought very hard through their agents and were successful at defeating "HillaryCare" 10 years earlier when THAT program was proposed.  Too bad that greed of the few creates slavery of the masses.

    If you want to beat them at their own game, exchange away from THEIR currency.  That's where their power is derived.  Having all your eggs in one (currency) basket puts your entire economy at risk.  I HAVE FOUND ONLY ONE WAY WE ALL CAN BECOME UNIFIED AND DEFEAT THEM.  EVERYONE DOING SOMETHING DIFFERENT MAKES US WEAK.  KARATBARS IS THE ANSWER.  PAY IT FORWARD FRIENDS!!!

    Best Regards,

    Jim Bonham

  • The heath insurance premiums are based on the cost of medical procedures and prescription drugs. The only way to reduce the premiums is to reduce the cost fo health care. Insurance companies set the prices and we are forced to pay premiums to cover these costs or do without the services we need. The insurance companies, the lawyers, the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors make a lot more money when the cost of health care is high and have no financial incentive to reduce the cost of health care.. 

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