----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----


  • How is one able to contact this lady and obtain the forms and procedures needed in order to accomplish one's freedom from the government's administration policies and procedures?

  • outstanding , so there in many ways to deal with th situation of commerce versus privacy.  i guess jurisdiction is the way to get out expediently.

    IN THE CITY COURT, STATE OF ___________

    IN AND FOR THE CITY OF ________________


    ( ) __________________________







    Expedient Request

    To who it may Concern, even though _______________,did not understand his rights and even though the City Judge ______________,completed the plea with out understanding. The plaintiff now request under the remedy,recourse to claim under the protection of Constitution of the state of _____________, and the supremacy clause Of the United states of America. Nor consent to a Unconstitutional act (Uniform Commercial Codes that city _______________ operates under)The plaintiff does not consent to any unknown contract regarding commerce nor violations of privacy.

    Plaintiff prays for relief

    Due to the facts of no victim or property damage,this private person request for a dismissal under common law jurisdiction- In question. To have the victim to come forward with a affidavit of a actual crime committed. Plaintiff does not further want to obstruct the city's case loads on the Docket. Nor shall tie up due to the facts of jurisdiction IN QUESTION for the next 7 months.



  • Please do not fall for the 'International Drivers License' or 'Sovereigns Drivers License' claims. They have no foundation in law and will not help you on the side of the highway or in court.

    This woman means well and has some correct information. The vehicle codes in all states arise under the commerce laws. What that means is that they are written to apply to state-only citizens and vehicles engaged in commerce.

    So how are they imposing these laws on everyone all the time?  The answer is actually very simple.  The gov under communist control, has an official policy of imposing 14th amendment status upon everyone - not just non-whites.

    The courts have all stated that the 14th secures very few rights and it does not even incorporate any bill of rights.  Quite simply, the 14th absolutely does not incorporate the common law, which includes the right to be under a gov of very limited powers.  Such people are under the 'needful rules' mandate set forth in Art 4,3,2. That gives the states and the United States / fed gov the power to impose any law or rule it can prove is 'needful'.

    Since the 14th does not include the common law right to use the highways freely for personal travel, the gov simply claims a need to regulate it for public safety reasons and without being honest, it simply imposes commercial laws upon non-commercial actions under the pretense everyone is a 14th citizen.

    It is important to also understand that there are no common law trial courts in operation today. They have been replaced with legislative branch 'statutory' / admin courts.  Why is this knowledge important?  Because these courts only have constitutional authority over 14th citizens and not state-only citizens.

    This tactic is how all sorts of commercial laws are being imposed on everyone in all areas of our lives.

    All the other theories put forth about 'persons', gov corporations, etc are simply irrelevant and made up by good people who are doing their best to make sense of actions where the gov is openly at war against state-only citizens.

    I hope this information is helpful.

    • Only a little Bill,

      And I won't waste too much time rebutting, but

      1. The needful rule is ONLY for "territory or property belonging to The United States;..."
      2. These criminals are operating under the commerce clause and as such do not NEED the 14th to wreak havoc,
      3. The 14th as part of the existing document we refer to as "The Constitution OF The United States", is as null and void as if it never existed for a HOST of reasons,
      4. The gov under communist control, has an official policy of imposing (14th amendment status) THE COMMERCE CLAUSE upon everyone. 

      Otherwise I agree with the rest of your statements. You are absolutely correct that another KIND of license will not avail you.

      • As for the 14th being void. It was adopted as if constitutionally ratified and today is the law of the land under the latches doctrine.  Constitutionally, as the courts have admitted, it has no legal impact upon the lives of state-only citizens.

        Please consider that the United States [ all things federal ] is under Art 4 jurisdiction.  The courts have always stated that 14th citizenship is in the 'United States' and that it is a federal citizenship, thus the powers conferred upon congress in Art 4 over all things federal, including the 'needful rule' limitation applies to people who owe their citizenship to the adoption of the 14th amendment.

        Thus, under the current gov presumption, while we have few rights, we have the right to force any gov agency that has created a rule we are potentially subject to, to prove it is needful and not merely oppressive for cease enforcement.

        Most traffic laws and rules would pass due to a need for public safety.  Now that I understand what is going on, it is not the traffic laws that I generally object to but instead the gov's declaration of war upon the sovereigns and their constitutions.

  • Actually Bill May I use an International Drivers License and it works quite well. I have been pulled over and released with no citation. I have even rented cars with it.
  • Where are you located?  If it happens very often and any criminal court judges find out, the word will go back to the National Center for State Courts in DC which will give orders to all the courts to notify the police to seize your car and the judges will drop the hammer on people.

    I remember when a UCC-1 filing was first used in court. It worked a few times, the DA's sent word to DC and all the courts got their orders.  Everything in all the courts today is controlled by a couple of organizations in DC - even the city courts.

    • not true.............. 

      • To what exactly are you referring?  Most courts will admit they answer to two agencies. The legislature for laws and DC for policy on procedure.

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