----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The Plan to Secure Liberty

From the beginning of time the people have been divided into just two classes. The first and largest class is composed of men and women who yearn to be free and a second class of individuals who seek to rule and reign over everyone else,

For thousands of years the people have been exploited by the rich and powerful. When the 13 independent colonies won their independence they became 13 independent countris. 

Im 1787 twelve or the thirteen countries met in Philadelphia to amend the Articles of Confederation in order to create a more perfect union. It was not their purpose to create a new nation, it was to create a union of independent states.

It was the goal of the founders to create a union that would provide for the common defense, establish justice,insure domestic tranquility and promote the general welfare.

The founders knew that in order to secure the blessings of liberty, they needed a government with a short list of enumerated powers. All powers not granted to the government of the united States were to be reserved to the states and the people.

The Constitution was a contract between the states and government. The Constitution was not written to govern the people, it was written to govern the government,

It was to be the responsiblility to the states to protect the people from the abuse of power by the central government.

The authors of the Constitution knew that power corrupts and that in order to secure the blessings of liberty it would be necessary to separate the power into three separate branches of government. They also knew that in order to prevent tyranny of the majority there would need to checks and balances.

The founders unanimously agreed that the worst form of government possible was a democracy and for that reason they created the union of states to be a republic.

In a democracy political decisions are made by the majority and the rights of the minority are always in jeopardy. In a repbulic the majority of elected representatives of the people decide.

Only in a republic can the rights of individuals be preserved. Only in a republic can liberty, equality and justice exist.

In a republic the people must be adequately represented. In Article 1 Section 2 Clause 3, the Constitution mandates that the ratio or representatives to constituents is 30,000 ti 1.

The current Congressmen represent over 700,000 people. Instead of having 435 representatives, Congress should have over 10,000 representatives. When all of the poliltical power is vested in the hands of the few, the many suffer the consequences.

The people were supposed to be represented in the House of Representatives and the States were supposed to be represented in the Senate. After the 17th amendment was ratified the people were represented in both the House and  the Senate and the states were not represented at all. Our bicameral legislature beceme a unicameral legislature with two houses representing the people.

In order to restore our republic we must first restore the Constitutional integrity of the House of Representatives and the senate.

In Article V of the Constitution it clearly mandates that no state shall be deprive of equal represntation in the senate without their consent. When the states ratified the 17th amendment they voluntarily gave up their right to be represented in the senate,

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