----Dedicated to Pursing God’s Will for the World----

The President's Authority to Wage War

If the President believes there is sufficient justification to invade another country, his action could appropriate or it could be a costly mistake. The decision to wage war should not be left for one man to decide.

The Constitution says that the President is the Commander in Chief when he is called into service by Congress. This means that he is not the Commander in Chief when he has not been called into service by a Congressional declaration of war.

Those that assume that the President has the authority to invade other nations without being authorized by Congress to do so are sadly mistaken.

Were our soldiers killed in Korea, Vietnam and defending our homeland or were they fighting a war of aggression to on foreign soil? They were killed by men that were defending their country from a foreign invader.

When we defend liberty on our soil we are justified, but when we invade other countries we are not. When we occupy other lands and take their things, we become the enemies of liberty and the authors of tyranny.

When our ancestors fought King George we called them Patriots, but when our enemies defend their homeland we call them terrorists. We consider Patrick Henry and Sam Adams courageous patriots, but we consider the men and women that resist tyranny today to be terrorists.

Killing innocent men, women and children is morally reprehensible no matter who does the killing and I don't believe that God is pleased when we violate his commandment to love one another.

In order to be a true disciple of the Savior, we can not support the waging of unjust wars. We must resist evil and respect the lives, liberty and property of everyone on the planet.

As long as our nation continues to employ this double standard the wars and bloodshed will continue. Would Jesus send food to the hungry or would he send bombs?

America is not and can not be a Christian nation as long as the people continue to worship at the alter of the mighty dollar. We need to be motivated by love and not greed.

The Constitution created a President that was to be an Executive not a Dictator, He was to enforce the will of the people through their Congressional Representatives. He was not anointed to be our King.

The President that we now have is exactly what Alexander Hamilton would have wanted. It is hard for me to believe that people that call themselves a devout Christian could take the position that wars of aggression are morally just.

As an individual you have a right to your life, your liberty and your property. You have a right to think,believe and do whatever you want as long as you respect the right of others to do the same.

We can not grant to our government the authority to violate the laws of nature and nature's God. If it is wrong for a man to steal, we can not authorize the government to steal. If we can not attack our neighbor, we can not authorize our government to attack their neighbors either.

All wars ultimately benefit the bankers. When we go to war the bankers reap enormous profits and the price is paid in blood by the soldiers and the innocent bystanders.

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