"A Republic, If You Can Keep it!"
Why do we need the Militia? After all, we're not fighting the British anymore and we have all kinds of military branches to handle war and such, right? So why does our "Republic" need the Militia?
- At the state level we have the State Police, the National Guard, the County Sheriff and the Army Reserves. So why does our "Republic" need the Militia?
- At the local level, we have the city police to handle local concerns, firemen to handle fires, not to mention the local chapters of FEMA, Homeland Security and the Social Security office for the old and infirm. So why does our "Republic" need the Militia?
- We even have "Border Patrol" Agents protecting our nation's borders and the U.N. watching after our "World Heritage Sites". So why does our "Republic" need the Militia?
You want to know why? I think I just showed you why!