"This is what I can say as a voice of experience and someone who teaches at the college level.
They do not know sentence structure or grammar. Their comprehension is at a lower level, when I ask them what I just said, they look at me like a deer in the headlights. They do not know what kind of government we are supposed to have, nor do they know what the 1st and 2nd Amendments say, not do they know what the Declaration of Independence says, nor do they know that Obergefell and Roe are not law (no surprise, nor does anyone else, who doesn't comprehend that courts only write opinion.
They begin a sentence with 'Me' and even faculty cannot put a singular noun with a singular verb, nor do they know that the subject of a sentence cannot be the object of a prepositional phrase. I could go on, but many times, as I am forced to repeat and repeat, I know internally, that I could have done in 1st grade, what they cannot grasp as 20 year olds. This is what gov.co schools and Dept. of Ed. has done to our kids. That is why the currently older generation is so critical to our posterity, but what to do?
DeVos has not done much to change things that I can see. And parents are ignorantly complacent or complacently ignorant."
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"This is what I can say as a voice of experience and someone who teaches at the college level.
They do not know sentence structure or grammar. Their comprehension is at a lower level, when I ask them what I just said, they look at me like a deer in the headlights. They do not know what kind of government we are supposed to have, nor do they know what the 1st and 2nd Amendments say, not do they know what the Declaration of Independence says, nor do they know that Obergefell and Roe are not law (no surprise, nor does anyone else, who doesn't comprehend that courts only write opinion.
They begin a sentence with 'Me' and even faculty cannot put a singular noun with a singular verb, nor do they know that the subject of a sentence cannot be the object of a prepositional phrase. I could go on, but many times, as I am forced to repeat and repeat, I know internally, that I could have done in 1st grade, what they cannot grasp as 20 year olds. This is what gov.co schools and Dept. of Ed. has done to our kids. That is why the currently older generation is so critical to our posterity, but what to do?
DeVos has not done much to change things that I can see. And parents are ignorantly complacent or complacently ignorant."