----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister Propaganda asserted that it was the responsibility if the state to assist in the formation of pubic opinion and that if the government told a big enough lie and repeated it over and over again, the people would ultimately come to believe it.8575482860?profile=original

For nearly 100 years the financial elite who operate in the shadows have controlled the media and the schools. They have controlled the labor unions, political parties and the churches in order to control the people.

Virtually everything that we hear and see is propaganda designed to control us. It is much easier to control a man who thinks he is free. Johannes Goethe observed "The most helpless of slaves is the man who falsely believes that he is free."

Any man who believes what he is told without questioning it does not deserve to be free. With liberty comes responsibility.


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  • If the People would question a false narritive or any thing that arrises out of Washington, this question will take the control used to propagandise and therefore it becomes mute to take the control with truth. Fact in which
  • Modern liberals hate.
  • Always question authority. We don't need to be rude, just verify the facts before believing them as such. There can be honest mistakes, as well as deception. Everyone should be accountable for mis-information.

    The following is a post I submitted on a similar subject on a different website.

    If we had intentions of fixing our future, we'd cancel federal public schooling all around, first. The only subjects that children need to learn is the Three R's. Reading, wRighting, and aRithmetic. Remember that reading means HOW TO read, NOT what to read. The Socialists took liberties with that one. The remaining education can be adjusted to suit, after the basics.

    If our local schools focused on just those three, our children could graduate at an earlier age and parents can choose which type of school of higher learning they wish to send them to next, if any.

    Naturally the Socialist parents will create Liberal Arts secondary schools to teach Liberal Junk Science, "Social" Studies, Keynsian Finance and the "new math" that Congress has perfected. The Liberal/Socialists can also pay for " their" school choices with their own money, not another's money.

    Meanwhile, the Conservative/Capitalist parents would prefer to choose to teach their children actual history, supply and demand, finite finance, savings and investment, and science that shows results. All funded by their own money. 

    America may still have different lifestyles. The Liberal/Socialists can be left alone to be content dwelling in their restricted "homeowner's association" neigborhoods of like cookie-cutter housing with their 1.5 kids, watching their Socialist TV. Working in their boring minimum wage assembly-line jobs, producing and surviving on "green slime" for food. I don't have a problem with that. It's a personal choice.

    The rest of us can, and will, be industrious and creative to better our living conditions and keep what we earn and produce. Everyone can be rewarded by their efforts and contribution. There will be competition to be successful and the Country can flourish with growth and opportunity. There aren't any losers, just various levels of winners. Everyone has different definitions of what success means. We Conservative/Capitalists can choose to make our own success, or not.

    • Most excellent & I agree whole-heartedly ! May I c/p to another site ?

  • Jack Kennedy. shortly before he was assasinated, said, " there is a plan to enslave every American man, woman, and child, and I mean to expose it before I leave this nobel office."  That being said, I do not for one minute believe that was why he was assasinated.  He also had a plan to print money, just like Abraham Lincoln did with his Greenbacks and THAT my friends is why both men were assasinated.

  • ALWAYS question authority, especially if it doesn't make sense as Common Law always makes sense!

  • TY, I had read from sev. sources JFK wanted to end the fed. reserve & was going to expose what has taken us yrs. to uncover about a LOT of things.

  • I believe propaganda was designed NOT for the critical thinker, but for the moral coward to have an excuse NOT to think at all.

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