----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Liberty Zone Concept


The Problem...
Everyone knows there is something terribly wrong with our governments, and that the problem is getting worse by the day. Many true patriots, and even many who haven't even thought of themselves as "patriots," are sick at heart at the unconstitutional lawlessness, greed and corruption taking place in our Republic, but are frustrated at what to do about it. Many join various groups created to help educate people, and to begin to resist the growth of tyranny, which is a great thing to do, but this doesn't address the real place change must take place... at out local, County level, and with the People. What can be done to unite citizens in towns, cities and counties across our great Republic?

The various Federal, State and Local governments have strayed far outside their authority and are unconstitutional in many actions. Unless The People stand up for the laws of the land and for the Constitution of the U.S.A., as it was intended and as "The People" expect it to be, our way of life is threatened and will cease to exist. There are millions of people across the country that belong to various groups that hold to these beliefs as well, but are so diluted at the local level that nothing can be done to affect grass root, local efforts.

The Solution...
Creating your local county, city or town as a "Liberty Zone" is the start to bringing like-minded people together. Liberty Zones locally will be that focal point for individuals, irrespective of group affiliation, and allow our County citizens to support the varied missions of the of the many allies we all have in the varied groups. The ONLY way the People will secure their liberties is to stand together to defend the Constitution, both federal and state.
Establishing your neck of the woods as a Liberty Zone gives NOTICE to all governments, as well as visitors, that your area will not tolerate unconstitutional encroachment in your rights and freedoms. Many local Sheriffs are standing for the Constitution, and are ready to defend county citizens from federal tyranny, and the citizens can support this position.

All Sheriffs need to make a public decision as to whether they are willing to keep their Oath of Office to defend against unlawful usurpation of powers by governments. In so declaring they will, they can harness the power of the People to support them in all endeavors to take our counties and Republic back from tyrannical powers bent on destroying our way of life.

Any Sheriff who is NOT not yet willing to keep their Oath of Office need to be encouraged to do so, or they MUST be replaced by the People, and even sued under 42 U.S.C., 1983 for depravation of citizen's rights. This is a serious matter.

Also, consider creating your own County Guard group to support your Sheriff, or as a united group against unconstitutional actions by officials. We are implementing the "County Guard" concept so each county has its own Guard group... such as "Archuleta County Guard." Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona has several thousand "posse" members in his support team, which could easy be named "Maricopa County Guard" members, and all counties can do the same. It is another easy way for local citizens to engage in "Guarding" the constitution, and against unlawful and unconstitutional actions in your local area.

Imagine establishing "Liberty Zones" across our Republic, and securing them via the local Sheriff, and the County Guard members. This is something most citizens could easily support and feel like they are actually making a difference, beginning in their local communities, which is where ALL change must begin.
An important aspect of any "Liberty Zone" is that citizens understand what "Liberty" actually is, and how we have strayed from our constitution, and have allowed our rights and freedoms to be eroded. Education in constitutional issues is vital, and quite easy to understand. If you handled 8th grade, you can easily read the short Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and be able to see how we have set aside the original law of the land over the past 150 years. Knowledge is power!
Power starts at the local county level, and the County Sheriff is the highest law enforcement authority under the People in the county. The people elect the Sheriff, and stand behind him as their public servant to protect and defend their rights. Please pass these concepts on to all your friends and neighbors, and have them and your local Sheriff contact Sheriff Richard Mack through Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, and Oath Keepers to make their pledge to stop illegal and unconstitutional activities in their county. Sheriff Mack is on a quest to reach every Sheriff in our Republic with the message of defending liberty and the Constitution, and to bring citizens together to stop the encroachment into our rights and liberties, and needs every donation possible to speed this along.

Learn about your lawful power as a Jury member to nullify bad or unconstitutional laws at the court level... Fully Informed Jury Association. Don't underestimate this power, since, as a jurist, you are a higher authority than the judges themselves, and can vote your conscience, so say the original courts.
We have the power in our hands if we but understand it, and use it by joining to support each other and our local communities and say, "No further, NOT ON OUR WATCH!"
State Nullification is the power to stop federal encroachment into state sovereignty!
MUST WATCH! Thomas Wood Explains Power of States to Nullify unconstitutional and void laws!
MUST WATCH! Here's a prime example of federal insanity and encroachment into our lives... these federal agents responsible for this are traitors, as are all supporters of this lawlessness, plain and simple. We are at war... which means we must defend all states and citizens against this unlawful government activity. Watch the short video about Federal harassment of Ted Nugent's vocal patriotism!

State power does NOT control local government or citizens
Here is an example of the Colorado Constitution and what it specifically states regarding what a state legislature can and cannot do...
Article 5, Section 25. Special legislation prohibited.
"The general assembly shall not pass local or special laws in any of the following enumerated cases, that is to say; for granting divorces; laying out, opening, altering or working roads or highways; vacating roads, town platts, streets, alleys and public grounds; locating or changing county seats; regulating county or township affairs; regulating the practice in courts of justice; regulating the jurisdiction and duties of justices of the peace, police magistrates and constables; changing the rules of evidence in any trial or inquiry; providing for changes of venue in civil or criminal cases; declaring any person of age; for limitation of civil actions or giving effect to informal or invalid deeds; summoning or impaneling grand or petit juries; providing for the management of common schools; regulating the rate of interest on money; the opening or conducting of any election, or designating the place of voting; the sale or mortgage of real estate belonging to minors or others under disability; the protection of game or fish; chartering or licensing ferries or toll bridges; remitting fines, penalties or forfeitures; creating, increasing or decreasing fees, percentage or allowances of public officers; changing the law of descent; granting to any corporation, association or individual the right to lay down railroad tracks; granting to any corporation, association or individual any special or exclusive privilege, immunity or franchise whatever. In all other cases, where a general law can be made applicable no special law shall be enacted."

Notice it states that the counties even have the authority to deal with "game or fish." This means the federal encroachment into our local areas with their "federal" ownership of our "national parks" is bogus and unconstitutional and outside its 18 Enumerated Powers. Can you see the power we have always had, but have allowed to be stolen from us?

It is really an easy solution to our critical loss of freedoms and rights under this encroachment of government into our personal liberties... so we can't complain about the problems if we fail to take such simple steps as the above... and exercise our power to put the government beast back into its chains under the constitution.

Steps to take in your local area:
Keep in mind that it took us over 150 years to get into this position because we have all let down our vigilance to safeguard our freedoms and the constitution, so it will take some concerted effort to reclaim what is rightfully ours.

Read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights via the links at the top left.
Begin reading and researching the "Power Links" to see the tremendous movement 10's of millions are engaging in to defend our rights and freedoms.
Download and print out the Liberty Zone Support Notice. Sign it, if you haven't already signed one, and use it to obtain signatures from those who support the Liberty Zone concept which you can hand to your local commissioners, sheriff and others you want to meet with and encourage to join the project. Also download the Liberty Zone Support Notice Supplement with constitutional rulings in cases for support to prove to people the law is on our side.

Plan to meet with local Tea Party or any other similar liberty-minded groups in your area and present the idea. We will have a sample Power Point presentation soon which you can download as an example of what you can do, or to use as you see fit.
Create a simple flier you can hand out when you go for signatures. We will also have a sample flier soon.

Carefully laid out plan.
We have developed a specific plan to encourage our local government and authorities to support the constitution. This isn't a rigid set-in-stone plan, as other areas may have different needs and challenges. As we implement these steps here in Archuleta County, Colorado, we will update this website. We also encourage other areas to be creative, and share what you come up with... what works, what didn't, etc.

These two steps have already been completed in El Paso County, Colorado, and we in Archuleta County, Colorado are close to accomplishing this and more. El Paso County and many other sheriffs and areas are being contacted regarding the "Liberty Zone" idea, and we hope they will implement this along with their excellent start to defend their citizens.

El Paso County, Colorado NDAA Habeas Corpus Resolution-PDF: Resolution to protect Habeas Corpus and other civil rights created and accepted by Commissioners.
El Paso County, Colorado Resolution in Defense of 2nd Amendment Rights: Resolution supporting the 2nd amendment and the right to keep and bear arms created and accepted by Commissioners
El Paso County (Colorado Springs, Colorado) documented their historic event
More steps will be released as we progressively move through this "re-education" process. Don't underestimate the power of one person, YOU, and what that power, combined with millions of others, can do to save our republic from tyranny and oppression which is surely descending upon us all!
Here are the documents of resolutions 6 Colorado Counties that have taken a constitutional stand against government tyranny:
Weld County - http://blogs.westword.com/latestword/2013/01/weld_county_commissioners_second_amendment_resolution_guns.php
Montrose County - http://www.montrosecounty.net/DocumentCenter/View/4836

Mesa County - http://www.ammoland.com/2013/02/colorado-county-resolves-to-up-hold-the-2nd-amendment/#axzz2TWEwX7xv
Jefferson County - http://www.nraila.org/media/10866553/jefferson_county_resolution_in_defense_of_2nd_amendment_rights.pdf
El Paso County - http://libertyzone.org/El-Paso-Resolution-In-Defense-of-2nd-Amendment-Rights.pdf
Archuleta County - http://co-archuletacounty.civicplus.com/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Minutes/04232013-186 (Resolution is at the bottom of the minutes document)

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